Bulletin of Spiritual Government. A practical guide to building a better world

Bulletin of Spiritual Government. A practical guide to building a better world
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Do you wish to ascend to heaven? You need to polish your thoughts and verify desires. Then the narrow courtyard of modest possibilities turns into an unlimited aerodrome


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© Lim Word, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4485-9396-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Discuss with friends, print out, send for review to the authorities of secular power.

The Spiritual Government (DP) is the structure of the power of a new era, ruling in parallel with the secular, issuing the Bulletin (Code) of laws and regulations that best correspond to the wishes of most people.

Ideal DP is a community of individuals who create alliances for the purpose of producing material, spiritual goods, their accounting, control and distribution, in addition to the structures of state power.

Secular administrative structures are usually entangled in their internal contradictions and temptations. Spiritual, mental power, at the same time, is devoid of material temptations, has an ideological basis in the people itself, therefore it is entitled to broadcast Decrees and Laws to both the state apparatus and individual individuals.

The decline of the state, in the past of tsarist Russia, then the USSR, the emerging negative trends in the Russian Federation are caused primarily by the inability of both secular authorities and the people, to objectively assess their past, present, and form the project of the desired future. Just work, without an exact dream and prayer, it turns out, does not give satisfaction, fixed positive result. People are needed who can clearly formulate some general wishes, internally not spoiled, fairly objective, both strict and sympathetic. Those who are able to judge judiciously, systematically declare (remind) the society of dreams, and this alone – to conduct them in a reality.

It is important to design the desired reality, in models that resemble clips of the best social advertising, without excessive sentimentality and obvious projections.

Such activities require a material platform, the Monolith, where the senators of the Spiritual Government constantly live and work.

Any person who is constantly increasing his knowledge in history, exact sciences, medicine and jurisprudence, giving strength to the fulfillment of the Instructions of the Spiritual Government, organizing pressure on the earthly authorities with the purpose of improving life – all over the world and on the place of his residence, can become a senator of the Spiritual Government.

The Spiritual Government realizes that the model of Russia’s development, assuming “ordinary” capitalism, the flabbergasted faces of billionaires, impenetrable state or oligarchic corporations, piles of documentation, orders of unknown persons at every step is not the basis for the development of the country and the world. Our goal is a society of trust, freedom, development of the best abilities of a person.

The type of ideas for Broadcasting (distribution, introduction), the composition of the Government, means and methods of building forums (Molov) are determined.

Forum, Hyde Park, in our presentation and name – Mol, Monolith, Tribune, – a structure that can strengthen and spread the established way of thinking. All the massive structures that are little changed in time (temples, sanctuaries, squares), even outside their religious content, solely by their own importance, can strengthen the ideas of the person who is here.

We will model the constructive discussion and cultivation of ideal solutions. Imagine that we built the Monolith, the place of spiritual power, now we broadcast ideas, create and judge.

Who constantly does something wrong, for the benefit of himself, but to the detriment of many good people!?

In a calm environment, with the whole world, we thoroughly analyze the reasons for the behavior of a harmful person, we compile his psychological portrait. We inform about the decision of the guilty party – through leaflets, news tapes of the Spiritual Government. For adjustment to persons subject to re-education – we obtain any things, with condemned somehow related – photos of the habitat, personal belongings. We go to the Monolith, and broadcast, day after day, until the psychic wave reaches the addressee. In its simplest form: “Citizen N, what you are doing is wrong. The reasons are such. Release the fast. Go to the monastery, work out your sins.”

Regularly the subject receives notification of the Broadcast made at his address. Until then, in his moral appearance, there will be no significant positive changes.

Yes, there is such secular law 128.1 – “Slander”. It is adopted in order to protect the peace of thieves, murderers and swindlers. The meaning of the decree is to crush a person who dared to speak out against someone else’s criminal activity. Under the concept of “slander” can get any statement, even if produced in a private manner. You get a fine of up to 500,000 rubles, or in the amount of income for six months, or correctional work for a period of 160 hours. The same statement, not supported by documents with seals, where it is clearly written “I am a thief” – a million, or a salary for a year, or 240 hours of correctional labor.

Or it can be qualified as “the charge of committing a serious crime” – five million rubles, earnings for three years, or correctional work up to 480 hours.

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