
О книге

New York Times  bestselling author Cynthia Eden has killer instincts when it comes to breathtaking suspense!Once the town troublemaker, Sheriff Hayden Black became the teen hero who saved young Jillian West from a savage kidnapper. He never got over their brief affair. Now the ex-SEAL and the burned-out FBI agent have reunited in their Florida hometown and rediscovered their powerful attraction. But as they hunt down a long-forgotten killer, will they get a second chance at happiness? When a series of accidents begins to plague Jill, Hayden won't let her fall victim again. There's too much history between them…and too much desire.


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New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Eden has killer instincts when it comes to breathtaking suspense!

Once the town troublemaker, Sheriff Hayden Black became the teen hero who saved young Jillian West from a savage kidnapper. He never got over their brief affair. Now the ex-SEAL and the burned-out FBI agent have reunited in their Florida hometown and rediscovered their powerful attraction. But as they hunt down a long-forgotten killer, will they get a second chance at happiness? When a series of accidents begins to plague Jill, Hayden won’t let her fall victim again. There’s too much history between them…and too much desire.

All day long, Hayden had been walking on a tightrope. That rope was way too close to snapping.

A man had come after Jill. He’d shot at her…

“You aren’t staying here alone tonight.”

Her eyes widened. “Uh, excuse me?”

“That intruder—”

“I think I did a pretty good job of defending myself.”

She didn’t get it. “Do you want me to stay sane?”

Her brow furrowed. “That would probably be a good plan.”

He thought so, too. Hayden nodded. “Then, you’re staying with me tonight. I’ll have a deputy keep watch on your place.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Did you just tell me I was staying at your place?”

“I did.” He inclined his head toward her.

“I’m not afraid, Hayden. If he comes back, I’ll be ready for him. I’ll be—”

“I know you’re not scared.” He got that. What she didn’t get… “I am.”

She laughed. “Right, the big, bad navy SEAL is afraid. You’re—”

“Absolutely terrified that something will happen to you.”


Cynthia Eden


CYNTHIA EDEN is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author. She writes dark tales of romantic suspense and paranormal romance. Her books have received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly, and one was named a 2013 RITA® finalist for best romantic suspense. Cynthia lives in the deep South, loves horror movies and has an addiction to chocolate. More information about Cynthia may be found at www.cynthiaeden.com.

I want to dedicate this book to Elaine—the absolute

best mother-in-law that a girl could ever have! Elaine, thank you so much for your support over the years. This Intrigue is for you.

“Stay away from him, Jill.” Jillian West’s grandmother pointed toward the end of the long, wooden pier. A boy was there, gazing out at the distant waves, a boy who appeared to be just a little older than Jill. “He’s trouble.”

But he didn’t look like trouble. The boy’s blond hair blew in the wind and his faded T-shirt fluttered in the breeze.

“I’ll only be inside a minute,” her grandmother promised as she patted Jill’s shoulder. “Stay here.”

And then her grandmother was gone. She’d drifted into the little souvenir shop that waited near the pier, her voice drifting back to Jill as her grandmother called out a greeting to her friend inside the store.

Her grandmother had a lot of friends in Hope, Florida. It seemed that everyplace they went she met someone she knew. Jillian’s flip-flops slid over the wooden pier as she stared up at the boy with the blond hair. She’d moved in with her grandmother just a few weeks before, but she still hadn’t gotten a chance to talk with any kids in the town.

Her grandmother knew plenty of people, just no one who was close to Jillian’s age. No other kids around thirteen for her to chat with as she adjusted to her sudden, jarring new life.

Just then, the boy glanced back at her. She stiffened, but then Jill found herself lifting her hand in an awkward wave. She even took a few quick steps toward him. His head cocked as he stared at her.

Her hand fell back to her side.

He’s trouble. Her grandmother’s warning whispered through her mind once more.

But he was coming closer to her. His sneakers didn’t even seem to make a sound as he eliminated the distance between them, and then he was there, peering down at her. He was taller than she was, his shoulders already becoming broad, and he used one careless hand to shove back his overly long hair.

“I don’t know you,” he said. His voice was deeper than she’d expected. He appeared to be around fifteen, maybe sixteen, but that voice was so grown-up.

“No, ah, I’m new.” She tucked her hands behind her back. “I’m Jillian, but my friends call me Jill.”

His gaze swept over her—dark brown eyes. Deep eyes. When she looked hard enough—and Jill was looking so hard that she felt herself blush—she saw a circle of gold in those brown eyes.

“You think we’re friends, Jill?” He emphasized her name, just a bit.

She shrugged. “We could be.” She bit her lip and offered her hand to him. “It’s nice to meet you.”

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