Many millions of years ago, the Union of advanced civilizations The universe was put into practice the basic law of existence and development of intelligent life, which should be developed on the outskirts of galaxies, the most suitable for this purpose. Our Milky Way galaxy has good conditions for the realization of purpose. The solar system was chosen. And incarnation began on Fayeton planet. While preparations were made and the first stages of implementation, there was consensus among Civilizations, for each pursuing its own goals. However, as so that life evolved on Fayeton developed and differences in Union environment. These differences are mainly divided into two categories: first – for the operation life of man by studying the behavior of artificially created extreme situations and selection at this life-giving energy generated by humans for food and supplement their own vitality. the second – more humane, for the operation of human experience acquired during the life of a man-made extreme conditions. These two concepts have created irreconcilable differences and animosity between two groups within the Union, but having a thorough knowledge of the laws of the universe Space and knowing that the war between them tantamount to suicide. The Union is at peace and strict observance rules and laws of the ecological processes taking place in the cosmos. Bound rigid framework of co-existence, emotion differences transferred to the long-suffering humanity… And the food vital energies of Man goes as during his lifetime, and after his death (using life experience turned into energy clots energy). And what about the man himself? Man, as has been said is the embodiment of the best qualities of cast Advanced civilizations, and concentrated in it. Vested with these qualities, he seeks to escape from under the control of its creators, guardians, but every time you reach the knowledge of higher knowledge Cosmic Laws of the Universe, Union wipes out the planet incubator of human civilization. For what? Before the inexorable destruction of the Law, which is the end result necessary for the revival of the matter of the universe is compressed to state point of substance, when there is neither space nor time, nor matter. The revival comes from the Supreme Intelligence that revives the universe from the point of reviving himself and, because he’s always there. Cannot exist without material substance of space, time and matter. So, experience is necessary for the revival of civilization, and to purchase it withdrawn man endowed with the best qualities that gave it as gifts to advanced beings of the universe. Man locked in shackles atmospheres and attractive forces of the planet, in fact appeared in the world hostage to their creators – the experimenters who have powerful tools Cosmic knowledge. In an effort to break free from these shackles. The man, far superior, its unattractive appearance to the creators, according to his ability, perceptions of beauty and harmony of the universe, quickly reaches perfection. But the union does not sleep, because he knows that reaching perfection Humanity be established in space and break the life-giving currents generated energy abundant supply in reasonable creators. Having taken a worthy place in the Space, Man beats the Universal Mind of the Universe, which is the God, God will carry out the promise, will give the Union Higher Civilizations (Biblical angels) in the subordination of man and mankind will be the people of God Himself. It is only fueling wild instincts in man born in the struggle for existence, such as: anger, betrayal, fratricide and other… Civilization universe portrayed God the Father (Supreme Intelligence of the Universe) is not a worthy man, a man – a destroyer and as a result erased from the face of the planet, the incubator of human civilization, which reached “forbidden” knowledge. Higher Mind of the Universe, God, is committed to helping self, created to His image and likeness. He repeatedly sent people to the Messiah. Therefore, is the Man Biblical way in which he can escape from the bondage of guardianship Space “fathers” and take its rightful place among the ecumenical civilization. But never the highest civilization Cosmos, under any circumstances, share their achievements with Man, for they will be immediately pushed into the background by the natural laws of development, which is equivalent to the degeneration, death, or life in the service of man. So, having the opportunity to be invisible to the human perception, they influence the course of historical processes to inspire humanity to erroneous ways to slow down the evolution. Examples of this are many. Progressive historical figures of the Earth of Mankind, as a rule, have time to do only one jolt to progress as immediately “bad luck” claims the lives of more full of energy and ideas of the leader. To survive, receive the promise by God, immortality, happiness, joy life without the pain of disease, etc., the kingdom of heaven on earth, we must remember that man is God’s chosen one, the Cosmic Mind of the Universe and learn to defend themselves against a massive flow of misinformation gushing on Humanity. The more intense we will defend ourselves more intensively on us will be affected by the higher civilization of Space for God’s plan we are His people, and the protection and man can survive only respecting the simple truths contained in the Word preached and His messengers known since ancient times in all religions of the world;