All sciences. №7, 2023. International Scientific Journal

All sciences. №7, 2023. International Scientific Journal
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The international scientific journal «All Sciences», created at OOO «Electron Laboratory» and the Scientific School «Electron», is a scientific publication that publishes the latest scientific results in various fields of science and technology, which is also a collection of publications on the above topics by a board of authors and reviewed by the editorial Board (academic Council) of the Scientific School «Electron» and on the Ridero platform monthly.

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Авторы: Aliyev Ibratjon Xatamovich, Mavlonov Paxlavon Ibroximovich, Qadirberganov Fozil Kudratovich, Sayitov Shavkatjon Samiddinovich, Saydaliyev Sardorbek Shavkatovich, Mamasodiqov Yusufjon, Ro'zibayev Navruz Doniyorovich

Editor-in-Chief Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

Illustrator Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

Illustrator Sultonali Mukaramovich Abduraxmonov

Illustrator Obbozjon Xokimovich Qo'ldashov

Cover design Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

Cover design Ra'noxon Mukaramovna Aliyeva

Acting Scientific Supervisor Sultonali Mukaramovich Abduraxmonov

Economic Manager Farruh Murodjonovich Sharofutdinov

Economic Consultant Botirali Rustamovich Jalolov

Proofreader Gulnoza Muxtarovna Sobirova

Proofreader Abdurasul Abdusoliyevich Ergashev

Proofreader Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Vavilova

© Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev, 2023

© Paxlavon Ibroximovich Mavlonov, 2023

© Fozil Kudratovich Qadirberganov, 2023

© Shavkatjon Samiddinovich Sayitov, 2023

© Sardorbek Shavkatovich Saydaliyev, 2023

© Yusufjon Mamasodiqov, 2023

© Navruz Doniyorovich Ro'zibayev, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-7377-7

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero



UDC 539.17

Aliyev Ibratjon Xatamovich

CEO of OOO «Electron Laboratory», President of the Electron Scientific School at OOO «Electron Laboratory»

OOO «Electron Laboratory», Scientific School «Electron», Margilan, Uzbekistan

Annotation. The existence of a wide variety of tasks that require their sudden solution on the scale of the planet, the state, regions and cities is not a secret today, so the question of finding new solutions in the energy field is also a very topical issue. It is worth saying that a large number of studies conducted in this direction in various industries for the purpose of searching led to quite interesting results, in the face of which it became possible to find not only the physics of resonant nuclear reactions, but also a completely new physics of neutron reactions. And it is also worth pointing out that the improvement of a large number of aspects of modern energy is reduced to obtaining various aspects along with conducting research in the field of atomic nucleus and elementary particle physics, as well as to conducting various kinds of experiments using accelerator technology. Along with the above, it is worth pointing out that such work is being carried out quite actively and gives certain results, which indicates the great relevance of research in this area, as well as, in particular, in the field of newly created neutron physics.

Keywords: science, neutron nuclear reactions, physics of resonant nuclear reactions, nuclear physics, nuclear reactions, power engineering, technological manifestation, neutron physics, neutron reactions, research, accelerator technology, neutron.

Аннотация. Наличие самых различных задач требующие своего скоропостижного решения в масштабах планеты, государства, областей и городов не является секретом на сегодняшний день, благодаря чему вопрос о нахождении новых решений в энергетической области также является весьма актуальным вопросом. Стоит сказать, что большое количество исследований проводимые в данном направлений по самым различным отраслям с целью поиска привели к достаточно интересным результатам, в лице которых стало возможно нахождение не только физики резонансных ядерных реакций, но и совершенно новой физики нейтронных реакций. А также стоит указать, что улучшение большого количества аспектов современной энергетики сводиться к получению различного рода аспектов наряду с проведением исследованием в области физики атомного ядра и элементарных частиц, а также к тому, что проводиться различного рода эксперименты с использованием ускорительной техники. Наряду с вышеуказанным стоит указать, что подобные работы производятся достаточно активно и дают определённые результаты, что говорит о большой актуальности проведения исследований в данной области, а также, в частности, в области ново созданной нейтронной физики.

Ключевые слова: наука, нейтронные ядерные реакции, физика резонансных ядерных реакций, ядерная физика, ядерные реакции, энергетика, технологическое проявление, нейтронная физика, нейтронные реакции, исследования, ускорительная техника, нейтрон.

There are a large number of very different ways of generating electric energy, through the use of thermal, wind, solar energy, which are already comparatively more popular in society for a long time of their use. There are also exotic ways of extracting this energy, an example of which may be the use of lightning energy, waves or earthquakes, do not forget about nuclear energy, which seemed to stand apart. However, this area, as it may seem, is likely to give quite interesting and promising results. The recently created physics of resonant nuclear reactions, based on the principle of bringing the reaction itself to a state of a certain resonance, which follows from the name, and to speak in more detail, in this case, the degree of monochromatization with the Coulomb barrier of the nucleus increases in the beam, which leads to an increase in the nuclear effective cross section for the entire reaction, as well as the percentage of the beam particles involved in the interaction for a particular exo-energy reaction.

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