Cody's Come Home

Cody's Come Home
О книге

Back where he belongsBad choices have dominated Cody Jordan’s life since leaving home ten years ago. Grieving a broken marriage and the death of his baby, he's back in his hometown of Accord, looking for redemption and a fresh start.Old friend Aiyana Pearce and her little girl are a breath of fresh air. Aiyana quickly steals his heart. Being with her reminds him of the man he once was and could be again. Cody’s not ready for a relationship, though—not yet. But when a threat to Aiyana’s life resurfaces, putting his heart on the line is the least of his worries.


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Back where he belongs

Bad choices have dominated Cody Jordan’s life since leaving home ten years ago. Grieving a broken marriage and the death of his baby, he’s back in his hometown of Accord, looking for redemption and a fresh start.

Old friend Aiyana Pearce and her little girl are a breath of fresh air. Aiyana quickly steals his heart. Being with her reminds him of the man he once was and could be again. Cody’s not ready for a relationship, though—not yet. But when a threat to Aiyana’s life resurfaces, putting his heart on the line is the least of his worries.

Cody Jordan.

Where on earth had he come from when Aiyana needed him most?

She hadn’t seen him in years, yet here he was in the middle of nowhere helping her out of the worst situation she’d ever been in.

Cody had rescued her once in adolescence and was rescuing her again. All these years later, Cody was about to become her hero...and she didn’t want that.

She needed to take control. She couldn’t afford to become swamped, overtaken by another man. Her ex-husband had taught her that lesson.

But, God, it was good to have Cody here to help. Those overwhelming feelings of despair that had haunted her all night had abated the second she’d recognized his voice.

“We need to move on,” she said.

He glanced up at her, those blue eyes of his as startling now as they had been all those years ago. But lurking in their depths was a new darkness he hid with his phony smile and fake grins.

Yes, Aiyana was glad to see him, but where was the Cody she used to know?

Dear Reader,

I’m fascinated with the passage of time and how it affects people, drawn in by whether they become better or worse once they enter the wide-open world of adulthood.

What happens to all of our bright promise as teenagers? Do we utilize it and grow into fine human beings? Or might we lose our way?

My hero, Cody, has lost his way and doesn’t have a clue how to return to the young boy who had such huge potential.

This is a redemption story about a couple who were not-quite-a-couple in high school, but had tremendous affection and respect for each other. My heroine, Aiyana, was too young for a relationship when Cody left to attend college. How could she have known he would come home ten years later as a lost stranger?

The second I wrote about these two adolescents in Always Emily, I loved both characters and knew I had to write their grown-up story. Cody was a great guy. What, I wondered, would happen if life changed him and left him cynical and unhappy?

Aiyana, the young girl who idolized him, wants to help him now as an adult, but has problems of her own. Maybe Cody isn’t the only one in this new relationship who needs help.

I truly enjoyed finding Cody’s and Aiyana’s happy ending and absolutely adored writing about Aiyana’s charming little daughter!

I love to hear from readers. Contact me through

Mary Sullivan

Cody’s Come Home

Mary Sullivan

A Canadian girl born and raised in a large city, MARY SULLIVAN loves to write about small towns, perhaps because of the countless hours spent as a child listening to her mother’s fascinating stories about her rural childhood. Since her days working in commercial darkrooms, Mary has gravitated toward careers that involve creativity. After a bit of a rural hiatus, Mary is back living in a large city again and loving it! Her interests are simple: exploring the city, cooking, entertaining, reading and taking long walks on nature trails. And puzzles! She can’t get enough of cryptic crosswords. She loves to hear from readers and can be reached through her website,, where readers can also sign up for her newsletter.


THE GUNSHOT EXPLODED against a tree so close to Aiyana Pearce that a woodchip seared her cheek.

She veered away, farther into the forest. She had no choice. Using bullets and her own fear against her, he’d bullied, hectored and directed her away from her normal route through the park.

Anger gripped her. She didn’t even know who her pursuer was.

Why was he doing this?

She’d just been minding her own business taking landscape photos...

Her biceps burned where the first bullet had cut through her jacket, sweater and long-sleeved top to bite into her like a swarm of wasps.

Heart hammering, legs burning, she ran for all she was worth. Only one thought slammed through her. Get away!

She stumbled on a root, grasped a tree trunk to steady herself and kept running.

Behind her, footsteps crashed through the undergrowth, but slower than hers. Or was that her imagination? She tried to listen, but couldn’t hear over her hammering heart.

Was he still chasing her?

Her pulse pounded. Her feet flew over rough terrain. She plowed through branches, flinging sticks and leaves every which way.

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