
О книге

SOMEONE WAS WATCHING HER…And leaving her disturbing poems and handwritten notes signed "Forever, Yours." The man entered Holly Frasier's house silently, taking her most cherished personal possessions and taunting her with the subtle threats that he was always nearby.With Holly's life in jeopardy, tough-as-nails Jack O'Hara was the only person she could trust. To flush out the stalker, she agreed to a fake marriage with the sexy FBI operative, who promised to protect her at all costs. Within Jack's arms Holly found a safe haven, and in his bed, exquisite passion. But could Jack discover her deadly admirer's identity before the stalker intervened and destroyed their chances at forever?


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“I don’t know how to act with you. What are we supposed to do?” Holly asked her protector.

Jack’s gray eyes sparkled as he grinned. Her heart fluttered. The transformation was amazing. His whole face lit up and his harsh features turned devastatingly handsome. She tried to focus on what he was saying.

“We’re supposed to be married. So act like a newlywed. Oh, by the way. I put my stuff in the guest room, but I’ll be sleeping with you,” Jack said.

“You’ll what?” Holly croaked.

“We can’t take the chance that your stalker might see anything that would tell him we aren’t sleeping together. We’re pretty sure he has access to your house. So everything must point to a happy newlywed couple. You have a king-size bed, don’t you?”

Holly nodded slowly. She felt paralyzed in place. A vision of Jack in her bed, tangled in her sheets rose before her eyes. She realized she was still nodding, and stopped.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I’ll stay on my side of the bed. I’m an honorable man….”

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To start off the festivities, Harper Allen brings you Covert Cowboy—the next riveting installment of COLORADO CONFIDENTIAL. Watch the sparks fly when a Native American secret agent teams up with the headstrong mother of his unborn child to catch a slippery criminal. Looking to live on the edge? Then enter the dark and somber HEARTS KEEP estate—with caution!—when Dani Sinclair brings you The Second Sister—the next book in her gothic trilogy.

The thrills don’t stop there! His Mysterious Ways pairs a ruthless mercenary with a secretive seductress as they ward off evil forces. Don’t miss this new series in Amanda Stevens’s extraordinary QUANTUM MEN books. Join Mallory Kane for an action-packed story about a heroine who must turn to a tough-hearted FBI operative when she’s targeted by a stalker in Bodyguard/Husband.

A homecoming unveils a deadly conspiracy in Unmarked Man by Darlene Scalera—the latest offering in our new theme promotion BACHELORS AT LARGE. And finally this month, ’tis the season for some spine-tingling suspense in The Christmas Target by Charlotte Douglas when a sexy cowboy cop must ride to the rescue as a twisted Santa sets his sights on a beautiful businesswoman.

So gather your loved ones all around and warm up by the fire with some steamy romantic suspense!


Denise O’Sullivan

Senior Editor Harlequin Intrigue


Mallory Kane


Mallory Kane took early retirement from her position as assistant chief of pharmacy at a large metropolitan medical center to pursue her other loves, writing and art. She has published and won awards for science fiction and fantasy as well as romance. Mallory credits her love of books to her mother, who taught her that books are a precious resource and should be treated with loving respect. Her grandfather and her father were both steeped in the Southern tradition of oral history, and could hold an audience spellbound with their storytelling skills. Mallory aspires to be as good a storyteller as her father. She loves romantic suspense with dangerous heroes and dauntless heroines. She is also fascinated by story ideas that explore the infinite capacity of the brain to adapt and develop higher skills. Mallory lives in Mississippi with her husband and their dauntless cat. She would be delighted to hear from readers. You can write to her c/o Harlequin Books, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279.


Holly Frasier—Three men are dead because they cared for her. Now she’s married to a stranger who swears he can protect her from her deadly admirer.

Jack O’Hara—This FBI special agent—known as the Ice Man—never lets his personal feelings get involved. He knows his strength is in his detachment. But Holly Frasier may melt his ice-encrusted heart, if he can keep her alive.

Virgil McCray—Chief of police of Maze, Mississippi. He only has the best interests of his grandniece Holly at heart.

Debi McCray—Holly’s younger sister is afraid Holly will leave her alone to care for their great-aunt and great-uncle.

Stanley Hanks—The university gym’s maintenance man has a special place in his heart for Holly.

Bob Winger—The town’s high school English teacher depends on Holly to listen to all his problems, and solve them for him.

Donald Sheffield—Holly dated him for a short while, but he assumed they had a relationship, and he didn’t want to let her go.

Earl Isley—An insurance agent in Maze, he wrote large insurance policies on both Holly’s dead husband and her missing fiancé, with Holly as beneficiary.

Mitch Decker—Special agent in charge of the Division of Unsolved Mysteries, Decker treats all of his staff like family.

Eric Baldwyn—The division’s profiler. He’s got an uncanny talent for delving into the psyche of the killer.

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