The Horseman's Frontier Family

The Horseman's Frontier Family
О книге

The Cowboy Meets His MatchEverything Gideon Thornton has worked for is in jeopardy, all because of one stubborn woman. Evelyn Montgomery insists that Gideon's new claim from the Oklahoma Land Rush legally belongs to her. Both refuse to budge–even when the law says that until their dispute is settled, they must share the land.Their family feud has taught Evelyn that Thortons can't be trusted. Yet day by day Gideon's thoughtfulness to Evelyn, and especially to her young son, shows the real truth. A truth that may mean the end of her claim…and the start of a future big enough to encompass both their dreams.Bridegroom Brothers: True love awaits three siblings in the Oklahoma Land Rush


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The Cowboy Meets His Match

Everything Gideon Thornton has worked for is in jeopardy, all because of one stubborn woman. Evelyn Montgomery insists that Gideon’s new claim from the Oklahoma Land Rush legally belongs to her. Both refuse to budge—even when the law says that until their dispute is settled, they must share the land.

Their family feud has taught Evelyn that Thortons can’t be trusted. Yet day by day Gideon’s thoughtfulness to Evelyn, and especially to her young son, shows the real truth. A truth that may mean the end of her claim…and the start of a future big enough to encompass both their dreams.

Bridegroom Brothers: True love awaits three siblings in the Oklahoma Land Rush

“Until the case goes to court, this is my land,” Gideon said slowly. “I don’t want you making any changes without my approval. Understand?”

Scrambling up, Evelyn matched his stance. “You’ve conveniently forgotten whose name is on the stake, Mr. Thornton. Just because you’ve been living here longer and have made improvements doesn’t make it yours. I can do whatever I want. Understand?”

“My stake was in the ground when I left to get help for your husband. Someone switched it. Drake was the only one here.”

“He was dying!”

“Your brothers came around to collect his body. In the chaos, my brothers and I weren’t watching the stake….”

“What exactly are you insinuating?” she pushed out through clenched teeth.

“Think hard. I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Unless you’re incapable of thinking for yourself, that is.”

How dare he! The outrage churning inside bubbled up. That was the second and last time he insinuated she was a brainless female. Seizing the pail of water she’d brought with her, she dumped it over his head.

* * *


was born and raised in East Tennessee near the Great Smoky Mountains. A lifelong lover of books, it wasn’t until after college that she had the grand idea to write one herself. Now she divides her time between being a wife, homeschooling mom and romance writer. Her favorite pastimes are reading, visiting tearooms and watching romantic comedies.

The Horseman’s Frontier Family

Karen Kirst

In his heart a man plans his course,

but the Lord determines his steps.

—Proverbs 16:9

To my “sons of thunder” Austin and Daniel.

My wish for you is that you would grow into godly men of integrity and character with the boldness to always stand up for what’s right. I love you both, my sweet boys.

To the other authors in this continuity, Laurie Kingery and Allie Pleiter. It has been a wild ride, hasn’t it, ladies? Thank you both for your encouragement and wisdom and patience when I needed to vent. Hope to do it again someday.

To my editor on this project, Elizabeth Mazer. Thank you for this opportunity! It has been a pleasure working with you.

To my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, without whom this book would not be possible.

Chapter One

Brave Rock, Oklahoma

May 1889

Gideon couldn’t have heard right. His ears must be clogged. Or he was dehydrated, which would explain why he’d misunderstood the cavalry officer. Extreme thirst and heat could do that to a man.

Glaring at the fortyish man who’d introduced himself as Private Jesse Wellington, he demanded he repeat his previous statement.

The polished buttons marching down the middle of Wellington’s navy blue uniform rose and fell with his long-suffering sigh. Tall and distinguished, the officer had streaks of silver at his temples that lent him a sage air. “I’m here to inform you that your claim to this land has been challenged.”

Challenged? “You’re joking, right?” After all, he’d planted his stake deep into the earth with his own two hands.

On April 22, the day of the land rush, thousands of settlers had raced to claim a piece of this Oklahoma prairie for themselves. Thanks to President Cleveland and his decision to make the Unassigned Lands available to settlers, scores of people from all parts of the country had seized the opportunity to start over, to build new and better lives for themselves and their families, he and his brothers included.

The private smirked. “The United States Army isn’t in the habit of joking about such matters, Mr. Thornton. Mrs. Evelyn Chaucer Montgomery, along with her brothers, Theodore, Brett and Reid Chaucer, are disputing your claim.”

His gut knotted up below his sternum. Chaucer. A name embedded in his consciousness, going as far back as his toddler years to the time of the war between the states, a name associated with trouble and turmoil, hatred and discord. The Chaucers—Southern sympathizers to the core—despised his family for their loyalty to the North and its cause. That they had turned up here, in this start-up community of Brave Rock, struck him as downright suspicious.

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