A Taste of Passion

A Taste of Passion
О книге

When baking entrepreneur Trudy Cole falls for celebrity chef Bill Hart, all is far from sweetness and light. Instead passion, betrayal and ambition makes for an explosive mix in the high stakes game of gourmet dining.Trudy Cole is an aspiring chef with ambitions to own her own patisserie. When she encounters celebrity chef Bill Hart she finds the older man antagonistic but disconcertingly attractive. Sexual chemistry soon boils to an unbearable temperature and they become lovers.But Trudy’s affair and ambitions for her own business become too hot to handle when she discovers that Bill has a wife. To make matters worse, her business partner and ardent admirer, Donny, threatens to destroy her patisserie and Bill Hart’s reputation.At a stately home where Trudy wants to woo investors with her culinary masterpieces, the paths of all three players cross again and the heat is turned up to a much higher setting…


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Sweet Temptation Book 1

Ashley Lister

It was possibly the most wonderful thing that Trudy had ever found in her mouth. She was momentarily struck silent as her senses savoured the experience. The chatter continued around her. The clatter of cutlery and crockery was an ambient crackle beneath the muted murmur of conversations and the sound of people steadfastly dining. The world, she supposed, was continuing to revolve. But all Trudy could focus on was the sublime flavour that filled her mouth.

It was how she imagined heaven might taste.

‘Sweet Temptation,’ Charlotte and Donny said in unison. They clinked their champagne flutes together and then nudged them absently against Trudy’s extended glass. Neither noticed that she had been struck dumb by an epiphany.

‘Here’s to profitable trading in the first year of business,’ Donny declared.

‘To a business as successful as this one,’ Charlotte countered, gesturing with her glass to the restaurant around them.

Every seat was full. Waiters and waitresses, dressed in immaculate black shirts and pants, bustled hurriedly from table to table. Trudy, Charlotte and Donny had only managed to get reservations because Charlotte’s parents were wealthy, had influence, and possessed the foresight to have booked this table several months in advance. Despite the chintz of the décor, Boui-Boui had a deserved reputation for sophistication, prestige and culinary excellence that made it successful and popular.

Donny surveyed the restaurant with a contemptuous sneer. He had been blessed with darkly handsome good looks which he exploited to their fullest advantage. Some of Trudy’s friends described him as Machiavellian whilst others said he was merely attractive because he had a bad boy’s charm. Some had even been so bold as to suggest he had the cruelty to match his devilish good looks. But Trudy had only ever thought of him as Donny, one of her flatmates and an occasional study-buddy.

She didn’t believe she would ever think of him in any other way.

‘To our first Michelin star,’ Donny decided.

‘And our second,’ Charlotte added.

The pair of them finally noticed that Trudy was not participating in their extended toast. Her eyes were wide. She had her lips closed to jealously guard the prize on her tongue. Her cheeks bulged and she was aware that the condition made her features unflattering. But she was inwardly cataloguing the flavours, identifying the ones she knew and trying to deduce the identity of a fantastic and mysterious element in the muffin that her senses hadn’t previously encountered.

The constituent eggs were fresh and creamy and so obviously free range she was sure they had come from the handful of black rock chickens she had seen clucking and strutting towards the coops in the grounds around Boui-Boui.

The flour had the heady rasp of organic, hand-milled wheat.

She could tell little about the sugars involved. Their flavours were lost beneath the blend of citrus stings and blueberry zings that sat in the muffin’s heart and sweetened every light-yet-coarse crumb.

But there was something else.

It was something that elevated the flavour to an experience like nothing she had previously encountered. It was something so exciting and unexpected she thought it was like being an artist and discovering a previously unseen colour, or being a musician and hearing a previously unheard chord.

There were echoes of citrus and vanilla and …

‘Trudy?’ Charlotte frowned with obvious concern.

Whenever Charlotte frowned a small V creased the bridge above her retroussé nose. The V wrinkled her otherwise smooth brow and caused her dark eyes to narrow. The concern always accentuated the sharpness of her angular cheekbones. The expression, instead of making her look caring, made her look like a brooding brunette ballbreaker. The expression was the polar opposite of Charlotte’s sweet-natured personality.

‘Is everything OK, hon?’

Trudy shook her head. Everything was not OK. Her world had been turned upside down by this revelation.

She had spent three years studying food. This meal was intended as a celebration between her and her two dearest friends now that they had graduated with their culinary arts degrees. Yet this was the first time Trudy had experienced a taste as profound and intense as the one that now filled her mouth. Reluctantly, almost feeling bereaved because she didn’t want to part with the new flavour she had just discovered and was now savouring, Trudy swallowed. She glanced frantically around the restaurant. When her gaze fell on the

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