Afraid To Lose Her

Afraid To Lose Her
О книге

They’re in this fight togetherBorder Patrol agent Desmond Jackson would gladly take a bullet for his partner. Instead, it’s Detroit border patrol agent Sherri Lopez who ends up wounded in a drug raid…then blindsided by a shocking diagnosis.The woman Dez secretly loves is a warrior now in a fight for her life. Strong and independent, Sherri won’t let anything defeat her—or let herself rely on Dez. Doesn’t she realize how good they are together? All Dez knows is he can’t lose her…or the friendship that’s slowly evolving into something even more precious.


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They’re in this fight together

Border patrol agent Desmond Jackson would gladly take a bullet for his partner. Instead, it’s Detroit border patrol agent Sherri Lopez who ends up wounded in a drug raid...then blindsided by a shocking diagnosis.

The woman Dez secretly loves is a warrior now in a fight for her life. Strong and independent, Sherri won’t let anything defeat her—or let herself rely on Dez. Doesn’t she realize how good they are together? All Dez knows is he can’t lose her...or the friendship that’s slowly evolving into something even more precious.

If he’d been here, she would have been okay.

He would have...what? Dez wasn’t a doctor. He was just a man who cared for her. Who would do anything to save her. But what could he do in this case? He took a seat in the chair beside Sherri’s hospital bed and leaned his elbows on his knees. His head in his hands, he closed his eyes and took a shuddering breath.

He stood and pressed his lips against her forehead. “You have to fight this, my fierce warrior. Fight this and come back to me healthy and well.” He kissed her again and listened to her soft breathing.

Sherri’s mom whispered, “You love her.” She said it as a statement, not a question.

Dez nodded and took Sherri’s hand in his. Pressed his lips to it and watched her sleep. “Always.”

Dear Reader,

As a breast cancer survivor, I am so excited to bring you the Hope Center Stories about three women who are on their own journeys with cancer. They will face their fears and celebrate their victories together because that’s how we defeat this horrible disease: with the love and support of family, friends and medical staff. As long as we can hold on to each other, cancer cannot destroy us. It may damage and scar our bodies, but our faith and will to live will help carry us through.

Sherrita Lopez is about to start her own fight with breast cancer. For someone who prides herself so much on her independence, she is about to learn that the journey requires family and friends to support and love her through the difficult times. She also discovers that the friend who has always been by her side is the man she can’t live without.

For those who have defeated cancer, I would remind you that we need to continue to live as warriors and help those who are in the middle of their own journeys by sharing our stories and advice. Celebrate those scars because they are physical proof that we could not be defeated. For those who are in the middle of their own fight, I would encourage you to reach out to those around you for support because you’ll need that in those dark days and to celebrate in the small victories. Don’t give up! For those who have lost loved ones to cancer, I send my love and prayers.


Afraid to Lose Her

Syndi Powell

SYNDI POWELL started writing stories when she was young and has made it a lifelong pursuit. She’s been reading Harlequin romance novels since she was in her teens and is thrilled to be on the Harlequin team. She loves to connect with readers on Twitter, @syndipowell, or on her Facebook author page,

This book is dedicated to the doctors who saved my life: Dr. Christopher Frocillo, Dr. Stephen Cahill and Dr. Salman Fateh. Thank you for your care and support through one of the most difficult times of my life. Because of your tireless dedication to your patients, many of us are able to celebrate more birthdays and holidays. We owe you so much.


SHERRITA LOPEZ TOOK a sip of lukewarm coffee from the cardboard cup and glanced around the group of about a dozen federal agents that had gathered in a parking lot of the building that housed the Drug Enforcement Agency. They all looked similar in navy jackets with “DEA” or “ATF” written in gold on the back. They even seemed to have the same haircut. She pulled her long brown hair over one shoulder and wished she fit in better. Maybe she shouldn’t have worn her usual work outfit: navy suit jacket, white blouse and navy pants.

Her partner from Border Patrol had promised he’d meet her there, but she’d seen no sign of Desmond Jackson. A woman in a navy nylon jacket walked up to her and nodded at the cup of coffee. “That any good?”

Sherri shrugged. “It’s caffeine at least.” She looked the woman over. “You with the DEA?”

“I’m Darla.” The woman nodded and leaned against a parked van. “It’s amazing, you know. I don’t have many women in my office, but they put our agencies together and I automatically gravitate toward you. It’s nice to see a feminine face among all these hard masculine ones. Like calling to like, I guess.”

“It’s hard being one of the few. I understand that well enough.” She took another draw of her coffee. “Do you know what the scoop is with this raid? Details have been sketchy.”

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