A Dangerously Sexy Affair

A Dangerously Sexy Affair
О книге

Ready player one…Quinn Dellinger is supposed to be having fun at an industry party for gamers. Instead, all she can think about is the promotion she just got passed over for at her security firm. Then she spots him. Tall? Check. Dark? Check. Dangerously sexy? Check. Hell, yes—this is the guy who’ll help her forget all her worries and give her one wickedly naughty night.The next morning she discovers her one-night stand was the guy who took her job. Oh, hell no. But Aiden Odell is not just a security specialist, he's ex-FBI, and Quinn is expected to work with him—very closely—on a major assignment. He may be tall, dark and dangerously sexy, but this is one game Quinn is determined to win…

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Ready, player one...

Quinn Dellinger is supposed to be having fun at an industry party for gamers. Instead, all she can think about is the promotion she just got passed over for at her security firm. Then she spots him. Tall? Check. Dark? Check. Dangerously sexy? Check. Hell, yes—this is the guy who’ll help her forget all her worries and give her one wickedly naughty night.

The next morning she discovers her one-night stand was the guy who took her job. Oh, hell no. But Aiden Odell is not just a security specialist, he’s ex-FBI, and Quinn is expected to work with him—very closely—on a major assignment. He may be tall, dark and dangerously sexy, but this is one game Quinn is determined to win...

“I’m going to be bold...”

Quinn echoed Aiden’s words from earlier: “I like you. You’re kind of fascinating.”

They hovered for a moment, drawing out the sizzling anticipation before he took her mouth, claiming her. He tasted of Scotch and smelled of heaven and temptation. A tremor ran through her body as his tongue met hers, gentler than she expected. Teasing. Inviting.

Scorching heat seared her from the inside out, melting her into his embrace. His hand slid up her neck to cup her jaw as he tilted her head back, deepening their kiss. Even though they didn’t know one another, had never kissed before, he moved as if he knew her. As if he understood her.

Her hands fisted in his shirt, pulling him harder against her. His hot breath whispered across her skin as he trailed kisses along her jaw, stopping at the shell of her ear.

“Yes,” she said, her breath stuttering in and out. “My answer is yes.”

“I didn’t ask anything.” The corner of his mouth quirked up.

“Your kiss did...”

Dear Reader,

Writing each book is a unique experience, and no two books come out the same way. Sometimes the story comes to me in a flash of inspiration and others take a lot of thinking and staring off into space. Sometimes the ideas start with a plot point, a place or a theme.

And others, such as this one, start with a character.

If you read A Dangerously Sexy Christmas, my November 2015 Harlequin Blaze release, you may remember Quinn. She was the smart-mouthed, pink-haired tech guru who helped Max crack the case of the Noelle diamond. As soon as she appeared on the page I just knew I had to give her a happy-ever-after.

This book was so much fun to write. Since Quinn is a lover of all things video game related, I got to unleash my inner geek. I’m a child of the ’80s, which I like to think of as the era of Nintendo and Super Mario Bros. So there are plenty of game references in this story!

But don’t worry, if that’s not your thing, there’s also a dash of mystery, a hunky ex-FBI hero and plenty of sexy bits to satisfy your cravings for a steamy romance.

I really hope you enjoy Quinn and Aiden’s story. You can find out what’s coming next by checking out my website, stefanie-london.com, or Facebook, Facebook.com/stefanielondonauthor. I love chatting with readers, so feel free to drop me a line anytime.

With love,


A Dangerously Sexy Affair

Stefanie London


STEFANIE LONDON is a voracious reader who has dreamed of being an author her whole life. After sneaking several English lit subjects into her “very practical” business degree, she got a job in corporate communications. But it wasn’t long before she turned to romance fiction. She recently left her hometown of Melbourne to start a new adventure in Toronto and now spends her days writing contemporary romances with humor, heat and heart.

For more information on Stefanie and her books, check out her website at stefanie-london.com or her Facebook page at Facebook.com/stefanielondonauthor.

To Nonno, who taught me that nothing learned is ever wasted.

I miss you every day.


QUINN DELLINGER SHUFFLED closer to a potted plant and tried to pull down the hem of her dress without making it look as if she was adjusting her panties. Except pulling the dress down meant giving up any hope of a modest neckline. One wrong move could land her in wardrobe-malfunction territory, and her plans for the evening didn’t include having a “nip slip” in public.

“You know, dendrophilia is kind of frowned upon.” Her friend, Alana Peterson, laughed and linked her arm through Quinn’s, pulling her away from the plant. “Or are you trying to take your wallflower status to the next level?”

“I’m trying not to show everyone what I had for lunch.” Quinn pursed her lips. “This dress is obscene.”

Away from the security of the curling leaves and fronds of the potted plant, Quinn was exposed to the room. Banners displaying the annual Bright Star Technology Innovation conference logo hung from the ceiling. Posters advertising the sponsors dotted the walls, and large LCD screens flashed photos from the preceding three days’ worth of conference activities. But everyone in the room seemed to be more interested in talking and drinking.

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