Flirting with Trouble

Flirting with Trouble
О книге

Publicist Marnie Roberts knows bad days–and today is the worst. A ruined suit, a broken heel… and her client just shot a man. Even worse: the victim is the father of a man Marnie knows a little too well….Eight years ago Marnie experienced seven days of bliss with Australian horse trainer Daniel Whittleson. But after good times, hot sex and what she thought was true love, Daniel disappeared without a goodbye. Now Marnie is going Down Under to defend her trigger-happy client…and finally confront the man she's never been able to forget.

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Dear Reader,

I always have a lot of fun when I join other authors to write a series, but that fun is doubled when the subject matter is near and dear to my heart. My family tree has very deep roots in Kentucky, and I currently live right in horse country. I drive past Thoroughbred farms no matter my destination, because they are literally right up and down the road from me. Our state’s slogan is “Unbridled spirit,” and the reason for that is obvious to anyone who’s ever watched one of those majestic animals run. They are joy personified. Horsified. You know what I mean.

I tried to capture both my affection for Kentucky and my admiration of Thoroughbreds when I wrote Flirting with Trouble. And I hope I captured the flavor of Australia, too, for the parts of the book that take place in that wonderful country. Daniel Whittleson is like many horsemen I’ve encountered in his love for the animal, and he’s like many heroes I’ve created in his love for Marnie Roberts. Marnie, too, was delightful to write, because she embodies the hopes and fears of everywoman and she rises to face those hopes and fears with the same sort of bravery.

Best wishes,

Elizabeth Bevarly

Flirting with Trouble

Elizabeth Bevarly


is a RITA Award-nominated author of more than sixty works of contemporary romance. Her books regularly appear on the USA TODAY bestseller list and the Waldenbooks bestseller lists for romance and mass-market paperbacks. Her novel The Thing About Men hit the New York Times extended bestseller list, as well. Her novels have been published in more than two dozen languages and three dozen countries, and there are more than ten million copies in print worldwide. She currently lives in a small town in her native Kentucky with her husband and son. Visit her online at

For everyone who has roots in the Bluegrass State,

whether homegrown or transplanted. Unbridled spirit indeed.

Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Elizabeth Bevarly for her contribution to the Thoroughbred Legacy series.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen


Chapter One

As he settled his hand on the corral gate and shot his gaze over virtually miles of white plank fencing that crisscrossed and enclosed Quest Stables, it occurred to Daniel Whittleson that a June morning in Kentucky was about as close to heaven as a man could find. And this was only the first of the month. Sure, the dogwoods and redbuds had stopped blooming by now, but the surly spring weather had mellowed into steady blue skies and balmy breezes, and the smothering heat of July and August was still weeks away. The colts of Quest Stables, where he was senior trainer, were confident and playful by now, and they’d discovered the joys of losing themselves to running. A handful of them were doing that now, at the farthest edge of the pasture beyond the corral. The elegant, shallow hills of Woodford County were awash in the deep green of the bluegrass, dotted here and there with copses of broad, leafy sugar maples and towering oaks. At not quite 7:00 a.m., the sun had just crested one of those hills, tinting the sky with a mellow pink and orange and spilling a wide trail of luscious gold across the pasture.

There must be something about the curvature of the earth at this latitude that made the sunlight do that, Daniel thought. He’d lived and traveled all over the world, and he’d never seen the land glow the way it did in Kentucky when the sun’s rays were at their longest. He ran a work-roughened hand through his hair, noting without much surprise that he was way overdue for a cut. Then he lifted the gate’s handle and entered the corral, whistling for the chestnut stallion on the other side. The horse’s ears stitched forward as he whinnied his objection to being interrupted in his own enjoyment of the morning, then he obediently, though reluctantly, trotted across the corral to where Daniel stood. The horse, Flirting with Trouble, certainly lived up to his name.

He was a spirited two-year-old Daniel was hoping to whip into shape by next year’s Kentucky Derby, but so far, Trouble wasn’t cooperating. For now, Daniel worked mostly on winning the animal’s trust and forging a bond between them. He was confident Trouble would come around. Eventually. Daniel was a firm believer in the old adage about good things coming to those who waited.

Summer wasn’t the busiest time of the year for Thoroughbred trainers, but neither was it in any way slow. This year’s Derby and Preakness were over—both won handily by Leopold’s Legacy, a Quest Thoroughbred, Daniel thought smugly—but the Belmont Stakes were less than two weeks away. And if things went the way they were supposed to, Leopold’s Legacy would take that race, too, making him only the twelfth horse in history to earn the Triple Crown.

Daniel hadn’t trained Legacy himself, though. That honor had fallen to Robbie Preston, whose family owned Quest Stables, the first of many major wins the young trainer would doubtless see in his life—provided he got over his impatience and learned to handle the pressures that came with the job. Although Daniel wouldn’t be part of the group accompanying the horse to New York, he still had plenty to keep him busy on the farm. Which was good, because he thrived on the extra work. Hell, work was what kept him going. Work was the only thing he knew. Well, work and horses. Those he knew better than he did even a lot of people.

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