Her Amazing Boss!: The Daredevil Tycoon

Her Amazing Boss!: The Daredevil Tycoon
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The Daredevil Tycoon What if…a conservative young woman is offered the challenge of a lifetime? What if…she’s paired with thrillseeking, sexy sportsman Rafael Sandoval in a weeklong hotairballoon race with a fiftythousanddollar prize? Lights, Camera…Kiss the BossIf hotshot TV producer Daniel Arnot nails this new show, a promotion’s in the bag. He needs something – someone – special to smash the ratings, and she’s just walked through the door. But Ava Lange is a gardener, not a presenter, and she’s not too impressed by blastfromherpast Dan’s attempt to persuade her otherwise! At the Boss’s Beck and CallA gorgeous Italian should be just the thing to liven up Lara’s working life. Except this beautiful specimen of a man is not only her new boss, he’s the last person she ever expected to see again – and the father of her child! How is Lara supposed to tell him about their daughter? He’s asked her to step into his office, but his mind is in the bedroom!

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Her Amazing Boss!

The Daredevil Tycoon

Barbara McMahon

Lights, Camera … Kiss the Boss

Nikki Logan

At the Boss’s Beck and Call

Anna Cleary


The Daredevil


Barbara McMahon

To John Wright,

who shared so much about hot-air ballooning

it makes me want to take a ride.

Thank you!


AMALIA Catalon set the coffee tray down on the low table between the sofa and the visitor chairs. The two men were in deep discussion, hardly noticing her. She stepped back, wondering if her boss needed anything else. A quick glance out the window showed the storm that had been threatening had arrived. Sheets of rain slid down the windows. It was so overcast it looked like dusk, though it was only late afternoon. She could hardly see the sea. Sighing softly, she regretted the wet walk she would have to take to get the bus and then again after her stop for the three blocks to the flat. She’d be soaked and cold by the time she reached home tonight.

Still, it couldn’t be helped. She had an umbrella, but the way the wind was driving the rain, she knew it would offer little shelter.

“Ha, in your dreams,” Stefano Vicente said, laughing sardonically at something his business rival had said.

Amalia turned to look at Rafael Sandoval. What had he said to cause her boss’s outburst? Not that Stefano Vicente was the most complacent man. She’d worked for his firm more than seven years, and the last three of those for the head man himself. She knew how quickly he flew off the handle if aggravated.

“Care to wager fifty grand on it?” Rafael asked easily. He leaned back casually in the chair, watching his rival with calculating eyes. Amalia moved back a bit, preparing to leave, watching Rafael Sandoval warily. Despite being a trust-fund baby, Rafael had developed a thriving import-export business that was a major player in the Mediterranean area and was now moving globally, with offices around the world. He worked hard and played hard. Young to have achieved so much, he had the arrogance that went with amazing success. When he walked into the office, she always felt a bit in awe. He wasted no time with chitchat with a lowly employee. He knew his worth, and his time was valuable. Still, twice over the past several months she’d caught him studying her. When she’d met his gaze, he’d winked and looked away.

She watched him every chance she got—he was mesmerizing, fascinating. But if ever he caught her staring at him, she would be mortified.

“You’re on. And I’ll delight in taking your check,” Stefano replied with an arrogance equal to Rafael’s. Amalia shifted her gaze to her boss. In his late fifties, he was always looking for new challenges to prove to the world he was still in top form. What was it about men that they had to constantly be in competition with each other?

“You’re mistaken, it’s I who will delight in taking yours,” Rafael retorted. Mid thirties, and gorgeous to boot, Rafael Sandoval had risen in the ranks of important men in Barcelona with meteoric speed, which was why she’d seen him numerous times over the last three years. The only men her boss dealt with were the city’s high rollers. She would also bet her last Euro that Rafael had never paid enough attention to her to recognize her on the street. A quick glance, eyes trailing over her trim figure, and then he’d move on.

Stefano picked up a cup of the hot coffee and poured cream in it, stirring gently. When the small ritual was complete, he looked at Rafael.

“You have only been ballooning a couple of years. You’re a fool to think you can outrace me. I’ve been doing it for more than a decade.”

“I’m a quick learner,” Rafael said.

His easy grin captivated Amalia’s attention. What would it be like to have him smile at her that way?

“Or is that your way of trying to get out of the wager we just made?” Rafael taunted.

“I’m not trying to get out of anything,” Stefano protested. “It’ll be easy money.”

“As will the deal we’re about to sign. You are signing, are you not?”

Stefano looked at the contract that lay on the low table in front of him. “Should I have my attorneys review it once more?”

“They’ve had it for a week. Nothing’s changed.”

“So you say.”

Rafael’s easy manner dropped in a heartbeat. He narrowed his eyes as he studied Stefano. He said slowly, “So I do say. Do you doubt my word?” The silky tone of his voice belied the anger that showed in the clenched jaw, the flashing dark eyes. He would not be an adversary Amalia would want.

Stefano shrugged and sipped his coffee. After a swallow that had Amalia wondering if he was playing with fire to delay his answer, he deliberately put the cup back on the saucer.

“I do not doubt your word. It’s not a small deal that can be brushed away if it fails,” Stefano explained.

“It will not fail,” Rafael replied.

Stefano stared at Rafael for a long moment, then nodded. He took his pen and signed both sets of papers with a flourish.

Rafael wasn’t quick to relax. Amalia almost held her breath as the drama played out before her. Both men had forgotten she was in the room. She dare not move for worry of drawing their attention. She wished she could just ease out the door and be gone.

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