Family of Her Dreams

Family of Her Dreams
О книге

A Family to CherishHeadstrong Tess Grimsby loves her new job caring for the children of a recently widowed man. But she never imagined that she'd fall for her handsome employer. Yet Spencer Abbott is as caring as he is attractive, and Tess can't help but feel for him and his family. Though, for the sake of her job, she'll keep any emotions about her boss to herself.Between his stationmaster responsibilities in a gold-rush town and trying to put his family back together, Spencer has his hands full. He soon finds his new hire's kind personality warming his frosty exterior. But could he ever admit to seeing her as more than just an employee?


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A Family to Cherish

Headstrong Tess Grimsby loves her new job caring for the children of a recently widowed man. But she never imagined that she’d fall for her handsome employer. Yet Spencer Abbott is as caring as he is attractive, and Tess can’t help but feel for him and his family. Though, for the sake of her job, she’ll keep any emotions about her boss to herself.

Between his stationmaster responsibilities in a gold-rush town and trying to put his family back together, Spencer has his hands full. He soon finds his new hire’s kind personality warming his frosty exterior. But could he ever admit to seeing her as more than just an employee?

“Your most recent employer said you have a tendency to speak your mind. Is that true?”

That was a more tactful description of her supposed failings than the domineering man had used when he dismissed her. “I have opinions, but doesn’t everyone?”

His blond brows rose, and he pressed a fist to his mouth. She thought she saw his lips twitch for an instant, and it gave her hope, but when he pulled his hand away, the frown was there as before. “Can you cook?”

“I assume you mean can I cook well, and the answer is yes. I can keep house, do laundry, sew, garden and care for animals, too. But the most important thing is that I’ll do all I can to help your children through this difficult time.”

He folded his arms and took his time studying her, as though she was a horse or a milk cow. Well, two could play that game. Tess tilted her chin and let her gaze rove over his fine features, drinking her fill.

At length he nodded. “I’ll give you one week.”

In her experience, overbearing men like Spencer Abbott responded to a show of force. “How generous—but entirely unnecessary. I’ll prove my worth to you in a day.”

Award-winning author KELI GWYN, a native Californian, transports readers to the early days of the Golden State. She and her husband live in the heart of California’s Gold Country. Her favorite places to visit are her fictional worlds, historical museums and other Gold Rush–era towns. Keli loves hearing from readers and invites you to visit her Victorian-style cyberhome at, where you’ll find her contact information.

Family of Her Dreams

Keli Gwyn

A man’s heart deviseth his way:

but the Lord directeth his steps.

— Proverbs 16:9

For my mother, Patricia Lannon, who instilled a love of reading in me at an early age, introduced me to Mills & Boon romances when I was a teen and rejoiced with me when my dream of writing for their Love Inspired Historical line came true.

Chapter One

July 1866 Shingle Springs, California

“Look out, ma’am!”

Tess Grimsby jumped back to avoid a fellow about fifteen pulling a baggage cart with far too much speed for the bustling rail station. She collided with a mother herding her four youngsters, causing the weary-looking woman to drop her wicker basket. Several children’s books slid across the wooden platform.

“My apologies. I didn’t mean to bump into you.” Tess stooped to pick up the books that had landed at her feet.

The woman made sure her children were all right, dropped to her knees and reached for a copy of Little Bo-Peep. “It wasn’t your fault.” She scowled at the baggage handler. “He needs to watch where he’s going.”

The young man parked his cart beside the baggage car and sprinted over to them. “Sorry ’bout that. It’s my first day on the job, and my boss said to hurry. I’ve got to make a good impression.” He grinned, reminding Tess of one of the many boys she’d befriended when she lived at the orphanage.

She smiled. “No harm was done.”

A man with a voice as rich as Belgian chocolate addressed the teen. “Be more careful next time. Getting the baggage moved quickly is important, but Mr. Flynn wouldn’t want you to endanger our passengers, nor would I.”

“Right, sir.” The lad left.

“Come, children. We need to get home.” The mother took the books Tess had gathered, muttered something about troublesome teens and hustled her children across the crowded platform.

Tess slid her satchel back on her shoulder, straightened and found herself face-to-face with a broad-shouldered, golden-haired gentleman. He was younger than any of the men she’d worked for—and far more handsome with his strong chin and arresting sky-blue eyes, currently clouded with sadness. If he was Mr. Abbott—the widower she’d come to see—she could understand.

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