Flirting with Fireworks

Flirting with Fireworks
О книге

IT'S ALL IN THE CARDSI One glimpse of her impossibly long legs and Mayor Jason Strong knew trouble had just i arrived in Blossom, Texas. Her name was Lady Pandora–and she claimed she could predict the future. Even though he didn't buy the beautiful gypsy's phony claim, he couldn't help wondering if her kisses could alter the course of his future….. IT'S ALL IN HIS EYESCherry Cooper, otherwise known as Lady Pandora, had her reasons for coming to Blossom, and they didn't involve falling under the spell of a sexy cowboy and his adorable little girl. But unfortunately, her psychic powers seemed to pale in comparison to the seductive power of love…

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“So, what’s this news you have for me?”

Jason smiled. “What, you can’t read my mind?”

“Oh, so you want to play? Reading minds isn’t really one of my talents, but I’m willing to give it a try if you’re willing to chance it.”

Desire lit up his eyes. Jason took a step forward, the warrior in him not afraid of the dare in her posture.

Skin touched skin. And pow. Cherry felt his heat, his muscles coil as he braced his body, then the scent of him. Her lips against his cheek, the softness of skin, the harshness of bristles.

The reality of love.

Her system absorbed the shock even as her mind opened and her senses flared. Cherry knew, just knew, in that moment that this man, this near stranger, was her soul mate.

Fear and denial rose up fast and hard.

Oh, no. No. No! She turned and ran, not caring who saw or what impression she left behind her. She was running for her life.

Dear Reader,

Working with talented writers is one of the most rewarding aspects of my job. And I’m especially pleased with this month’s lineup because these four authors capture the essence of Silhouette Romance. In their skillful hands, you’ll literally feel as if you’re riding a roller coaster as you experience all the trials and tribulations of true love.

Start off your adventure with Judy Christenberry’s The Texan’s Reluctant Bride (#1778). Part of the author’s new LONE STAR BRIDES miniseries, a career woman discovers what she’s been missing when Mr. Wrong starts looking an awful lot like Mr. Right. Patricia Thayer continues her LOVE AT THE GOODTIME CAFÉ with Familiar Adversaries (#1779). In this reunion romance, the hero and heroine come from feuding families, but they’re about to find out there really is just a thin line separating hate from love! Stop by the BLOSSOM COUNTY FAIR this month for Teresa Carpenter’s Flirting with Fireworks (#1780). Just don’t get burned by the sparks that fly when a fortune-teller’s love transforms a single dad. Finally, Shirley Jump rounds out the month with The Marine’s Kiss (#1781). When a marine wounded in Afghanistan returns home, he winds up helping a schoolteacher restore order to her classroom…but finds her wreaking havoc to his heart!

And be sure to watch for more great romances next month when Judy Christenberry and Susan Meier continue their miniseries.

Happy reading,

Ann Leslie Tuttle

Associate Senior Editor

Flirting with Fireworks

Blossom County Fair

Teresa Carpenter

To Chris, Judy and Jill. Thanks for sharing my vision.

To Mom and Bud, for supporting my dream from the very beginning.

And to the Wednesday night critique group, including Terry Blain who answered my last-minute call for help.

You ladies are the greatest.

Books by Teresa Carpenter

Silhouette Romance

Daddy’s Little Memento #1716

Flirting with Fireworks #1780

Silhouette Special Edition

The Baby Due Date #1260


is a fifth-generation Californian who currently lives amid the chaos of her family in San Diego. She loves living there because she can travel for thirty minutes and be either in the mountains or at the beach. She began her love affair with romances in the seventh grade when she talked her mother into buying her a category romance; she and romance have been together ever since.

Teresa has worked in the banking and mortgage industry for fifteen years. When not working or writing, she likes to spend time with her nieces and nephew, go to the movies and read. A member of RWA/San Diego, she has participated on the chapter board in numerous positions, including president, VP Programs, newsletter editor and conference coordinator. She is especially proud of having received the chapter’s prestigious Barbara Faith award.


The Buzz About Town by Harriet Hearsay

The carnies are coming! The carnies are coming!

Have you chosen your side in the biggest controversy to hit Blossom since the feud over whose mutt impregnated Minnie Dressler’s miniature poodle, Poopsie? Mayor Jason Strong has confirmed the carnival will be in the fair this year. But don’t you know the good mayor wants no chance of a repeat of the Swindle? So if you’re wanting to know if there’s a love interest coming into your life, flip to the astrology page, because there will be no fortune-teller at the fair this year!


Cherry Cooper leaned into the curve, taking it low and tight. Hot wind whipped past her as she opened her cycle up on the straightaway and throttled down. She loved the power and speed, loved that both were under her control.

She savored the moment in a world suddenly out of sync. Especially as every mile under her tires brought her closer to Blossom City, Texas.

A sense of unease caused her to slow down as she approached the outskirts of the city. Being psychic, Cherry paid attention to her senses.

She looked inward to determine if the feeling had to do with the city or her emotions in eventually losing her grandmother to this place.

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