The Tycoon's Rebel Bride / The Billionaire's Unexpected Heir: The Tycoon's Rebel Bride

The Tycoon's Rebel Bride / The Billionaire's Unexpected Heir: The Tycoon's Rebel Bride
О книге

The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride Maya Banks Tycoon Theron Anetakis had only one problem – and she just walked through his door. Isabella Caplan didn’t intend letting the executor of her father’s estate arrange a marriage for her to another man! She had pined for Theron long enough. Now it was time to seduce her hot-blooded hotel tycoon and bring him to one bended knee. The Billionaire’s Unexpected Heir Kathie DeNosky Becoming the owner of Hickory Hills thoroughbred farm had not been in billionaire Jake Garnier’s plans. Becoming a father was even more unimaginable. But his new business came with one Heather McGwire, manager…and mother to Jake’s secret baby. Jake couldn’t walk away. Marriage seemed the only solution.

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The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride by Maya Banks

He didn’t know it yet, but her trip was a thing of the past.

In a distinctly masculine scrawl, he’d written his instructions for her to come to his office the next morning.

An amused smile curved her lips. As arrogant as she remembered. Theron had only got more gorgeous over the last few years. While she’d been waiting to grow up so she could stake her claim, he’d only become more desirable. More irresistible.

It wouldn’t be easy. She didn’t imagine he’d fall readily into her arms. The Anetakis brothers were hard. They could have any woman they wanted. They were ruthless in business, but they were also loyal.

She’d made her decision already.

The trip to Europe was off. Her seduction of Theron was on.

The Billionaire’s Unexpected Heir by Kathie DeNosky

From the desk of Emerald Larson, owner and CEO of Emerald, Inc

To: My personal assistant, Luther Freemont

Re: My grandson Jake Garnier

Within a few days, my grandson Jake will be arriving in Louisville, Kentucky, and settling in at the Hickory Hills thoroughbred farm. During the search to find the Garnier siblings, my team of investigators discovered that Jake has a six- month-old daughter he knows nothing about. The baby’s mother, Heather McGwire, manages the farm, and Jake is not going to be happy that we failed to immediately disclose that information. I expect you to intercept his calls until he works this out on his own. He’s more like his father than any of my other grandsons, so this will be a true test for Jake. We’ll see if he accepts the responsibilities of fatherhood, or runs from them the way his father did.

As always, keep me informed of the progress. And it goes without saying, I rely on your complete discretion in this matter.

Emerald Larson

The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride


Maya Banks

The Billionaire’s Unexpected Heir


The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride


Maya Banks

Dear Reader,

How often in life do we think we’re on course, know exactly what we want and are taking steps to achieve that goal? There’s comfort and security in knowing just where you’re headed. But what if you got there and realised it wasn’t where you wanted to be after all?

This is the issue that Theron Anetakis struggles with in The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride. He’s ready to settle down, start a family, have a peaceful companionship with the woman he’s chosen. That is until Isabella Caplan bursts into his well-ordered existence with the force of an F5 tornado.

She manages to upend his world, but worse, she makes him question what it is he truly wants. And she teaches him the most important lesson of all: to go after what you want and never settle for less.

I hope you enjoy Bella and Theron’s story as much I loved writing it. Their story is fraught with excitement and emotion, but most important, a deep and abiding love. It’s my hope you’ll sigh along with me as they find their path to happily ever after.

Maya Banks

MAYA BANKS has loved romances from a very (very) early age and, almost from the start, she dreamed of writing them as well. In her teens, she filled countless notebooks with overdramatic stories of love and passion. Today her stories are only slightly less dramatic, but no less romantic.

She lives in Texas with her husband and three children and wouldn’t contemplate living anywhere other than the South. When she’s not writing, she’s usually hunting, fishing or playing poker. She loves to hear from readers and she can be found online at either www.mayabanks. com or, or you can e-mail her at [email protected].

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To Fatin and Ali, two terrific ladies I am very privileged to know and call friends

Chapter One

Theron Anetakis sifted through the mountain of paperwork his secretary had left on his desk for him to read, muttering expletives as he tossed letters left and right. Occasionally one would garner more than a brief glance and then he’d shove it to a separate pile of things requiring his attention. Others, he consigned to the trash can by his feet.

His takeover of the New York offices of Anetakis International hadn’t been without its pitfalls. After the discovery that one of the staff members had been selling Anetakis hotel plans to a competitor, Theron and his brothers had cleaned house, hiring new staff. The culprit, Chrysander’s former personal assistant, was behind bars after a plea bargain. They had been leery of replacing her and allowing another employee unfettered access to sensitive company information, but in the end, Theron had opted to bring in his secretary from the London office. She was older, stable and most importantly, loyal. Though after the debacle with Roslyn, none of the Anetakis brothers were keen to trust another employee implicitly.

Theron’s arrival from London had been met by a pile of documents, contracts, messages and e-mails. Two days later, he was still trying to make sense of the mess. And to think his secretary had already weeded out the majority of the clutter.

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