The LIVE Method

The LIVE Method
О книге

The LIVE© Method is a complete language learning solution – a combination of an e-book and a web environment – that gives you everything you need to learn more than 20 languages in a really efficient and enjoyable way. Its powerful and innovative approach uses your personal interests, goals and individual strengths in a unique and optimized way to give you fast and lasting results in language learning.


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First of all – welcome! You are reading the LIVE-method. It´s an innovative language learning solution that gives you everything – every tool and all the knowledge that you need to learn basically any language out there. There are more than 25 languages in our language selection at the moment and we are adding new languages constantly.

The LIVE-method is a combination of an e-book and a web-environment. The e-book is like a guide that will direct you to the goal of efficient language learning and it will teach you to use all these learning tools and materials that you will find in our web-environment.

It´s important that you understand the foundation and the main ideas of this innovative learning system before you start using it, and therefore we will first explain you where this methodology comes from and what its foundation is. All this to make sure that we are on the same page before you start with specific learning steps.


Often when learning we mimic the actions of others, and we presume that it’s the best way. But that is not always the case. This same principle also applies to learning languages. If you want to learn languages fast and efficiently then you actually have to do things very differently and the following book will be your guide in this journey.

I’ll describe in a few words how this methodology was conceived and the main reasons for publishing this book in the first place. 10 years ago I went to university to learn French and Spanish. Before that I had also studied several languages, but never acquired the level that I was hoping for. At university the learning process was also pretty slow, and because of that my motivation dropped to zero – I had the feeling that I was no good at memorizing words, understanding French dialogue (which to my ears sounded like Chinese for a really long time) and languages altogether were something really hard, not playful, interesting and natural, as they actually should be.

I remember studying Spanish in a group with 15-20 students and consequently I only got a really basic level after learning the language for 2 years and I was never really into it. Despite the fact that I wanted to speak in Spanish, for some reason the learning experience in the classroom didn´t engage me – so I felt down and lost hope of speaking fluent Spanish some day. I´m sure that you have felt the same at some point in your life and you can really relate.

A few years later – after researching about innovative language learning, to be better at languages myself – I understood that the feeling of having low motivation for doing the homework and feeling down in general was the direct result of how I was taught – the learning methodology and its foundation was basically built on the wrong values and beliefs, which don´t work with human beings in general. And when I say that they don´t work in human beings, then I mean it literally. The traditional language learning methods don´t take into account how our minds, bodies and psychology work to acquire a language in the first place.

I understood that the way that we learn languages at school and in language schools everywhere – from the US to Japan – is fundamentally wrong and has to be changed to get good results that everybody is looking for.

This was a revelation for me and after having this epiphany I started researching everything there is to know about efficient and innovational language learning. I wanted to understand how we as human beings acquire languages in the most efficient and natural way. This process took about 5 years, during which time I tested everything myself, trying to learn different languages individually. And with every experiment and every new idea I came closer to the understanding that the key idea here is NATURAL LANGUAGE LEARNING.

After much research and preparation I published the LIVE-method as a book for the first time 5 years ago and today an international language learning company is based on the foundations of this same book and web-environment that I once created. Today more than 25,000 people all-over Europe use the LIVE-method actively on a daily basis and this number is growing fast.

This book is the latest version of the LIVE-method, which has been polished and updated to give you the best results in learning any language you need.


For example, how did you learn your mother tongue? Did your mother come to you, as a baby, and start repeating the conjugational patterns for verbs that you really need to know? I presume that the answer is no. This question even seems a little silly to you – doesn´t it? But isn´t this the way we acquire languages at school? We take a holistic system, hack it into pieces and try to learn it. This is basically the system that traditional language learning uses, isn´t it?

Now, if you think about your learning manuals at schools then there are subjects that are formed into little exercises to make learning as easy as possible for you. Rather than being individually tailored, they have been designed for the mysical “average learner” that actually doesn´t exist.

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