A Decent Proposal

A Decent Proposal
О книге

HER KNIGHT IN A SHINING AUTOSydney McKnight is looking for Mr. Convenient, not Mr. Right. Her dad insists that Syd be settled…so she asks the first guy she sees to act as her boyfriend. This gorgeous stranger is magnetic, but Sydney has sacrificed her heart before. She isn't about to give it away, even to a man who revs her engine like none other!Burke Holden is taken aback when Sydney requests he be her pretend paramour. After all, the single dad hasn't exactly been Mr. Romance since his ex left him and their son. But as he gets to know lovely Sydney, the bachelor might be willing to give love another shot. Will Sydney and Burke drive off into the sunset on their happily-ever-after…or will the past throw a wrench in their fairy-tale ending?

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Sydney blinked up at her father. “What?”

“Who are you dating?”

Her gaze slid to the stranger, and she thought maybe white knights did ride to the rescue. It was worth a shot. What could happen? Even if this backfired, maybe her dad would get the message that she was serious about convincing him to back off.

“Him.” She angled her head. “I’m going out with him.”

Before her father could turn and look, she was on her way over to the man. Stopping in front of him, she looked up and said in a low voice, “I will forever be in your debt if you go with me on what’s about to happen. It’s a family thing.” She put a fair amount of pleading into her tone and her expression. “I’m begging you. And I’ll make it up to you. I swear.”

The Bachelors of Blackwater Lake: They won’t be single for long!

A Decent Proposal

Teresa Southwick


TERESA SOUTHWICK lives with her husband in Las Vegas, the city that reinvents itself every day. An avid fan of romance novels, she is delighted to be living out her dream of writing for Mills & Boon.

To my nephew, C.J. Boyle.

Your courage and determination inspire me every day. There’s no question that you have a hero’s heart.

Chapter One

Sydney McKnight knew there was no way a white knight would ride in on his stalwart steed and save her, but a girl could hope.

Needing a good save is what happens when first thing in the morning your father, who was also your boss, hits you with the “are you seeing anyone?” question. It was a sure bet this conversation wasn’t headed anywhere she wanted to go.

Standing outside the office of McKnight Automotive, she glanced around for an escape, but short of making a run for it, there was no way out. Time to get the attention off herself and back where it belonged. On her father, who she and her brothers just found out had been seeing someone in secret. For months. And now Tom McKnight was looking to find out if his daughter would be in a committed relationship anytime soon so that he could take the next step in his own.

“Dad, you didn’t have to sneak around and date. The boys are fine with it.”

“It wasn’t Alex and Ben that concerned me, Syd. It’s you.” He met her gaze and there was no looking away or mistaking his meaning. “I will always have a special place in my heart for your mother.”

Complications from childbirth had caused her mother’s death. Syd knew she wasn’t to blame for it but that didn’t stop a small stab of guilt. “For years everyone has been telling you to get on with your life, Dad. Now we know you did, a while ago. With Mayor Goodson. It’s about darn time and I’m completely fine with it. Fly. Be free. Be happy.”

Her father’s expression tightened into a mask of stubborn resolve. “How can I be happy until I know your personal life is in order?”

That was code for having a man. What her father didn’t get was that first you had to want a man messing up your personal life and Syd didn’t. This wasn’t the first time they’d had this conversation, but she was going to do her best to make it the last.

“Dad—” She stopped and took a deep breath, tapping into her well of patience, which at this point was hitting rock-bottom. “I know you want to protect me, make sure I’m okay. And it’s really sweet, but I’m a big girl now.”

“I know you are, honey, but I can’t help worrying about you. Sue me. I want you to be settled, safe and happy.” He ran his fingers through his thick silver hair. “Maybe it’s about me being emotionally unavailable to you after your mom died.”

Emotionally unavailable? “You’ve been watching TV talk shows again, haven’t you?” she teased.

“Maybe.” His grin was fleeting.

“There’s nothing to make up for, Dad. I understand. Losing your wife was a shock. You’re a terrific father. The best. You did a great job. Alex, Ben and I turned out pretty awesome.”

“You’ll get no argument from me about that.” His blue eyes twinkled with paternal pride. “The thing is, honey, your brothers are both married and have started their families.”

And she was still very single, which translated to all alone. He didn’t say it, but the implication hung in the silence between them.

Over her father’s shoulder, Sydney saw an expensive, low-slung sports car growl to a crawl on Main Street in order to make the turn into McKnight Automotive. The beautiful, red, high-performance vehicle said something about the person driving it. For one thing, whoever it was didn’t mind being noticed. A machine like that was an attention magnet. Her fingers itched to get a look at what was under the hood—of the car.

Focus, Sydney, she thought. “Alex and Ben were lucky to find their wives, Dad. You wouldn’t want me to marry in haste then find out it was a mistake, would you?”

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