Husband By The Hour

Husband By The Hour
О книге

ROOM FOR HIREHannah Pace needed a pretend husband–fast! She lied to her long-lost mother about being married, and now she had to produce the groom. So she hired hometown bad boy Nick Archer. Though he wasn't every mother's dream, he sure was Hannah's hottest fantasy …Trouble was, Nick relished the part a bit too much. Dizzying kisses, heated glances, tender touches. Minute by minute, Nick's paid performance was feeling all too real. And soon Hannah wanted him to be a husband for life …

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Hannah Pace needed a pretend husband—fast! She lied to her long—lost mother about being married, and now she had to produce the groom. So she hired hometown bad boy Nick Archer. Though he wasn’t every mother’s dream, he sure was Hannah’s hottest fantasy….

Trouble was, Nick relished the part a bit too much. Dizzying kisses, heated glances, tender touches. Minute by minute, Nick’s paid performance was feeling all too real. And soon Hannah wanted him to be a husband for life….

Husband by the Hour

Susan Mallery

“W-What are you doing?” Hannah gasped.

As she’d reached for her mascara, Nick had pulled off his T-shirt. Now she stared, openmouthed, at his bare-chested reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Nick’s expression was carefully blank. “We don’t have much time before we meet your mother. I was going to shower so we wouldn’t be late. Unless, of course, I’m bothering you.”

Hannah forced herself to concentrate on darkening her eyelashes. If her hired husband didn’t mind getting naked in front of her, she refused to mind watching. “Be my guest.”

She calmly reminded herself that she knew what the male form looked like.

Which didn’t stop her from nearly poking herself in the eye when Nick dropped his briefs.

Heat rippled through her belly, making her thighs quake.

Dressed, Nick Archer was handsome enough to take her bream away.

Naked…he was borderline illegal!

To my readers—with heartfelt thanks for the wonderful support

Dear Reader,

May is a time of roses, romance…and Silhouette Special Edition! Spring is in full bloom, and love is in the air for all to enjoy. And our lineup for this month reflects the wonder of spring. Our THAT SPECIAL WOMAN! title, Husband by the Hour, is a delightful spin-off of Susan Mallery’s HOMETOWN HEARTBREAKERS series. It’s the story of a lady cop finding her family…as well as discovering true love! And Joan Elliott Pickart continues her FAMILY MEN series this month with the frolicking Texas Dawn—the tale of a spirited career girl and a traditional Texas cowboy.

Not to be missed is Tracy Sinclair’s warm and tender Please Take Care of Willie. This book is the conclusion to Tracy’s CUPID’s LITTLE HELPERS series about matchmaking kids. And speaking of kids…The Lady and the Sheriff is Sharon De Vita’s latest heartwarming installment of her SILVER CREEK COUNTY miniseries. This story features Louie, the kid who won readers’ hearts!

May is also the month that celebrates Mother’s Day. Cheryl Reavis has written a story that is sure to delight readers. Her FAMILY BLESSINGS series continues with Mother To Be. This story is about what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object…and deep, abiding love results.

Finally, we round off the month by welcoming historical author Barbara Benedict to Silhouette Special Edition. She makes her contemporary debut with the lighthearted Rings, Roses…and Romance.

I hope you have a wonderful month of May!


Tara Gavin,

Senior Editor

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“Susan Mallery dazzles. Her stories are unforgettable. Her fans are legion. If you haven’t read her yet, you must!”

—bestselling author Suzanne Forster

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“Ms. Mallery treats the reader to wonderful characters with a gift for snappy dialogue, splashes of humor and the ability to love and learn.”

—Romantic Times

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“Ms. Mallery’s characters are superbly portrayed—there is no way you can remain uninvolved….”


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“…Susan Mallery is a star on the rise.”

—author Kathleen Kane

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HOMETOWN HEARTBREAKERS: These heartstoppin’ hunks are rugged, ready and able to steal your heart….

“You need to get out of town,” Captain Rodriguez said.

Nick Archer leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temple. “You think I don’t know that? Easier said than done.”

He was lying. Leaving wasn’t so hard. He’d done it a million times. He just left. What held him back this time was the fact that he couldn’t think of a single place to go. Hell of a situation for a man to find himself in.

Rodriguez turned toward his computer terminal and touched a few buttons. “They’re getting closer, Nick. If they blow your cover, you’re dead in less than four hours. Southport Beach is too small to keep you safe. Leave the city. Leave Southern California.”

“Yeah, I will.” Just as soon as he figured out where he was going. May was a nice month just about anywhere. Maybe Vegas. He could get real lost there and not surface for days. “I’ll let you know when I get there,” he continued. “And I’ll make sure I’m close to a phone.”

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