The Groom, I Presume?

The Groom, I Presume?
О книге

CELEBRATION 1000 Daughters of Texas THE BRIDE HAD HER BOOTS ON… .And she was ready to walk down the aisle. Only she was missing a little something - her intended had run off and married someone else! So what was Maribeth O'Brien to do? What any true-blue daughter of Texas would do - marry the best man. He turned out to be Chris Cochran, and his last-minute proposal sure saved Maribeth's wedding day.But after she'd said "I do," Maribeth was surprised - the handsome stranger she'd married intended to lasso her heart! Now who would save her? Why, the groom, she presumed!CELEBRATION 1000: Come celebrate the publication of the 1000th Silhouette Desire, with scintillating love stories by some of your favorite writers!

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“I’m Suggesting That You Go

Ahead With The Wedding.”

“What in the world are you talking about? I can’t have a wedding without a groom.”

“I know. So I’m volunteering.”

With a disbelieving shake of her head, Maribeth said, “You can’t be serious!”

Chris met her bewildered gaze with a level one of his own. He let her see what was in his eyes, what he was feeling, before he replied, “I’m very serious, Maribeth.”

Marriage with Chris? Why, she’d never thought of him in that way. At least…not exactly. He made her nervous in a way she couldn’t quite describe. What would it be like to be married to him? To live with him? To make love—

“I can’t take advantage of you,” she said slowly.

Chris couldn’t help but be amused. “Sure you can. You have my permission to take advantage of me any time, starting right now….”

Daughters of Texas: The hardest-working women in the land, the O’Brien sisters—Megan, Mollie and Maribeth—are three brides waiting to lasso the hearts of their very own cowboys!

Dear Reader,

Can you believe that for the next three months we’ll be celebrating the publication of the 1000th Silhouette Desire? That’s quite a milestone! The festivities begin this month with six books by some of your longtime favorites and exciting new names in romance.

We’ll continue into next month, May, with the actual publication of Book #1000—by Diana Palmer—and then we’ll keep the fun going into June. There’s just so much going on that I can’t put it all into one letter. You’ll just have to keep reading!

This month we have an absolutely terrific lineup, beginning with Saddle Up, a MAN OF THE MONTH by Mary Lynn Baxter. There’s also The Groom, I Presume?— the latest in Annette Broadrick’s DAUGHTERS OF TEXAS miniseries. Father of the Brat launches the new FROM HERE TO PATERNITY miniseries by Elizabeth Bevarly, and Forgotten Vows by Modean Moon is the first of three books about what happens on THE WEDDING NIGHT. Lass Small brings us her very own delightful sense of humor in A Stranger in Texas. And our DEBUT AUTHOR this month is Anne Eames with Two Weddings and a Bride.

And next month, as promised, Book #1000, a MAN OF THE MONTH, Man of Ice by Diana Palmer!

Lucia Macro,

Senior Editor

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The Groom, I Presume?

Annette Broadrick


believes in romance and the magic of life. Since 1984, when her first book was published. Annette has shared her view of life and love with readers all over the world. In addition to being nominated by Romantic Times as one of the Best New Authors of that year, she has also won the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best in its Series for Heat of the Night, Mystery Lover and Irresistible; the Romantic Times WISH award for her heroes in Strange Enchantment, Marriage Texas Style! and Impromptu Bride; and the Romantic Times Lifetime Achievement Awards for Series Romance and Series Romantic Fantasy.

Dear Reader,

What an exciting time to be writing for the Silhouette Desire line. I’m pleased to be a part of the Celebration 1000. My first Desire was number 185, so I feel that I’ve been a part of the line for a long time.

Many things have changed in the world over the years since I began writing, but one thing has stayed the same—the need for warm, uplifting stories to remind us of the strength of the human spirit to overcome all obstacles and seek its fulfillment.

As long as we continue to want to share our hopes and dreams with others, Silhouette Books will be there with our stories.

Let the celebration continue.

Chris Cochran slowed his late-model sports car and turned into the lane leading to the O’Brien ranch. He hadn’t visited the ranch since he and Maribeth O’Brien had graduated from Texas A & M College. That had been four years ago.

Four years could be a long time in a person’s life.

Seeing the ranch triggered all kinds of memories for him. In many ways, he was revisiting his child hood… the happiest times of his childhood.

Four years. He wondered what kind of changes had taken place in Maribeth’s life in that time.

The ranch certainly looked prosperous these days. He wasn’t surprised. Travis Kane, married to Maribeth’s oldest sister, Megan, had built a fine reputation as a horse breeder and trainer since retiring from following the ro deo circuit.

As Chris followed the lane to the ranch headquarters located on a rise of one of the hills, he noted several new outbuildings had been erected on the place. In addition, there were new pastures fenced and neatly whitewashed. The lane, previously graveled, was now blacktopped.

The place looked good. Chris was pleased to know that the O’Brien family was doing all right.

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