A Family Arrangement

A Family Arrangement
О книге

Makeshift FamilyAbram Cooper has ten months to turn rough Minnesota country into a vibrant town, or his sister-in-law will take his three sons back to Iowa with his blessing. Until then, Charlotte Lee has agreed to keep house and help raise his children as part of their bargain. But can the single father fulfill Charlotte’s requirements in time to make sure that she and his boys don’t leave—and take his heart with them?Charlotte is convinced that the wilderness is no place to raise her nephews. But as she watches the community slowly develop, she sees that Abram just might be able to make it blossom. With three little matchmakers bringing her and Abram together, Little Falls could become not just a flourishing town, but the perfect home for their patchwork family.

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Makeshift Family

Abram Cooper has ten months to turn rough Minnesota country into a vibrant town, or his sister-in-law will take his three sons back to Iowa with his blessing. Until then, Charlotte Lee has agreed to keep house and help raise his children as part of their bargain. But can the single father fulfill Charlotte’s requirements in time to make sure that she and his boys don’t leave—and take his heart with them?

Charlotte is convinced that the wilderness is no place to raise her nephews. But as she watches the community slowly develop, she sees that Abram just might be able to make it blossom. With three little matchmakers bringing her and Abram together, Little Falls could become not just a flourishing town, but the perfect home for their patchwork family.

“I know if I succeed, it means you’ll have to go back to Iowa alone,” Abram said.

“I just want someone to talk to. Women tend to look at things differently than men. I’ll have some important decisions to make soon, and I want to make sure I’m doing the right thing.”

“I wish I could help you make your decision—but you’re right. If you succeed, I’ll fail—”

“You won’t fail.”

“I’ll fail at my reason for coming.” And she would have to go back alone—which was the last thing she wanted. The boys deserved to be raised in a proper place, with good schools, and hospitals, and comfort—the frontier was far too dangerous a place to grow up.

“You’ve already accomplished a great deal since you’ve been here, and all of us are grateful,” he said. “I’m hopeful about Little Falls, but I’m also realistic. I’ve been involved in several town prospects that have failed, even when they looked this hopeful.”

He was trying to make her feel better, and for that she was thankful. But she must not allow her heart to soften toward him. There would be nothing but heartache and devastation if she did.

Dear Reader,

Sixteen years ago, when I was a college intern at the Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Memorial Museum in Little Falls, MN, I discovered the incredible history of my hometown. I began to dream of writing stories that would follow the rise and fall of a unique American community on the banks of the Upper Mississippi River.

This story was born from that dream. It is a work of fiction, but it’s strongly influenced by true events. The cast of characters is closely related to the original founders, but these men and women are the work of my imagination. It is my hope that through this story you will be intrigued to learn more about the real people who sacrificed everything to build Little Falls. Please visit www.gabriellemeyer.com to discover more.

God Bless!

Gabrielle Meyer

GABRIELLE MEYER lives in central Minnesota on the banks of the Mississippi River with her husband and four young children. As an employee of the Minnesota Historical Society, she fell in love with the rich history of her state and enjoys writing fictional stories inspired by real people and events. Gabrielle can be found at www.gabriellemeyer.com, where she writes about her passion for history, Minnesota and her faith.

A Family Arrangement

Gabrielle Meyer


Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

—Psalms 37:3

To my sister, Andrea.

You were the first person who had to put up with my vivid imagination and my unusual love for history. Thank you for always playing along.

Chapter One

Little Falls, Minnesota Territory

November 1, 1854

What had her sister been thinking when she followed Abram Cooper to the wilds of Minnesota Territory? Charlotte Lee shaded her eyes as she surveyed the sawmill, the two-story home and the barn on the banks of the Mississippi. The rough-lumber buildings were the only structures to mark the crude settlement.

This was the town Abram and Susanne had built out of the wilderness? Seeing it now, Charlotte realized Susanne had been exaggerating in her letters. This was not a town. It could hardly be called a farm.

The dust from the departing stagecoach settled around Charlotte as she let out a painful sigh. “Oh, Susanne.” She whispered her sister’s name, her breath puffing out into the cold evening air. If only Susanne had listened and stayed in Iowa City, where everything was safe and civilized, maybe she’d still be alive.

The pale November sky boasted a pink sunset, which did little to warm her shivering body. Charlotte strode down the single-wagon road toward the sawmill. The brown grass and bare branches of the oaks, elms and maples attested to the coming winter. Thankfully the snow had held off long enough for her to travel. Hopefully the clear sky would continue to hold for just a few days more until the stagecoach returned to take her back to Iowa.

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