The Nurse's Baby Secret

The Nurse's Baby Secret
О книге

Pregnant with the brooding doctor’s baby…Nurse Savannah Carter is ecstatic to discover she’s expecting, but before she can share the joyful news with the baby’s father—gorgeous Dr Charlie Keele—he stuns her with the announcement he’s leaving town.Charlie knows Savannah deserves better than he can give her, and pushing her away is for her own good, but that doesn’t make leaving any easier. Then he discovers Savannah is pregnant! Now he must win back the woman he loves…and convince her how much he wants to be a family with their beautiful baby.

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Pregnant with the brooding doctor’s baby...

Nurse Savannah Carter is ecstatic to discover she’s expecting, but before she can share the joyful news with the baby’s father—gorgeous Dr. Charlie Keele—he stuns her with the announcement he’s leaving town.

Charlie knows Savannah deserves better than he can give her, and pushing her away is for her own good, but that doesn’t make leaving any easier. Then he discovers Savannah is pregnant! Now he must win back the woman he loves...and convince her how much he wants to be a family with their beautiful baby.

Dear Reader,

I instantly connected with nurse Savannah Carter, and found myself going through many of the same emotions as she did while dealing with sexy but frustrating Dr Charlie Keele.

Charlie is a bit of a rambling man. He thinks he’s no good for Savannah—or any woman—and he usually doesn’t allow himself to get attached. Unfortunately he is second-guessing the career opportunity of a lifetime because of his relationship with Savannah. Which meant he has to take it.

Savannah was raised to be a strong, independent woman, and she’s quite proud of those traits. So when Charlie breaks things off not only is her heart broken, her pride is severely wounded. And now there’s a baby on the way.

Together they have to overcome the past, deal with the present and forge a future. I hope you enjoy their story as much as I did. I love to hear from readers, so feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected].

Happy reading,


The Nurse’s Baby Secret

Janice Lynn

Books by Janice Lynn

Mills & Boon Medical Romance

After the Christmas Party...

Flirting with the Doc of Her Dreams New York Doc to Blushing Bride Winter Wedding in Vegas Sizzling Nights with Dr. Off-Limits It Started at Christmas...

Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

Janice won the National Readers’ Choice Award for her first book, The Doctor’s Pregnancy Bombshell.

To Jessie & Rebecca—may your love story be one for the ages.

Praise for Janice Lynn

‘Fun, witty and sexy... A heartfelt, sensual and compelling read.’

—Goodreads on NYC Angels: Heiress’s Baby Scandal


NURSE SAVANNAH CARTER stared at her flat lower abdomen via the reflection in her bedroom mirror, imagining she saw the tiniest outline of a bulge if she stood just right.

Pregnant. Her.

How long had she dreamed of this moment?

Years. Her whole life.

She’d always wanted children. Always.

Sure, she’d thought she’d be married and have a husband who was going to be an amazing father to her precious child, but since when had things gone according to plan?

Never, really. Just as this pregnancy wasn’t planned. But she couldn’t complain. She had a good life. A great life. A great man in her life.

Charlie Keele was a wonderful person and doctor, and if her baby ended up with a more than generous share of Charlie’s genetic code, well, her baby would be a blessed child.

Charlie was brilliant, gorgeous, athletic, a man who respected her independence and beliefs, and he’d been Lucky Savannah’s boyfriend for the past year.

Lucky Savannah. She smiled at the nickname. That was what her friends had been calling her since the first time Charlie had singled her out at the hospital. They’d teased even more as she and Charlie had slid into an exclusive relationship. These days she and Charlie were inseparable. They exercised together, ate more meals together than not, worked together, and practically lived together. She suspected they would soon. For quite some time she’d been expecting Charlie to ask her to move in with him.

Expecting him to propose.

Charlie owned a beautiful brick home with lots of room and an amazing fenced-in backyard just right for a family, in an up-and-coming neighborhood. If he hadn’t mentioned living together first, when her apartment lease came up for renewing, she planned to discuss moving in with him.

She was having Charlie’s baby. That might rush things a bit, which she regretted. She wanted him to ask her to live with him, to marry him, when he was ready, because he couldn’t imagine spending the rest of his life without her. She had no doubt that was where their relationship was headed and she had no regrets regarding her accidental pregnancy.

She wanted Charlie and she wanted his baby.

Although she’d dated in the past, she’d never met a man like Charlie. Never felt for a man what she felt for Charlie. Never felt as cherished as Charlie made her feel. It was what her parents had had prior to her father’s death when Savannah was seven years old. It was what Savannah had always known she’d hold out for. She didn’t need a man, but having a good one in her life gave a shiny glow to everything.

A shiny glow she’d found with Charlie.

She pressed her hand over her belly, trying to imagine that she could feel the little life inside her. Charlie’s baby.

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