A Mother For His Family

A Mother For His Family
О книге

A Convenient ArrangementLady Helena Stanhope's reputation is in tatters…and she’s lost any hope for a “respectable” ton marriage. An arranged union is the only solution. But once Helena weds formidable Scottish widower John Gordon, Lord Ardoch, and encounters his four mischievous children, she's determined to help her new, ever-surprising family. Even if she's sure love is too much to ask for.All John needs is someone to mother his admittedly-unruly brood. He never imagined that beautiful Lady Helena would be a woman of irresistible spirit, caring and warmth. Or that facing down their pasts would give them so much in common. Now as danger threatens, John will do whatever it takes to convince Helena their future together—and his love—are for always.


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A Convenient Arrangement

Lady Helena Stanhope’s reputation is in tatters...and she’s lost any hope for a “respectable” ton marriage. An arranged union is the only solution. But once Helena weds formidable Scottish widower John Gordon, Lord Ardoch, and encounters his four mischievous children, she’s determined to help her new, ever-surprising family. Even if she’s sure love is too much to ask for.

All John needs is someone to mother his admittedly unruly brood. He never imagined that beautiful Lady Helena would be a woman of irresistible spirit, caring and warmth. Or that facing down their pasts would give them so much in common. Now, as danger threatens, John will do whatever it takes to convince Helena their future together—and his love—are for always.

“Why do you take my part, John?”

“You are my wife. I will always take your part.” He leveled Helena with his gaze. “I may not always agree with you, but I will stand beside you. No matter what you do.”

Helena blinked. John believed her. He truly believed her.

He pulled her to stand. In a gentle motion, he wrapped his arms around her, even though he had promised never to do that, even though she had sworn she would never let him. He left a proper distance between them, as if they were about to waltz, but this was nothing like a dance. This was an embrace. A true, real clasp of his arms around her back.

Helena closed her eyes. John smelled of starch and wood smoke and soap—so wonderful, she’d bottle the scent if she could and sprinkle it on everything she owned.

“’Tis all right, Helena,” he whispered. “You are safe...”

SUSANNE DIETZE began writing love stories in high school, casting her friends in the starring roles. Today, she’s blessed to be the author of over half a dozen historical romances. Married to a pastor, and mom of two, Susanne loves fancy-schmancy tea parties, cozy socks and curling up on the couch with a costume drama and a plate of nachos. You can find her online at www.susannedietze.com.

A Mother for His Family

Susanne Dietze


Therefore if any man be in Christ,

he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

—2 Corinthians 5:17

To Debra E. Marvin, with gratitude for your friendship, prayers and encouraging help. If I could thank you by taking you to the UK for scones and tea, I would. Instead, we’ll have to settle for Starbucks and a BBC costume drama, which isn’t so bad. Right?

With deep appreciation to my family; my editor, Emily Rodmell; and my agent, Tamela Hancock Murray. Thank you one and all, from the bottom of my heart.

Chapter One

Perthshire, Scotland, July 1819

With no warning, the rain-soaked ground underfoot gave way, and Lady Helena Stanhope slid backward into the mucky trench. Landing at the bottom of it, she lifted the mud-soaked shred of fabric where her snowy hem used to be and burst into laughter. What else could she do? At least she matched now, inside and out.

Ruined gowns befitted a ruined reputation.

“Are you injured?” Gemma Knox, Helena’s cousin by marriage, knelt at the edge of the ha-ha, some six feet up the slope from Helena. A naturalistic feature in the landscaping, the ha-ha prevented cattle and sheep from grazing too close to the house without impairing the view like a fence would—an obvious barrier to animals, but Helena had stumbled into it easily enough.

Even sheep were smarter than she.

“I’m well,” she called, her face upturned to the rain. She didn’t rise yet, though. Her right ankle throbbed. So did her pride, little of it though she had left.

Two boys with ginger-blond hair scurried down into the ha-ha with her. Young Petey Lyfeld’s freckles faded into his flushing cheeks. “My fault, Lady Helena. I didn’t mean to push you.”

“You shoved her?” Eddie, two years younger than Petey’s eight, gaped.

“No,” Helena said with a smile. “I stood too close to the edge to see the world’s largest earthworm and I fell, that’s all.”

Petey’s arm had bumped hers, but Helena didn’t blame the boy for knocking her off balance. Her unfortunate circumstances were her own fault—not just slipping into the ha-ha, but being banished to Scotland in the first place.

Even being out in the rain was her doing, because she’d been the one to suggest taking a walk to escape the tension in the house. The skies opened once they’d hiked a half mile or more, and now water dripped from the brim of her cork bonnet and the hem of her once-milky-white cloak. A glance at her ensemble assured her she was now brown-speckled as a goat. “Let’s climb out before we turn to mud.”

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