Billion-Dollar Baby Bargain / The Moretti Arrangement: Billion-Dollar Baby Bargain / The Moretti Arrangement

Billion-Dollar Baby Bargain / The Moretti Arrangement: Billion-Dollar Baby Bargain / The Moretti Arrangement
О книге

Billion-Dollar Baby Bargain Tessa Radley Turned from best man to baby’s guardian in one shocking moment, bad-boy billionaire Connor North staked his claim. If maid-of-honour Victoria Sutton wanted any part in her godson’s life, she had to play by Connor’s rules. So Victoria moved into his home. She even agreed to become his wife…and their convenient marriage sparked a surprisingly powerful passion…The Moretti Arrangement Katherine Garbera Dominic Moretti knew he could fire his secretary – but he really wanted to make her…pay. She’d stolen from him. All the time he’d trusted her, all the time he’d been fighting his attraction to her, she’d been plotting with his enemy. So now he held all the cards. He could do whatever he wanted with Angelina…

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Billion-Dollar Baby Bargain

by Tessa Radley

“I’d like to see the will.” She did her best to keep the tension out of her voice, to keep it level and professional. To her annoyance, her pulse kicked up.

He drew a leather document holder from under his arm. A surreptitious glance revealed lines of tiredness etched deep into his face, though they failed to mute the impact of his hard, handsome features.

Unable to restrain herself, Victoria snatched up the will, scanning the headings as she flicked through the pages. Searching for proof a darling baby’s life had changed forever.

“Co-guardian.” His voice was gravelly, all male, full of edges with no smooth sweetness. “And we share custody, too.”

A gust of chilly wind cut through the fabric of her dress. She shivered. Crossing her arms, she let the will fall as she rubbed her hands absently up and down her body.

Joint custody and co-guardianship. How on earth was that going to work? Damn, what had her friend been thinking?

The Moretti Arrangement

by Katherine Garbera

“Why would you settle for this kind of relationship when you could have something real?”

“This feels real to me,” he said, walking into the bedroom.

He sat down on the edge of her bed and then snagged her wrist, drawing her close. “Doesn’t this feel real to you?”

She swallowed hard. She wasn’t explaining this the right way. She wanted him to say that there was more between them than an arrangement, but there was no way that was going to happen tonight.

“I guess so.”

He pulled her even closer, wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder. The move was unexpected and she didn’t know what it meant. But she realised that analysing Dominic’s actions wasn’t going to bring her the answers she sought. Not tonight.

Available in July 2010

from Mills & Boon Desire>™

Royal Seducer by Michelle Celmer


Bossman Billionaire by Kathie DeNosky

Billion-Dollar Baby Bargain by Tessa Radley


The Moretti Arrangement by Katherine Garbera

The Tycoon’s Pregnant Mistress by Maya Banks


To Tame Her Tycoon Lover by Ann Major

Billion-Dollar Baby Bargain


Tessa Radley

The Moretti Arrangement


Katherine Garbera


Baby Bargain


Tessa Radley

Dear Reader,

I’ll never forget the day that my first child was born. The doctor placed this wailing little person on my chest and I greeted him. The screams stopped instantly. He grew still. The nurse and my husband began to laugh, and the doctor said, “He knows his mum’s voice.” As I carried on talking, my baby tried to lift his head to look at me. I knew then that the doctor was right. All those months that he’d been part of me, he’d learned the sound of my voice. And right there a bond was forged.

It was an amazingly profound moment for me.

So it probably won’t surprise you that I’ve always enjoyed romances that contain babies. There is a tenderness in these stories – and often the stakes are so much higher. It’s not only the hero and heroine’s relationship that’s at risk, but the future of that vulnerable baby, too.

I’m a huge fan of Desire’s BILLIONAIRES AND BABIES stories…I have read all the titles published so far…and I’m thrilled that Connor and Victoria’s story is part of this fabulous collection.

Happy reading!

Tessa Radley

Tessa Radley loves travelling, reading and watching the world around her. As a teen Tessa wanted to be an intrepid foreign correspondent. But after completing a bachelor of arts degree and marrying her sweetheart, she became fascinated by law and ended up studying further and practising as a lawyer in a city practice.

A six-month break travelling through Australia with her family reawoke the yen to write. And life as a writer suits her perfectly: travelling and reading count as research and as for analysing the world…well, she can think “what if?” all day long. When she’s not reading, travelling or thinking about writing, she’s spending time with her husband, her two sons, or her zany and wonderful friends. You can contact Tessa through her website,

For my boys


Who would have thought that a baby—cute and gurgly when his mother held him—could be such a demanding little devil? Victoria Sutton sank down onto the couch in the living room of her Auckland town house and gazed at the sleeping baby in the traveling cot with weary disbelief.

Dylan looked utterly angelic as stubby eyelashes rested in dusky crescents against chubby baby cheeks and his mouth moved gently up and down.

Oh, for a shot of caffeine.

Strong, hot Starbucks coffee. Hard to believe the whole weekend had passed without finding time to pick one up. Mandy, her secretary, would laugh herself silly tomorrow when Victoria recounted the events of the past two days.

Had it only been two days?

Propping her elbows on her knees, Victoria rested her chin in her palms, and groaned. Two days, but also two pretty much sleepless nights during which Dylan had turned her normally organized life upside down. Heavens, it seemed like she hadn’t drawn a breath since her best friend Suzy had gabbled her last bits of advice on Friday evening as Michael had tugged his wife out the front door, eager to get away for a brief romantic break to celebrate their second wedding anniversary.

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