Armenian Acts of Cultural Terrorism

Armenian Acts of Cultural Terrorism
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A careful exploration of the lands and place-names is necessary in order to understand the history, culture and language of a dynasty. When tracing back the roots of a nation, history of the language and all the proper names play a particularly important role. Names of every surface feature -stream, lake, mountain, regions- bring to light a millennium of the nation's history. In short, proper names comprise the book of a nation's past and future. The more you read the book, the more you can find out sound information about the present and the past. Hydronims, oronims, etnonims and urbanonims that reflect the very identity of peoples are created and preserved in their mother tongue. Historical sources make it evident that districts, such as, Göyce, Zengezur, Vedi, Erivan, and so on, have been the ancestral and eternal lands of Azerbaijan.

A thorough examination of the geographical names of these lands will reveal once again that they are the habitat of the Turks. Turkish place-names of West Azerbaijan, today's Armenia, have not yet been investigated. It is a historical fact that until the beginning of the 19th century, most of the place-names in Armenia were of Turkish origin. In his Population of Soviet Armenia, published in 1932, Z. Korkodyan reports that in the 19th and early 20th centuries, about 2000 cites of the total 2310 were of Turkish origin. After the annexation of Azerbaijan by Russia following 1828 Turkmencay Agreement, some of the Armeni-ans emigrated from Turkey and Iran were allocated in the Turkish villages in West Azerbaijan under provocations by the Russian Empire. At approximately the same time, Azerbaijani Turks were expelled from their ancestral lands. Their historical monuments were destroyed, and place-names were changed.

The existing Armenian name changing policy was added a new parameter af-ter the revolution. Names of hundreds of villages were changed into artificially pro-duced Armenian ones by official decrees. This officially approved operation of name changing was enacted in 1935, and the Azerbaijani Turks were expelled from their lands. Villages were partially banned from being resided and they were ruined. These evacuated villages used to be the sites having marks of deep-rooted Turkish history. They display important solid evidence suggesting the evil aspirations of the Armenians. Here are some examples:

[ul]In the region of Zengibasar: Hesen Ağa, Qaracalar, Ozanlar, Tercan and so forth,

In the region of Vedibasar: Saray, Şorsu, Hesen Qala, Günlük, Qızılveren, Qazançı and so forth,

In the region of Goyce: Buğdatepe, Üçtepe, Ağrıca, Allahverdi Bey, Ağsaq Tauz and so forth,

In the region of Dereleyez: Kelyataçı, Boyadere, Boğacık, Qulu Baği and so forth, have been the victims of cultural genocide. … ...[/ul]

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It is a fact that the most important factor which enables nations to last out, is their cultural identity. It goes down in history that a nation's failure to hold on to its cultural values tenaciously would lead to a total frustration. As pointed out by one writer, 'If we shoot bullets through our past, a cannonade by our future generations is next to come.' Therefore, in order to succeed in living up to standards of a dignified life, one has to protect, maintain, and transmit his cultural heritage, which in turn builds a bridge between the past and the future.

Regrettably, even around the turn of the century, terrorism remains a grim fact. It is excruciating to witness innocent people falling victims to terrorism. However, what is more dangerous and utterly unpardonable is cultural terrorism. Fighting, plundering and arson have long been canonized as glorifying forms of action by some nations therefore it has been highly pertinent, in their view, to obliterate the cultural artifacts belonging to their adversaries which survived over centuries. Most probably, history will not excuse those nations that are committed to prove their dignity by destroying the cultural monuments of other civilizations.

Dear readers,

in its attempt to shed light on the question What is cultural terrorism?, this book constitutes a striking piece of document presented to the world public. You will be petrified to read about the cultural genocide exercised vigorously over Azerbaijani Turks by Armenian propagandists who unjustly misinform the world by spreading erroneous claims of ethnic genocide -alleged mass killings of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey in 1915. It will raise a twinge of conscience to find out in this book that Armenian invaders who, with savage ferocity, eradicated the works of art embroidered with traditional and moral values could not abide even Turkish place names. One wonders how rational it is to merely feel sorry and have pangs of conscience for this. In that case, what should be done? We should explain the facts to the whole world, and especially to the international organizations that are supportive of the protection and maintenance of cultural monuments; and we should do so with full perseverance. We must and shall explain the undisputed facts despite those who present their lies to the whole world as the truth and who regrettably find thoroughly unjust and condoning supporters. I do not think we have any other options. None at all. This is a duty that should not be assigned exclusively to Azerbaijan. All the external institutions and organizations that believe in this rightful and honorable mission of Azerbaijani Turks' are also expected to garner support and contribute their best.

The historic Azerbaijani mission is pivotal indeed. Even though we are a republic that proclaimed its independence not long ago, we have been in history for an in proportionately long time. Our voice goes back in time echoing around centuries. Sooner or later, we shall verify our rightful mission as well as our pride and dignity before the entire world. I do not have the slightest doubt about it. However, in order to achieve our ultimate goal, it is crucial to understand and explain this mission well, and set ourselves to work diligently on it.

I hereby take the opportunity to wholeheartedly congratulate Cafer Qiyasi, author and architect of Azerbaijan, and İbrahim Bozyel, author, lawyer and president of Iğdır Azerbaijani-Turkish Cultural Association, on this wonderful and extremely valuable joint work.

We send our special gratitudes to the president of the "BAGHLAN" Group Mammadov Hafiz Madjid because of his non-substitutive assistance in the publishing of this book.



The following verses by Hüsein Cavid, the great poet of Azerbaijan, who stood accused of having pan-Turkist inclinations and was sent to Siberia in exile, provide an impressive metaphorical description of societies undergoing structural deformation as well as the impasse endured by ambitious people and nations:

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