Tempting Nashville's Celebrity Doc

Tempting Nashville's Celebrity Doc
О книге

An enticing reunion…Renowned neurosurgeon Vivian Maguire knows everything there is to know about the human brain. But returning to Nashville—and the man she left behind seven years ago—it’s her heart which suddenly occupies her every thought.Dr Reece Castle has made a name for himself as a premier neurosurgeon to the stars yet Vivian’s return brings him crashing back to reality. Because every glance and unwitting touch tempts him to risk his heart for another chance with the one that got away…

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Before she knew what was happening he was setting down his guitar and closing the gap between them. His hands were cupping her face, his fingers brushing the nape of her neck, and then his lips were on hers.

He was kissing her, making her melt into his arms in a heady rush of pleasure. And she knew without a doubt that this kiss was not enough. She wanted more.

She wanted his hands on her body, touching her in places that no one else had touched. She wanted him again. She wanted him pressed against her, making love to her, but she couldn’t have that.

She didn’t deserve that.

Vivian pushed him away, placing her hands on his chest. She could feel his heart was racing like hers.

“I think I should go home now,” she whispered, her voice hitching in her throat because her body was protesting.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Reece agreed huskily. He took a step back from her. “Just let me put out the fire and I’ll meet you at the truck.”

Vivian nodded and walked toward the front of the house, the spell broken. She glanced back to watch him throw sand on the fire, breaking up the logs so it wouldn’t keep smoldering, and she wished there was some way to stop the fire that was burning for him inside her.

But when it came to him she knew it wasn’t a fire that could be easily extinguished.

Dear Reader,

Thank you for picking up a copy of Tempting Nashville’s Celebrity Doc.

I grew up watching Hee Haw on Saturday night at my grandparents’ house. The first musicians I was exposed to as a child were Cash, Carter, Jones and Hank Williams Jr. Country was a part of my childhood.

Even though I never really thought much about Nashville when I grew up, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to visit on my way to RT Booklovers Convention New Orleans in 2014.

The moment I crossed the Tennessee border I fell absolutely in love with the state and the city. I knew that I had to set a book there, and I wanted to incorporate the music I love so much into the story—which is how my neurosurgeon Dr Reece Castle came to be.

He walked into my mind a couple of years ago, when I was in Nashville, and like the true gentleman he was he waited until I could tell his and Vivian’s story.

I hope you enjoy their story—and if you ever get the chance to spend a bit of time in Nashville, or even the great state of Tennessee, I hope you do it. You won’t regret it.

I love hearing from readers, so please drop by my website amyruttan.com or give me a shout on Twitter@ruttanamy.

With warmest wishes,

Amy Ruttan

Tempting Nashville’s Celebrity Doc

Amy Ruttan


This book is dedicated to all the country greats, new and old, who have touched my heart.

Thank you for the music.

Also to my father, who introduced me to the music of Cash and Hank Williams Jr.

I may not have appreciated it when I was younger, but I get it now. Thanks, Dad.

Born and raised just outside Toronto, Canada, AMY RUTTAN fled the big city to settle down with the country boy of her dreams. After the birth of her second child Amy was lucky enough to realise her lifelong dream of becoming a romance author. When she’s not furiously typing away at her computer she’s mum to three wonderful children who use her as a personal taxi and chef.

Praise for Amy Ruttan

‘Amy Ruttan delivers an entertaining read that transports readers into a world of blissful romance set amidst the backdrop of the medical field. Sharp, witty and descriptive, One Night in New York is sure to keep readers turning the pages!’

—Contemporary Romance Reviews

‘I highly recommend this read for all fans of romance reads with amazing, absolutely breathtaking scenes, to die for dialogue, and everything else that is needed to make this a beyond awesome and wow read!’

—Goodreads on Melting the Ice Queen’s Heart


“YOU CAN DO THIS.” It was a reassurance she kept repeating over and over to herself. And though she didn’t usually talk to herself in public, saying it out loud made her feel better.

Yeah, right.

Right now, standing here, all her bravado was fleeting as she stared up at the impressive entrance of the Cumberland Mills Memorial Hospital. The hospital where she’d done her first residency, before she’d left for her prestigious fellowship in Munich seven years ago.

Nothing had changed. She closed her eyes and took in the sweet, heady floral scent of the magnolia trees. It made her think of summers running barefoot on the lawn, of her father sitting in the swing on the wraparound porch strumming on his guitar while she played. A jangled memory of a man who’d left her and her mother a long time ago tied to the scent in the air.

She sighed and shook that thought out of her head. There was no room for those thoughts today. No room for memories.

Though that was difficult. Everywhere she went in Nashville she was reminded of the ghosts of her past. The choices she’d made and the hurt she’d left behind. Nashville haunted her, which was why she’d left. Why she’d planned to never come back.

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