Holly And Mistletoe

Holly And Mistletoe
О книге

A storm had claimed her apartment and now Holly Garrett was without a home for the holidays.But just when she saw her plans for Christmas crumbling, a miracle came her way. The handsome firefighter who'd saved her and her cat–and who'd injured himself in the rescue–was now asking her for help. And he was inviting her to live with him.Sure, she could cook and clean for him while he recuperated, but was that really all he wanted? Jordan Haynes couldn't let Holly be alone for Christmas–not when she brought out his every protective instinct. No, he could play the needy patient as well as anyone…and just maybe he could convince her to keep him company through the holidays–if not longer.

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“Haven’t you heard about the infamous Haynes brothers?”

Jordan asked.

Holly shrugged. “Only rumors.”

“Four generations of heartbreakers. Three generations of philandering men and bitter women. Unfortunately, we have a natural ability to attract women.”

She raised her chin slightly. “I hadn’t noticed. Oh, what I meant was—” She paused.

He waited, wondering what she would say. Would she claim to be completely unaffected by him, and if she did, would be believe her?

“I’m sorry,” she finally said. “I really should be going.”

He turned slightly. It would be easy to pull her close. Easy to draw her into his arms an kiss her until she forgot where and who she was. He might hate that part of himself, but like his brothers, he was every inch a Haynes. He knew how to seduce a woman….

SUSAN MALLERY is the USA TODAY bestselling and award-winning author of over fifty books for Harlequin and Silhouette Books. She makes her home in the Los Angeles area with her handsome prince of a husband and her two adorable-but-not-bright cats.

Holly and Mistletoe

Susan Mallery


To Barbara Zeiger.

I was determined to give you a second firefighter to fall in love with, and here he is. Enjoy! With love and thanks, for the years of friendship.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen


Chapter One

The woman sitting next to him clung to his hand as if she were afraid he would bolt. Her eyes were closed, and her lips moved in silent conversation. Long blond hair tumbled over her shoulders and brushed against their joined fingers.

Jordan Haynes recognized the sights and smells of the hospital. He recognized that the faint blurring at the edges of his mind meant he’d been given a strong painkiller. But he didn’t recognize the woman. Still, it was damn nice of her to be so concerned, whoever she was.

She dropped her head slightly, and her hair slipped onto his wrist. Cool silk, he thought, wishing he had the strength to raise his free hand and touch the pale strands. His arm felt as if it had been pinned down by an elephant, although he knew it was just weakness that made him unable to move. So instead of touching her hair, he turned his attention to her face.

She had freckles across the tops of her cheeks and on her nose. Freckles. He grimaced. Her wide mouth tilted up at the corners. Except for the mascara darkening her lashes, she didn’t wear makeup. He would bet fifty bucks that her eyes were blue and that she’d been a cheerleader in high school. She looked wholesome enough to be in a milk commercial. So what was she doing in his hospital room?

Her hair continued to stroke his skin. The soft, erotic touch had his mind producing fantasies his weakened body had no chance of fulfilling. At least not any time in the near future.

He tugged his hand free of her grasp. Instantly her eyes opened. Yup. Dark blue. He owed himself fifty bucks. As soon as he got out of here, he would pay up.

The woman smiled. Her pink lips parted, exposing white teeth and a smile so pleased, she might have just won the lottery.

“You’re awake,” she said, then took hold of his fingers again. The smile broadened. “I’m thrilled. The nurse said you were going to be fine, but I was worried. How do you feel? Any pain? Do you want some water?”

He tried to speak and realized his throat was scratchy. He coughed. Before he was done, the woman had stood up, reached for a small plastic pitcher and poured some water into a glass. She slipped one arm behind his shoulders, then raised the glass to his lips.

“Sip slowly,” she said.

He obliged. When he’d finished half the cup, he nodded to indicate he was done. She set the glass on the table beside his bed, then returned to her seat. This time she clasped his hand in both of hers. Before he could extricate himself, she leaned forward and pressed their joined hands against her chest.

That got his attention. While she’d been standing, he’d gathered a quick impression of curves. Awe-inspiring curves. She had the kind of breasts that made up every adolescent boy’s fantasies. Right now his wrist nestled between them while the knuckle of his index finger brushed against the base of her throat. It didn’t matter that her loose sweatshirt was hardly seductive. As far as he was concerned, they could spend the rest of the day in this position.

Then he noticed her blue eyes darkening with emotion, and he had the uncomfortable feeling she might be fighting tears. Dear God, anything but that.

“Who are you?” he asked gruffly.

The woman stopped blinking and smiled again. “I’m Holly Garrett.” She made the announcement as if that cleared up everything.

He didn’t know any Holly Garrett, although judging by the way she was staring at him—as if he’d single-handedly saved the world—she obviously knew him.

Great. Either the painkillers were doing strange things to him, or he was losing his mind.

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