Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity
О книге

THE WRONG TARGETWhen Trinity Miller’s attacked by a man who mistakenly believes she’s Mason Gains’s girlfriend, the reclusive prosthetic maker is forced from seclusion to rescue her. And he soon learns someone’s determined to get information on one of his clients—information they’re willing to kill for. Now the ex-army pilot has to find a way to take down the men on their trail…and make sure Trinity survives. When Trinity arrived at Mason’s isolated home to convince him to help her friend’s son, her plans didn’t include going on the run with him. But Trinity must work with Mason to outwit their pursuers…or risk losing both their lives.


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When Trinity Miller’s attacked by a man who mistakenly believes she’s Mason Gains’s girlfriend, the reclusive prosthetic maker is forced from seclusion to rescue her. And he soon learns someone’s determined to get information on one of his clients—information they’re willing to kill for. Now the former army pilot has to find a way to take down the men on their trail...and make sure Trinity survives. When Trinity arrived at Mason’s isolated home to convince him to help her friend’s son, her plans didn’t include going on the run with him. But Trinity must work with Mason to outwit their pursuers...or risk losing both their lives.

Dear Reader,

When I have goal, I go after it with dogged determination. This is great when my plan and God’s are in alignment. It’s tougher when what I’m striving for isn’t God’s best for me. In Mistaken Identity, Trinity Miller realizes that something she’s spent years working toward isn’t going to happen. She can’t understand why her dream isn’t part of God’s plan, and she can’t imagine anything better than what she had in mind.

Then she meets Mason Gains.

At first, he’s just a recluse who may be able to help her friend. But when a quick weekend trip becomes a life-and-death struggle, Trinity learns that God’s plan is much more wonderful than hers could ever be.

I hope you enjoy the seventh book in the Mission: Rescue series, and I pray that whatever path you walk, God’s love and faithfulness will guide you.


Shirlee McCoy

Trinity made it to the end of the corridor before Mason stopped her.

He didn’t put a hand on her. Didn’t tell her to stop. Didn’t remind her that she was part of a criminal investigation and that she couldn’t leave. She could have ignored any of those things.

“They think you’re my girlfriend,” he said instead. “The guys who broke into my house.”

“Why would they think that?”

“I thought maybe you could answer that question.”

“I can’t.” She started walking again. She wanted to pretend Mason’s words hadn’t changed things, but she couldn’t. She knew that mistaken identity could get a person kidnapped or killed. Or both.

“You can’t run away from your troubles, Trinity,” Mason said, stepping in front of her. “Where are you planning to run?”

“Telling you that would defeat the purpose of going into hiding.”

“Hiding from me isn’t going to be a possibility,” Mason said. “You’re either part of whatever went down tonight—”

“I’m not.”

“Or you’ve walked into something that could cause you a lot of trouble.”

“I can handle it.”

“You could have died tonight,” he pointed out, his voice sharp-edged with irritation. “If I hadn’t come home, you probably would have.”

She didn’t respond. There wasn’t much she could say. He was right. They both knew it.

Aside from her faith and her family, there’s not much SHIRLEE MCCOY enjoys more than a good book! When she’s not teaching or chauffeuring her five kids, she can usually be found plotting her next Love Inspired Suspense story or wandering around the beautiful Inland Northwest in search of inspiration. Shirlee loves to hear from readers. If you have time, drop her a line at [email protected].

Mistaken Identity

Shirlee McCoy


Even in my suffering I was comforted because your promise gave me life.

—Psalms 119:50

To Sharon. You know why. I love you, friend!


Trinity Miller didn’t scare easily, but she was scared now.

It wasn’t the darkness of the woods that stretched out to either side of the old dirt road that had her rattled. It wasn’t the full moon hovering over mountain vistas. It wasn’t even the silence in her old Jeep Cherokee that was getting to her.

It was the weird feeling she had.

The one that seemed to be telling her to turn around and leave. If she’d told either of her brothers about it, they’d have said she should listen. Of course, she hadn’t told Jackson or Chance what she was doing. They both thought she was on a weekend jaunt to New England to see the fall foliage, eat the crisp, ripe apples. Decide what direction she wanted her life to go.

All of those things were true.

There just happened to be a couple of tiny little details that she hadn’t offered. Like the fact that she was going to pay a visit to a man who was notoriously private. Like the fact that he lived in Middle-of-Nowhere, Maine.

Like the fact that she hadn’t told Mason Gains she was coming or asked permission to drive down the road that had been clearly marked with no-trespassing signs.

Yeah. She’d skipped a few details when she’d been explaining things to her brothers. They’d been too busy with their work and their families to notice she was hedging around questions and offering minimal details. Twelve hours ago, when she’d left her Annapolis home and headed north, she’d been happy about that.

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