Dare She Date Again?

Dare She Date Again?
О книге

DARE SHE DATE AGAIN?Single mum and paramedic Samantha Doxtator was broken-hearted after losing her husband. Now she’s finally following her dream to become an air ambulance pilot… after mentoring paramedic trainee George Atavik! Since nearly losing his life in a plane crash George doesn’t hold back on life – or on the sparks flying between him and Samantha. Does she dare risk her fragile heart for one last chance at happiness?

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She knew what was happening. She was in his arms … their lips were together.

He was kissing her and she wasn’t fighting.

God help her, but she loved being in his arms, melting.

Though she should stop it, she couldn’t. She didn’t want to stop it.

She wanted to savor this moment. To take it with her when they went their separate ways.

It doesn’t have to be separate ways.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered breathlessly against her neck. “I shouldn’t.”

“No, you should.” She kissed him again. “There don’t have to be promises, George. Let’s just have this time and see what happens.”

“Samantha, if you touch me again … if you look at me a certain way … I may forget that we aren’t together. I may forget that we’re only supposed to be friends.”

“So then forget that.” She kissed him. “Give me this. Please.”

He’d come to her door tonight. He’d opened up. And maybe nothing would continue once they got up north, but she couldn’t resist him.

The kiss deepened, his tongue melding with hers, his hands in her hair as he pressed her against her couch, his hands traveling up and down her body, chest to chest, but not skin to skin, which was what she wanted.

Samantha grinned as he scooped her up, holding her in his strong arms.

If she didn’t do this, she’d regret it.

And she was tired of living with regrets.

Thank you for picking up a copy of DARE SHE DATE AGAIN?

You might recognise the hero, George Atavik, from my debut Mills & Boon Medical Romance™, SAFE IN HIS HANDS.

George was such a charming, interesting character. I knew from the very first moment he walked onto the page in my first book, spouting nonsense about his love of Westerns and his love of planes, that he would have to have his own book.

Of course I wasn’t going to make it easy for George. He had to work hard for his story, and for the heroine Samantha—but then love is never easy, even after it’s won.

I love stories of second chances, even if that second chance is with someone different. Sometimes love ends too quickly when our loved one is taken from us, either through death or drifting apart. Still, love always seems to find a way.

I hope you enjoy DARE SHE DATE AGAIN?, and I hope I’ve done justice to George’s story.

I love hearing from readers, so please drop by my website, www.amyruttan.com, or give me a shout on Twitter @ruttanamy.

With warmest wishes

Amy Ruttan

Born and raised on the outskirts of Toronto, Ontario, AMY RUTTAN fled the big city to settle down with the country boy of her dreams. When she’s not furiously typing away at her computer she’s mom to three wonderful children, who have given her another job as a taxi driver.

A voracious reader, she was given her first romance novel by her grandmother, who shared her penchant for a hot romance. From that moment Amy was hooked by the magical worlds, handsome heroes and sigh-worthy romances contained in the pages, and she knew what she wanted to be when she grew up.

Life got in the way, but after the birth of her second child she decided to pursue her dream of becoming a romance author.

Amy loves to hear from readers. It makes her day, in fact. You can find out more about Amy at her website: www.amyruttan.com

Dare She Date Again?

Amy Ruttan


This book is dedicated to my editor, Laura McCallen, who believed in this book and who believes in me. Thank you for all you do.

JUST ONE MORE training session.

Another two months. That was it.

Samantha Doxtator took a deep breath and looked at the roster. She only had to mentor one more paramedic in training and she could leave her Health Air training job behind and move on to their air program in Thunder Bay.

Thunder Bay was her dream. She’d bought a house there. She’d finally give her son the life he deserved and best of all she’d be in the air, saving lives.

She walked over to where the dispatcher, Lizzie Bathurst, was handing out the prospective paramedics’ files to their mentors.

“Morning, Lizzie.”

Lizzie didn’t say anything, but that wasn’t unusual for her.

“So who am I mentoring for this last session?” Samantha asked eagerly, putting the emphasis on the word “last” as she clapped her hands and rubbed them together.

She was so ready to move up to Thunder Bay now. Most of her family had relocated up there when her father had died. In the north, her son Adam could grow up with cousins. He’d have a yard to play in instead of a patio off a ground-floor apartment.

Adam would be able to run and play outside, like she had been able to do when she’d been a kid growing up out in the country.

Adam may not have his dad any more, but he’d have a great, love-filled childhood. Thunder Bay had been her and her late husband’s dream since they’d started training to become paramedics fourteen years ago.

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