Secret Christmas Twins

Secret Christmas Twins
О книге

A Surprise Holiday FamilyChristmas came early for Erica Lindholm! Suddenly a mom to adorable twin baby boys and part owner of a snowy small-town Pennsylvania farm, Erica is living her dream. Until the boys’ estranged uncle, Jason Stephanidis, comes home to celebrate the holidays. The handsome, brooding detective turns out to be a natural with the babies…and with Erica’s wounded heart. But if Jason knew the truth about their identities, her picture-perfect life could melt away. She’s finally found the warm home, the loving family and the cozy Christmas she always wanted. Will Erica’s secret cost her everything?Christmas Twins: Twice blessed for the holiday season


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A Surprise Holiday Family

Christmas came early for Erica Lindholm! Suddenly a mom to adorable twin baby boys and part owner of a snowy small-town Pennsylvania farm, Erica is living her dream. Until the boys’ estranged uncle, Jason Stephanidis, comes home to celebrate the holidays. The handsome, brooding detective turns out to be a natural with the babies...and with Erica’s wounded heart. But if Jason knew the truth about their identities, her picture-perfect life could melt away. She’s finally found the warm home, the loving family and the cozy Christmas she always wanted. Will Erica’s secret cost her everything?

“Let’s see how they like the Christmas lights.”

Erica carried the twins into the front room.

She sat on the couch and put Mikey on the floor, then Teddy. She waved her hand toward the tree. “Pretty!” she said.

The twins’ brown eyes grew round as they surveyed the sparkling lights and ornaments.

“Priiiiy,” Mikey said, cocking his head to one side.

Teddy started to scoot toward the tree.

“Whoa, little man,” Jason said, intercepting him before he could reach the shining ornaments.

“Better put the ornaments higher up and anchor that tree to the wall.” Papa laughed.

Teddy then turned and crawled toward Mistletoe, who gave his face a few licks. Teddy chortled and waved his arms.

“Not very sanitary,” Papa commented.

“Oh, well,” Erica and Jason said at the same time. Jason grinned at her.

It was like watching a Christmas movie. The perfect setting. A happy home. She’d always longed to be in such a family.

And it was all a lie.

Dear Reader,

I’ve always been fascinated with twins, so research for this book has been a joy! Watching videos of how baby twins “talk” to each other, mock-shopping for Christmas outfits and peppering every twin parent I know about their memories of the early years...what could be more fun? And since my own daughter benefited from early intervention services, it made me happy to give a nod to the amazing work doctors and therapists do to help babies catch up.

I also loved figuring out Erica and Jason’s story. Both of them have baggage from childhood hurts, and both are insecure about their ability to make a relationship work. But as they discover, God is there to help all of us grow closer to perfection, as we seek Him and follow His will.

My prayer is that each of you experiences love and peace this Christmas season. Please visit my website at and stay in touch. I love to hear from readers!

Warmest Christmas wishes,


LEE TOBIN MCCLAIN read Gone with the Wind in the third grade and has been a hopeless romantic ever since. When she’s not writing angst-filled love stories with happy endings, she’s getting inspiration from her church singles group, her gymnastics-obsessed teenage daughter and her rescue dog and cat. In her day job, Lee gets to encourage aspiring romance writers in Seton Hill University’s low-residency MFA program. Visit her at

Secret Christmas Twins

Lee Tobin McClain

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

—Ecclesiastes 4:9–10

To Shana Asaro and Melissa Endlich,

who offered me the opportunity to work on this special Christmas project, and to Mark S., with appreciation for the informal legal counsel and the delicious cider.

Chapter One

Detective Jason Stephanidis steered his truck down the narrow, icy road, feeling better than anytime since being placed on administrative leave. He’d checked on several elderly neighbors near Holly Creek Farm and promised to plow them out after the storm ended. Now he was headed back to the farm to spend some much-needed time with his grandfather.

It wasn’t that he was feeling the Christmas spirit, not exactly. Being useful was how he tamed the wolves inside him.

Slowly, cautiously, he guided the truck around a bend. Amid the rapidly falling snow, something flashed. Headlights? In the middle of the road?

What was a little passenger car doing out on a night like this? This part of Pennsylvania definitely required all-wheel drive and heavy snow tires in winter.

He swerved right to avoid hitting the small vehicle. Perilously close to the edge of the gulch, he stopped his truck, positioning it to provide a barrier against the other car going over the edge.

There. The car should be able to pass him now, safely on the side away from the ledge.

Rather than slowing down gradually, though, the other driver hit the brakes hard. The little car spun and careened into an icy snowdrift, stopping with a resounding thump.

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