Bridal Reconnaissance

Bridal Reconnaissance
О книге

FAMILIAR STRANGERS…Amanda Smith's worst fear had been confirmed: the man she'd sent to prison was getting released. After surviving a brutal attack that had stolen her memories, she'd spent the past six years looking over her shoulder. And she was getting ready to run again, when she suddenly found herself in the protection of Evan Quade–the husband she couldn't remember.But proof of Evan's claim was stamped on the face of her five-year-old son. Though she knew she should keep her distance, Amanda was drawn to the larger-than-life man who swore to defend her–and their son–from a madman bent on revenge. Now, with only each other to trust, could they overcome danger–and desire?


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“Who are you?” Amanda asked.

Even her voice was different, deeper. If she had hit him square in the jaw with the solid wood, Evan wouldn’t have been more stunned.

“Amanda…” he began.

“I—I don’t know who you are—” Fear and confusion shook her voice and blurred her green eyes.

Just then a diesel engine drew his attention toward the street, and she gained an opportunity to push the door closed. But then she stopped and stepped over the threshold to stand beside him, trembling in the cold.

A yellow school bus, lights flashing, pulled to the curb. The door opened and a child skipped down the stairs and up the walk.

Evan’s knees weakened, and his heart jumped in his chest. The boy had the exact features Evan saw when he looked in the mirror every morning.

He’d not only found his runaway wife. He’d found a son, too. The son he’d never known he had.

Dear Harlequin Intrigue Reader,

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Danger and desire abound in As Darkness Fell—the first of two installments in Joanna Wayne’s HIDDEN PASSIONS: Full Moon Madness companion series. In this stark, seductive tale, a rugged detective will go to extreme lengths to safeguard a feisty reporter who is the object of a killer’s obsession. Then temptation and terror go hand in hand in Lone Rider Bodyguard when Harper Allen launches her brand-new miniseries, MEN OF THE DOUBLE B RANCH.

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Just when you thought it was safe to sleep with the lights off…Guardian of her Heart by Linda O. Johnston—the latest offering in our BACHELORS AT LARGE promotion—will send shivers down your spine. And don’t let down your guard quite yet. Lisa Childs caps off a month of spine-tingling suspense with a gripping thriller about a madman bent on revenge in Bridal Reconnaissance. You won’t want to miss this unforgettable debut of our new DEAD BOLT promotion.

Here’s hoping these smoldering Harlequin Intrigue novels will inspire some romantic dreams of your own this Valentine’s Day!


Denise O’Sullivan

Senior Editor

Harlequin Intrigue

Bridal Reconnaissance

Lisa Childs


Lisa Childs has been writing since she could first form sentences. At eleven she won her first writing award and was interviewed by the local newspaper. That story’s plot revolved around a kidnapping, probably something she wished on any of her six siblings. A Halloween birthday predestined a life of writing intrigue. She enjoys the mix of suspense and romance. Readers can write to Lisa at P.O. Box 139, Marne, MI 49435 or visit her at her Web site


Evan Quade—He searches for his missing wife to set her free, but winds up protecting her from a killer.

Amanda Quade—Her memory lost, she has to rely on a powerful stranger to protect her and her son.

Christopher Quade—He’s known only his mother, but if a killer’s quest for revenge is successful, he’ll become an orphan.

William Weering III—Amanda’s attacker stole her memory. Now he wants her life.

D.A. Peter Sullivan—His job is to keep Amanda safe, but he fails, either by incompetence or coercion.

Martin “Snake” Timmer—Is his warning meant to prepare Amanda, or panic her into running?

Cynthia Moore—Evan’s secretary takes her devotion too far.

Royce Graham—The Tracker reunites the Quade family but can’t protect them from a killer’s madness, or their unresolved feelings.

To Priscilla Berthiaume, my hardworking,

dedicated editor. Thank you for encouraging me to dig deeper into the characters and the story. I couldn’t have done it without you! This one is yours!


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter One

She’d lost her mind. What other reason did she have for being out at night when she so hated the dark? Of course, she’d been using that excuse for the last six years, ever since she had literally lost her mind. Or at least the part of her mind that held her memories.

Amanda sucked in a deep breath and concentrated on the relaxation exercises the last psychiatrist had taught her. But the extra oxygen in her lungs didn’t brighten the dim lights of the parking garage, nor raise the sun in the dark sky outside the concrete barriers. So her pulse raced on.

The stale odors of gasoline and exhaust hung in the cold night air. When Amanda exhaled her deep breath, it lingered as a wisp of fog.

How was it her problem that the bridal shop’s deliveryman was down with the flu? She’d suffered through her flu shot in the fall. But when her employment had been threatened by her refusal to fill in, she’d had to leave her sewing machine at home and pack up the wedding gowns to drop back at the shop. Not usually part of her job. She sewed. That was it. She didn’t know how she’d learned this talent, but it was hers. Her one marketable skill.

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