A Baby Between Friends

A Baby Between Friends
О книге

More than anything, Summer Patterson wants a baby.What she doesn’t want is a husband. Thankfully, her best friend, Ryder McClain, makes the perfect sperm donor. Ryder is loyal, undeniably sexy and the one man she trusts – but when he suggests they make a baby naturally Summer can’t deny their chemistry!


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“There’s one more thing that we haven’t covered.”

“What would that be?” For the life of her, Summer couldn’t imagine what there was left to be decided after their many conversations on the subject.

“We’re going to start acting like we’re a couple,” Ryder stated.

“You mean, as if we’ve fallen in love?” Things just kept getting more complicated with every conversation they had.

“It’s easier to go with that than it is to try and explain everything.” He leaned over and briefly pressed his lips to hers. “Besides, that’s what people are going to think anyway. We might as well go along with it.”

“Does that mean we’ll be openly affectionate toward each other?” she asked, liking the way his kiss made her feel warm all over.

“Yup. That’s what people do when they’re …involved.”

She frowned. “Do you think we can be convincing?”

“Let’s see…” he said.

About the Author

KATHIE DENOSKY lives in her native southern Illinois on the land her family settled in 1839. She writes highly sensual stories with a generous amount of humor; her books have appeared on the USA TODAY bestseller list and received numerous awards, including two National Readers’ Choice Awards. Kathie enjoys going to rodeos, traveling to research settings for her books and listening to country music. Readers may contact her by emailing [email protected]. They can also visit her website, www.kathiedenosky.com, or find her on Facebook, www.facebook.com/Kathie-DeNosky- Author/278166445536145.

A Baby Between Friends

Kathie DeNosky


This book is dedicated to my editor Stacy Boyd for allowing me to spread my wings and soar.


Ryder McClain’s temper flared as he stared at the five men grinning at him like a bunch of damned fools. Having spent their teen years together on the Last Chance Ranch, a home for boys that the foster care system had labeled lost causes, he loved all of them. In all ways except by blood, they were his brothers. However, at this moment, nothing would be more satisfying than to wrap his hands around their throats and throttle every one of them.

“I’m only going to say this one more time and then I expect you all to drop it,” he said through gritted teeth. “I brought Summer Patterson to the party tonight because she’s a friend who didn’t have any other plans. Period. There’s absolutely nothing going on between us.”

“Sure, if you say so, bro.” Jaron Lambert’s skeptical expression indicated that he didn’t believe a word Ryder had just said. “And I’ll bet you still believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, don’t ya?”

“I’ll give you all a hundred-to-one odds that the lady in question has other ideas,” Lane Donaldson said, rocking back on the heels of his handcrafted Caiman leather boots. A highly successful, professional poker player, Lane used his master’s degree in psychology to read people like an open book. In this instance, the man was definitely reading the wrong chapter.

“Yup. I’d say she’s cut you from the herd and getting ready to measure you for a saddle,” Sam Rafferty added, laughing. The only married one of his foster brothers, Sam and his wife, Bria, were throwing the party to celebrate the renewal of their wedding vows, as well as Bria’s pregnancy. “You might as well face it, Ryder. Your bachelor days are numbered.”

“You’re just hoping one of us will join you in the pool of the blissfully hitched,” Ryder said, blowing out a frustrated breath. “But as far as Summer and I are concerned, that’s not going to happen—now or in the future. Neither one of us have any intention of being anything more than best friends. End of discussion.”

Smiling, T.J. Malloy paused with his beer bottle halfway to his mouth. “Ryder, did you get kicked in the head by a bull at the last rodeo you worked? That might explain you not being able to see what’s as plain as your hand in front of your face.”

“Well, now, this makes things a whole lot easier for me,” Nate Rafferty said, smirking as he turned toward the dance floor where Summer stood talking to Bria and her sister, Mariah. “As long as you’re not interested, I think I’ll just mosey on over there and ask the little lady to dance.”

Ryder knew that his brother was baiting him, but without a second thought, his hand came down like a vise-grip on Nate’s shoulder. “Don’t even think about it, Romeo.”

“Oh, so you have staked your claim,” Lane said smugly.

“No, I haven’t.” Ryder’s jaw was clenched so hard that he wouldn’t be surprised if it took a crowbar to pry his teeth apart. “But Summer doesn’t need Nate’s brand of grief.” He thought the world of his foster brother, but Nate Rafferty had a love ’em and leave ’em philosophy that had left a string of broken hearts across the entire Southwest and then some. “No offense, Nate, but you’re the last thing she needs.”

“He’s got you there, Nate,” Sam said, nodding. The only two biological siblings of the group, Sam and Nate couldn’t have been more different. The older of the two, Sam had never even come close to having the wild streak that his younger brother Nate had.

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