A Convenient Christmas Bride

A Convenient Christmas Bride
О книге

Hitched for the HolidaysAfter a pupil's prank forces Anna Mae Leland to take shelter with a widowed sheriff during a blizzard, she loses her teaching job—but gains a fiancé. Josiah Miller needs a mother for his twin daughters and Anna Mae needs to protect her reputation. This business-only arrangement means the recently jilted Anna Mae need never risk the folly of love again.Josiah has long admired the town's spirited schoolteacher from afar. In close quarters, she's an ideal friend and helpmate. Yet Christmas's arrival brings a gift neither dared hope for—a second chance at love and happiness…but only if they'll forego what's practical and follow their hearts.


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Hitched for the Holidays

After a pupil’s prank forces Anna Mae Leland to take shelter with a widowed sheriff during a blizzard, she loses her teaching job—but gains a fiancé. Josiah Miller needs a mother for his twin daughters and Anna Mae needs to protect her reputation. This business-only arrangement means the recently jilted Anna Mae need never risk the folly of love again.

Josiah has long admired the town’s spirited schoolteacher from afar. In close quarters, she’s an ideal friend and helpmate. Yet Christmas’s arrival brings a gift neither dared hope for—a second chance at love and happiness…but only if they’ll forego what’s practical and follow their hearts.

“I’ve decided to take you up on your offer.

“But before I say yes, I want you to know that I was engaged once before. My fiancé left town the night before our wedding and broke my heart. I can’t take that type of heartbreak again, so know this…I most likely will never love you. At least not the way a wife should love her husband.” She breathed out heavily. “There. I’ve said it, so if you don’t want to marry me after hearing this, I understand.”

Josiah’s heart went out to Anna Mae for her loss. But still it felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. She didn’t want a real marriage, either. This was perfect. He laughed.

“You’re happy I won’t ever love you?”

“Yes. I want to be friends with you, but I can never love you the way I did my first wife.”

“Oh, I see.” Anna Mae nodded. “But I’d rather no one else knows that this is a marriage of convenience.”

He nodded in turn. Anna Mae laughed. “Good, then we can get married whenever you’re ready.”

Was it his imagination or did her laugh sound forced?

RHONDA GIBSON lives in New Mexico with her husband, James. She has two children and three beautiful grandchildren. Reading is something she has enjoyed her whole life and writing stemmed from that love. When she isn’t writing or reading, she enjoys gardening, beading and playing with her dog, Sheba. You can visit her at rhondagibson.net. Rhonda hopes her writing will entertain, encourage and bring others closer to God.

A Convenient

Christmas Bride

Rhonda Gibson


Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.

—1 Peter 5:6–7

To God be the Glory and to James who continues to believe in me.

Chapter One

Granite, Texas October 1887

Sheriff Josiah Miller peered out his cabin window into the darkness, searching for a plausible explanation for the uneasiness shivering down his spine. What had set off the warning bells in his body?

His twin daughters snuggled deeply under their covers, sleeping soundly on this cold winter’s night, and for that he was thankful. No worries on that front because he’d just checked on them. So what accounted for the dull disquiet that had him pacing the floor, looking out the window every few seconds?

They were in the midst of a fierce snowstorm and it was only October. Maybe that’s what had him skittish as an unbroken mare. Signs pointed to a harsh winter. He dreaded it. Lonely nights out in the cold could work on a man’s mind. He shrugged his shoulders in mock resignation.

Dratted snow! He blamed the white stuff for his dismal thoughts.

Josiah stopped pacing midstride and slowly turned back to the window. Snow swirled about, creating almost zero visibility. In spite of the fire that burned in the fireplace, he shivered, not only from the cold pressing against the glass but from the banshee-like wails of the wind.

On nights like this he missed Mary the most. If she were alive, Mary would be humming and the aroma of fresh baked bread would draw him to the kitchen. How often he’d slipped up behind her, slid his arms around her waist, kissing her, tickling her, till she cut him a slice. She’d scold him for his impatience, but always with a twinkle in her eyes that belied her words. She knew how to make a home cozy and warm; a place where he longed to be. Now, when it was too late, Josiah realized how much he missed her and the home they’d shared.

Perhaps he should begin looking for a wife so that his twin daughters wouldn’t have to grow up motherless. Raising them alone was hard. Finding a babysitter even harder. They needed a mother’s love and he needed help.

Shadowy movement beside the barn caught his attention. Josiah focused intently on the area. There. Right at the front edge by the door something moved again. His eyes weren’t deceiving him. What in the world could that be?

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