Book-7. Edem, novella

Book-7. Edem, novella
О книге

Three years have passed since the command of the general was conditionally convicted for transferring secret materials to foreign intelligence of a flying disc. The wife of the test pilot of the missing person unexpectedly receives a strange letter… New adventures begin, related to the search in the footsteps of the missing test pilot. Pleasant readings, your author V. Speys.


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© V. Speys, 2021

ISBN 978-5-0053-5067-1 (т. 7)

ISBN 978-5-0053-4959-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


Three years have passed since the command of the general was conditionally convicted for transferring secret materials to foreign intelligence of a flying disc. The wife of the test pilot of the missing person unexpectedly receives a strange letter… New adventures begin, related to the search in the footsteps of the missing test pilot. Pleasant readings, your author V. V. Speys.

Book – VII. Edem novella

Chapter 1

Krazimova Anna opened her eyes while lying in bed. She was awakened by a persistent doorbell. For three long years, no news of Leni. Though she was told that her husband was missing. But deep down she could not believe this terrible news. She never for a moment doubted that her Lenya alive and ever will give news about themselves. And suddenly this doorbell. She sleepily glanced at the clock ticking away in the corner of uniformly, wedding gift Garinova General Alexei. Arrows these massive antique clocks pointed to ten minutes to nine.

“Again, overslept. – It occurred to her – again will grumble at the nursery governess Dima.”

She jumped out of bed, draping on the go on a nightgown robe and ran out into the corridor, heading for the front door. There stood the postman.

– Sign here, please. – Immediately, he said.

– Why should I sign? – Anya asked warily.

– You got a letter from abroad with the notification. – Insisted postman. He was obviously in a hurry, impatient and held out log with a red notice form. In the magazine in front of her name was a free cell.

– These logs are available at the post office and go there to get registered mail with notification. – Responsible Anya.

– I have no time for you, madam, to debate about this, so I ask you, sign. – He jabbed a finger into the box and gave her a pen to paint. Anya sighed and put his signature.

– Please, here! – He showed her a free box on a red notification form. Anna sighed and put his signature on the form. Postman in turn sighed and looked into his eyes expressively Ani, handing the envelope. The envelope had the Chilean address and almost all of it was plastered with beautiful stamps. Strange was this envelope with no return address and no name of the sender. It only means that this is Chile, “Villa Bavaria.” Anya surprised considered envelope, turning it in his hands, suddenly remembering that it is necessary to conduct Dima in kindergarten and threw the envelope on the table by the mirror.

– Mama! – The kid’s voice from the next room. – What, Dad came?

Anya sighed deeply and sensually:

No, son, it was the postman! Bring a letter!

– Pechkin? – Asked seriously kid. About postman he knew the familiar cartoon characters and genuinely believed that one day and the postman knocks on their door and it will certainly postman Pechkin from Buttermilk and then bring the cherished letter from the Pope, so that he waits and hopes that his father will certainly still write and his mother. Just Dad is very busy and he had no time. Whenever the day came for the evening dawn, and Dima came time, goes to bed, he thought about the same, that there will come the next day and the letter will come tomorrow.

– Mom, this is a letter from the pope? – Asked son with undisguised curiosity.

No, again, of what may be a Christian sect with an invitation to come to the meeting.

– And will you go?

Of course not, my son, I have a lot to do at home and at work.

Dima sighed as quite an adult. On the threshold of his room seemed a boy of five years in pajamas painted with color pictures of mushrooms and butterflies. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and fists went into the dressing room.

On the street the day met Anya March thaw. Gloomy sky nestled heavy leaden clouds. Rare wet snow was falling with large drops of rain. Gusts of cold wind threw a wet abyss in the face, blowing out cold under the scarf. Wrapped and trying to turn away from the spray on the embankment of the Moscow River Anya went to Dima for kindergarten. Toddler clung to his mother’s hand, and they soon came to a crossroads where on the opposite side of the street was a kindergarten.

– You would have led to dinner! – To meet their kindergarten teacher.

– Well, you know, I do not have time to sleep off duty! – In the hearts retorted Anne.

– And what is your husband, does not give money? – She asked sarcastically.

Involuntary eye tears rolled forward.

– I have three years of living in the dark, and no one can tell where he is?

– What have you loved him so he ran away? – Stalking the teacher.

– Look, you can, if you again in a similar tone will question me, I will not complain about you!

– Oh, oh, oh, what a scare! – Running, leading the boy by the hand of the children’s locker room, she threw at him. Anya, sniffling, wiping her tears with a handkerchief. She ran out into the street. Fine snow and rain threw a wet veil in the face. It became even more repulsive to the soul. It spoiled the mood of not passing slush added. And the oppressive loneliness again took possession of all her being. Everything in the world at that moment it seemed she was bad. Anya thought her Lenya alive and that it was something out of the ordinary, so he cannot report yourself. At the thought of her actions of the authorities have imposed such that in the event of the death of her husband as the wife of the Hero of Russia was to be put a good pension. But instead, his family deprived of the gift giving and the state have not appointed a decent pension. Anya was handed a message on the letterhead of the Department of Defense that her husband was missing. Soon to work in a prestigious medical facility chief doctor called her to him and announced a categorical tone that brooked no argument that she was fired for careless attitude. In fact it was a wolf ticket. With this wording in the workbook it will not be hired, even in places not so remote. She still managed to get a nurse on duty in the home for the elderly disabled, ex- military, where it was necessary to carry out the dirty and sometimes rewarding work to care for the sick. Money for all missing. And they Dima heckled as they could. This state of affairs in the family could not affect relations with others. And the first thing neighbors on the landing. All of a sudden stopped to say hello, others pointedly turned away, passing by Anya and Dima. Only Anna Sobinova was a frequent guest at Krazimova. But had fallen on her head and trouble completely crippled young woman. Anna began to drink, vodka, drowning the hardships of life.

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