A fabulous journey to the land of sweets. Magic fairy tale for children

A fabulous journey to the land of sweets. Magic fairy tale for children
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In this exciting book, readers will go on a magical journey with a boy and his faithful friend, the rabbit. They will find themselves in an amazing land of sweets, where castle walls are made of colorful cakes, towers are decorated with frosting and sprinkles, and bridges are built from giant cookies. On their way, the heroes will meet many unusual characters, including the sweet king who rules this fairy-tale world. Your children will love the colorful illustrations.

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Illustrator Leonardo ai

© Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

© Leonardo ai, illustrations, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-2524-8

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1: The Magic Map

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a curious and adventurous child named Alex. Alex loved exploring the woods, climbing trees, and discovering hidden treasures. One sunny afternoon, while wandering through the forest, Alex stumbled upon an old, dusty chest hidden beneath a pile of leaves.

With great excitement, Alex opened the chest and found a beautifully illustrated map inside. The map was unlike any other Alex had ever seen. It was adorned with vibrant colors, intricate drawings of candy canes, chocolate rivers, and gumdrop mountains. At the top of the map, in elegant golden letters, were the words «The Land of Sweets.»

Alex’s eyes widened with wonder. -Could this be real? Alex thought. Without a moment’s hesitation, Alex decided to follow the map and embark on a grand adventure to the Land of Sweets.

The map led Alex through the forest, past towering trees and babbling brooks, until finally, Alex reached a clearing. In the center of the clearing stood a magnificent, glowing portal. The portal shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, and a sweet, sugary scent filled the air.

With a deep breath and a heart full of courage, Alex stepped through the portal. In an instant, Alex was transported to a magical world unlike any other. The sky was a brilliant shade of pink, and the ground was covered in soft, fluffy marshmallows. Candy trees swayed gently in the breeze, and rivers of chocolate flowed as far as the eye could see.

Alex couldn’t believe their eyes. -This is incredible! Alex exclaimed. Just then, a friendly voice called out, – Welcome to the Land of Sweets!

Alex turned to see a cheerful rabbit with a twinkle in its eye. -My name is Benny, – said the rabbit. -I’ll be your guide on this sweet adventure.

And so, with Benny by their side, Alex’s journey through the Land of Sweets began. Little did Alex know, this was just the beginning of an unforgettable adventure filled with delicious surprises and magical discoveries.

Chapter 2: The lollipop forest

With the magic map in hand and Benny the rabbit by their side, Alex set off on the next leg of their adventure in the Land of Sweets. The path ahead led them to a wondrous place known as the Lollipop Forest. As they approached, Alex’s eyes widened in amazement.

The trees in the Lollipop Forest were unlike any Alex had ever seen. Their trunks were made of twisted candy canes, and their branches were adorned with lollipops of every color and flavor imaginable. The leaves shimmered like sugar crystals, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of candy.

– Welcome to the Lollipop Forest, – Benny said with a smile. -This is one of the most magical places in the Land of Sweets.

Alex couldn’t contain their excitement. -This is incredible! I’ve never seen anything like it.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the path became a colorful mosaic of candy tiles. Alex and Benny walked past towering trees with lollipops the size of dinner plates. Some lollipops were striped, others were swirled, and some even sparkled with edible glitter.

– Look at this one! Alex exclaimed, pointing to a particularly large lollipop shaped like a star. -It’s beautiful!

Benny nodded. -The Lollipop Forest is full of surprises. But we must stay on the path and be careful. There are creatures here who love sweets just as much as we do.

As they continued their journey, they encountered friendly creatures who called the forest home. A group of candy birds with wings made of sugar feathers chirped a sweet melody, and a family of gummy bears waved hello from their cozy candy burrows.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the bushes. Alex and Benny turned to see a mischievous candy fox peeking out. The fox had a coat made of caramel and eyes that sparkled like gumdrops.

– Hello there! the fox said with a grin. -Are you here to explore the Lollipop Forest?

Alex smiled. -Yes, we are. My name is Alex, and this is Benny. We’re on a journey through the Land of Sweets.

The candy fox’s eyes twinkled with curiosity. -Well, you’re in for a treat! Just be sure to watch out for the licorice vines. They can be quite tricky.

With the candy fox’s warning in mind, Alex and Benny continued their journey through the Lollipop Forest. They marveled at the beauty around them and enjoyed the sweet, sugary delights that the forest had to offer.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the candy trees, Alex and Benny found a cozy spot to rest. They sat beneath a lollipop tree, sharing stories and laughter as they prepared for the adventures that awaited them in the Land of Sweets.

Chapter 3: The chocolate river

As the first light of dawn broke over the Land of Sweets, Alex and Benny awoke with a sense of excitement. Today, they would cross the legendary Chocolate River. With their spirits high, they set off on the path that led to the riverbank.

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