100 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

100 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
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The perfect pocket guide to boosting your immune system for better physical and mental health all year round.Tiredness, frequent colds, infections, allergies, mood swings and premature aging are all common manifestations of a weakened immunity. Your immune system is your invisible bodyguard, fighting off invasion and working tirelessly around the clock to keep you fit and healthy. But how can you support your immune system and give it the strength it needs to keep up the good work?Gem 100 Ways to Boost Your Immune System has all of the tips and advice you’ll need for an instant self-defence plan. It’s easy to maximise your potential for high-level health, happiness and vitality by following simple steps everyday.Part one of the book includes information on:• How your immune system works• Understanding the germs that cause infection• What your doctor can offer; the pros and cons of antibiotics• Fighting infection naturally• Building a strong immune system• Common immunity mythsThe second part of the book is split into helpful sections, including Lifestyle, Diet and Nutrition, Complementary Therapies and Mind and Emotions. One hundred practical immune boosters give instant information on how you can build and strengthen your immune system from day to day. Whether using stress management techniques, or eating super foods for better health, this is the ideal handbag reference for instant results.


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100 Ways

to Boost Your Immune System

Theresa Cheung

Collins gem



Without a strong immune system you can’t live younger or longer. Your immune system is your invisible army, working tirelessly around the clock to keep you fit and healthy, and fighting off invasion by foreign organisms that can lead to premature ageing and disease.

A vigorous immune system is vital to good health, both physical and mental. Tiredness, frequent colds and other infections, allergies, mood swings and premature ageing are sure-fire signs of a weakened immune system. Learning how to protect and support your immune system is therefore the most important thing you can do for your health and well-being. Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can strengthen and support your immune system – and keep your troops in peak condition – without resorting to the use of antibiotics.

This book gives you all the advice you need to achieve this healthy state of affairs.

So be good to yourself. Read on to discover everything you need to know to stay free from disease and maximise your potential for high-level health, happiness and vitality.

Drawing on a variety of disciplines in medicine and natural health, each immune booster in this book will provide practical strategies you can use in your daily life to strengthen your resistance to illness. And if you do get sick you’ll find information that will help you get well faster.

Your immune system is a complex interrelated network of organs, blood cells and chemical reactions that are your body’s basic – and mostly highly effective – defence mechanism against invasion from the hordes of bugs (bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi) that are constantly trying to get inside you.

Every day a healthy body with a fully functioning immune system sees off potentially dangerous organisms that can trigger illness, as well as protecting against quirks in your cellular system that might potentially develop into cancerous growths. If your immune defences are working at their optimum level of efficiency, your health is likely to be good. If, however, you feel under par or constantly unwell, this suggests that your immune system is compromised.

Compromised immunity can leave you vulnerable to premature ageing and disease, and impair your ability to heal properly and live your life to the full. It’s no surprise that a recent study of healthy centenarians found they had one thing in common: a healthy immune system. A healthy immune system is therefore the key to good health and a long life.

The key components of your immune system are the thymus and the lymph system, together with the spleen, bone marrow, white blood cells and antibodies.

The thymus is the source of T cells. T cells – a type of white blood cell or lymphocyte – are the foot-soldiers of your immune system. They destroy invaders that have been detected by B cells, another type of white blood cell. The lymph system transports nutrients to cells and filters waste. Lymph nodes are collections of lymphoid cells found throughout the body, including the neck, armpits and groin. They are connected by a network of lymph-carrying vessels and are the main sites of storage, activation and production of white blood cells.

The spleen filters the blood, looking out for invaders, and also carries out regular ‘MOT checks’ on red blood cells. Bone marrow is the source of new red and white blood cells. White blood cells are actually a collection of cells that work together to destroy bacteria and viruses. There are numerous types of white blood cells: leukocytes, helper T cells, natural killer cells and so on. Finally, there are five primary types of antibody, known as ‘immunoglobins’, each of which responds and binds to a specific invader, preventing it from entering host cells. We need huge quantities of antibodies to protect us from the constant and daily bombardment of bacteria we unknowingly inhale or digest in our food.

Your immune system is an elaborate, interactive system of cells, chemicals and tissues located throughout your body. When any of its components come into contact with cells or substances – such as bacteria or viruses – to which they are programmed to respond, a series of reactions is triggered that destroys the invaders or renders them harmless.

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