Otherworld Challenger

Otherworld Challenger
О книге

KING OF THE OTHERWORLDThe race is on the find the true heir to the faerie crown before the evil king Moncoya returns from exile. Mercenary necromancer Jethro de Loix will find the challenger to Moncoya's crown…for a price. One million mortal dollars. Outraged at Jethro's audacity, Princess Vashti, Moncoya's daughter, arranges to accompany him on his mission.Jethro doesn't want company, especially not from Moncoya's belligerent, pampered daughter. But as their journey pits them against evil forces, their animosity soon gives way to an overwhelming physical attraction between them. When the trail ends on the legendary Isle of Avalon, can the pair face down the evil sorceress Morgan le Fay to claim a future they'd long denied themselves?


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The race is on to find the true heir to the faerie crown before the evil king Moncoya returns from exile. Mercenary necromancer Jethro de Loix will find the challenger to Moncoya’s crown...for a price. One million mortal dollars. Outraged at Jethro’s audacity, Princess Vashti, Moncoya’s daughter, arranges to accompany him on his mission.

Jethro doesn’t want company, especially not from Moncoya’s belligerent, pampered daughter. But as their journey pits them against evil forces, their animosity soon gives way to an overwhelming physical attraction. When the trail ends on the legendary Isle of Avalon, can the pair face down the evil sorceress Morgan le Fay to claim a future they’d long denied themselves?

“What do you do while you’re here?”

“On the island? Relax. Do some fishing, sailing, read a ton of books. Just unwind.”

“Oh.” She wrinkled her nose.

“You look like you have no idea what I’m talking about.”

Because she did it so rarely, when Vashti smiled it was like the sun had broken through storm clouds. “I suppose people might think unwinding would come naturally to a princess. But I’ve spent my whole life on a tight schedule.”

Something in the matter-of-fact words tugged at a chord of sympathy deep within him. Who’d have thought? Empathy toward the faerie princess. He’d have to watch himself. Vashti was still Moncoya’s daughter. Like her father, she was beautiful, destructive and untrustworthy. Now was a good time to remind himself of that... while he was gazing up into those incredible blue eyes.

JANE GODMAN writes in a variety of genres including paranormal, gothic and historical romance and erotic romantic suspense. She also enjoys the occasional foray into horror and thriller writing. Jane lives in England and loves to travel to European cities, which are steeped in history and romance—Venice, Dubrovnik and Vienna are among her favorites. A teacher, Jane is married to a lovely man and is mum to two grown-up children.

Otherworld Challenger

Jane Godman


Dear Reader,

Otherworld Challenger is the third book in the Otherworld series. It’s been quite a journey so far! I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have.

At the end of the last book, Otherworld Renegade, the “good guys” were facing a huge challenge.... They had to find the true heir to the faerie crown so that they could get rid of Moncoya—the charismatic, but evil, king of the faeries.

One man steps forward to offer his help. Jethro de Loix is a mercenary, selling his skills as a necromancer to the highest bidder. When Jethro names his price, Princess Vashti, Moncoya’s daughter, is outraged at his effrontery. There is no love lost between maverick Jethro and prickly Vashti, so when she decides to teach him a lesson, sparks fly!

I’ve loved weaving elements of Arthurian legend into these books, and there are some surprises in this one as the identity of the challenger is revealed. And I’m delighted to say that there will be more Otherworld books to come.

I’d love to hear from you. You can contact me at www.janegodmanauthor.com, on Twitter @JaneGodman or on Facebook at Jane Godman Author.

Happy reading,


This book is dedicated to my family, who always support and encourage me… and never complain about the strange ideas I bounce off them!

Chapter 1

“I’ll do it.”

The words had the same effect on the assembled company as a volley of bullets fired into the ornate ceiling of the vast banquet hall. Every head turned in the direction of the man who had uttered them. Lounging back on two legs of his chair, his broad shoulders against the wall and his booted feet on the round meeting table, he returned their stares with his customary nonchalance and continued munching on an apple.

“You can’t seriously be prepared to listen to him. He’d sell his grandmother to the imps if the price was right.” The words burst from Vashti’s lips before she could stop them.

“The Crown Princess Vashti is reminded of the Alliance’s fundamental principle of respect for all species.” The condemnatory voice of the clerk echoed around the room. “Moreover, all speakers must first be approved by Merlin Caledonius, Leader of the Council.”

Vashti felt a blush of embarrassment turn the heat of rage already burning her cheeks a darker shade of red. It didn’t help that he was openly smirking at her humiliation. “I withdraw my remark.” She spoke the words stiffly.

“Thank you.” Merlin Caledonius, or Cal as he preferred to be known, inclined his head in her direction before turning to address Jethro de Loix. “What will you do exactly?”

“Exactly what you want. Find the true King of the Faeries and bring him back here to challenge Moncoya for the crown.”

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