An Unfit Mother: How to get your Health, Shape and Sanity back after Childbirth

An Unfit Mother: How to get your Health, Shape and Sanity back after Childbirth
О книге

This upbeat, achievable plan helps you get back into shape after pregnancy, by combining super nutrition (including meal suggestions and dietary advice) and effective short exercise routines you can do anywhere. It’s the easy way for mums to become yummy mummies – reclaiming their bodies and losing their baby-weight safely and successfully.A mother herself, Kate Cook understands the frustrations, self-doubts and lack of control felt by many mums, so the focus is on straightforward solutions for real lifestyles.The plan is wrapped around a humorous ‘chic-lit’ style narrative for an immediate connection with the reader, but is easy to dip into, with clever tips, meal plans and easy exercises.Kate offers sound advice not only on nutrition and exercise, but on how to find the time, energy and motivation to get going and keep going. There are quotes from real mums throughout, to reinforce the life-coaching elements, helping you to save time and stay sane and focused.

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An Unfit Mother

How to get your Health, Shape and Sanity back after childbirth.

Kate Cook

with Lucy Wyndham-Read

To My family—Jem and Emma



The preparation bit

The nutrition bit

The exercise and putting it all together bit

The lifestyle bit

The final bit





About the Publisher

If you are flicking through this in the bookshop, trying to focus through bleary, non-seeing eyes and feeling like you drank 20 glasses of wine last night, either you have the hangover from hell or you are a new mother. Welcome to the tribe, Sister.

That jolly teacher at the pre-natal class didn’t really tell you about the afterwards, did she? Preparation, preparation, preparation, is all very well but an ounce of theory is worth a tonne of practice—how did you really know what it was actually going to be like? Having a baby seemed like an unreal dream right from the telling your parents bit through to the excitement of shopping for the baby’s room. And the actual birth. Well, it all seemed so sort of remote and kind of easy in theory. Just push something the size of a melon through tiny little hole. Easy.

After all the attention of the actual event and day, and the visits and all the presents, and after all the flowers have died and all the balloons have gone limp, what are you left with? A little bundle of joy, sure—but no instructions of how to operate and boy, do you now know the meaning of tired. The tired that says, ‘So what if all the washing up hasn’t been done for a week?’, and you can’t be bothered to find some clothes, any clothes, let alone matching socks. Instead, you have resorted to going out of the house in your huge grey, elephant-like unsexy sweat pants. ‘Blimey,’ you say, to no one in particular, ‘I am really losing it big time.’ Actually, you might be saying it to yourself and just moving your lips.

Once the really treacle tired bit has passed—and it will, although it may not seem like it just now—it does get easier (proper promise; the night feeding does stop). Then it is about time to start to at least think about reclaiming not only your old body, but also your mind, sanity and the, well, the you part of you.

It feels like that naughty stork dumped the baby and then made off with your old jeans and dumped a much smaller pair that you seem unable to get into. Frankly, this is beginning to depress you. Not only has the stork stolen your jeans but he took away your old life, too. Now don’t get me wrong, you wouldn’t want to go back entirely to the old you, but it would be nice to have something of that old dynamic, non-mummsy self back—the one without the trail of tot-snot down the front.

So who’s actually writing this book?

Fear not—Lucy Wyndham-Read (on exercise) and I, Kate Cook, are the ones applying for the job of getting you to a really fab place with not only your fitness but your nutrition and the whole of your life and thinking! Well, we like to aim high.

I am a nutritional therapist and life coach with bags of experience. I have seen over 4,500 patients face to face, who I hope I have all helped, at least in some way—and hopefully I am about to help you, too. I believe in seeing nutrition and life in general as something that has to be do-able—and it has to be something that fits in with your lifestyle and the fact that you are human. There is the absolutely perfect way of doing all this and then there is the real way, which you are going to apply to all the information in this wonderful, wonderful book. You are not going to do all of it! So don’t feel bad—just try to do some of it. We are not looking for total perfection. You only have to do a bit better than you are now—that’s all.

Lucy is the exercise expert and is fitness trainer to the Stars, but is really down to earth and specialises in the no-workout workout—stuff you can do at home and on the hoof rather than having to do exercises in a gym.

The preparation bit

If you want, you can start to think about your life, nutrition and fitness as soon as you are being wheeled out of the delivery suite. Indeed, the preparation programme is designed for you to start at any time. I introduce you to some good eating habits and Lucy has written some nice ’n easy exercises to get you going. Don’t be tempted to start too soon or your stomach muscles may not be knitted together properly—that will make more sense later and Lucy will tell you about that, too—so check it out before you launch into a thousand press-ups.

The nutrition bit

Change happens over a period of time and if you try to change everything all at once, you might keep it up for a week, but then you will certainly think, ‘Sod it!’ at some point and all the old habits will come roaring back with a vengeance. Think back to how you were at school and how you are now, and of course you have changed and developed, but you haven’t had to really make an effort to change. It has just happened organically as you have learnt new strategies that make life easier.

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