Alex Foster in a city where nothing ever happens

Alex Foster in a city where nothing ever happens
О книге

Alex Foster in a City Where Nothing Ever Happens is a captivating and imaginative children’s book that takes readers on an extraordinary journey with a curious 5-year-old protagonist. From the onset, the book transports readers into an ordinary city where nothing seems to happen – a perfect setting for a little one’s wild adventures. The author, using a delightful blend of realism and whimsy, introduces us to Alex, a curious and adventurous young boy with an insatiable thirst for adventure.


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© Leo Lubavitch, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-6011-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

In the year 2200, under the rule of our Lord, I found myself wandering through the streets of an American provincial town. The air was heavy with a unique blend of hope and nostalgia, carrying echoes of a bygone era. Oh, how much the landscape had changed since my youth!

As I strolled along the cobblestone streets, the towering buildings seemed to stretch towards the sky, adorned with gleaming metal and glass. No longer were there quaint wooden structures of the past, where one could hear the echoes of people sharing laughter and stories by a warm fireplace. These new structures mirrored the modern mindset, cold and calculated, devoid of the spirit that once defined these humble towns.

Though progress had left its mark on the town, there were still remnants of simpler times. On every corner, I witnessed crowds of people scurrying about with purpose, their eyes glued to handheld devices. Ah, the wonders of technology! These devices seemed to be an extension of their souls, a connection to the outside world, yet a distraction from the present moment.

But amidst this bustling sea of humanity, I yearned for the warm embrace of community, the comforting whispers of neighborly gossip and shared experiences. Sadly, it appeared that the essence of the province had been diluted by the demands of progress.

Gone were the leisurely walks to the local market, where farmers and craftsmen proudly displayed their goods. Now, faceless corporations dominated the landscape, offering mass-produced products and services that lacked the character of those personal endeavors.

The once vibrant brooks, shimmering in the sunlight, had become lifeless, polluted waterways. The riverboats, once a symbol of prosperity and romance, had vanished, replaced by high-flying modes of transportation.

Indeed, the town had become a breeding ground for anonymity, as faces passed by each other without a nod or smile, immersed in their own worlds. The spirit of unity and companionship that once thrived on these streets had been suffocated by the ever-demanding nature of progress.

Oh, the stories his eyes seemed to convey! They shimmered with the magic of witnessing something extraordinary, as if catching sight of a creature believed to be extinct, tucked away in the forgotten pages of a fairy tale. Maybe he encountered a being of immense beauty, or perhaps he connected with a new companion, wild and free.

As I witnessed this scene, my spirit soared with joy, for in that singular moment, the child and the grass united, bridging the divide between the untouched wilderness and the encroaching wave of industrial progress. It felt as if history itself took a breath and whispered through the rustling leaves, reminding all who would listen that the essence of simplicity and nature yearned to be revived.

In a world where screens compete for our attention, peddling fragments of virtual marvels at the expense of our own senses, this young boy became a beacon of hope. He stood as proof that the human spirit, with its intrinsic inclination to wonder and explore, could defy the alluring grasp of technology, if only for a fleeting moment.

With that image imprinted in my mind, I embarked on my journey, longing for the day when more hearts would awaken from this slumber induced by technology. A day when people would turn their gaze away from captivating screens and embrace the joys and mysteries entwined within the natural forms and the simple wonders of existence.

For in that provincial town, through the innocent eyes of a child, I caught a glimpse of the promise of a future where humanity, guided by its insatiable curiosity, would rekindle the delight found in the humble pleasures just beyond the grasp of modernity’s handheld veil.


Well, well, well. Hey there, folks! Call me Alex Foster, and today I’m setting off on a grand adventure – off to that legendary place known as school. Now, one might expect my dear parents to lend a hand on this journey, but alas, their work had them forget their parental duties. But fear not! Young Alex is ready to step up. I’ve decided to venture forth alone, fearless and undeterred, armed with nothing but a trusty GPS to guide my way.

This GPS sure is something, lemme tell ya. Just a bit of kidding around, punch in the right route and it hands you the directions like an explorer’s map. It feels like I’m embarking on a great exploration, a pioneer discovering new lands I know little about. Sure, I’ve watched some videos on that fantastic video-sharing site about what to expect at this mysterious place called school, but deep down I know there’s a world of discovery waiting for me. And let me tell ya, it beats sitting around at home any day.

As I made my way, I crossed paths with a quirky old fellow, dressed in clothes that seemed straight out of the past. His worn appearance gave him an air of wisdom and experience. Intrigued, I found myself trailing behind him, captivated by his every move. So engrossed was I that I strayed from the planned route, lost in the enchantment of the moment. He turned and caught me staring, and, caught off guard, I pretended to be fascinated by the gathering of grass. You see, in our buzzing city, real grass is quite a rarity. Most patches are covered in artificial turf boasting some self-renewing magic. But this particular grass, though it may wither and dry, still pulses with life. And within its vibrant blades, I sensed something extraordinary, as if it held invisible secrets.

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