Buy, Hold, and Sell!

Buy, Hold, and Sell!
О книге

The keys to global business success, as taught by a T-shirt's journey The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy is a critically-acclaimed narrative that illuminates the globalization debates and reveals the key factors to success in global business. Tracing a T-shirt's life story from a Texas cotton field to a Chinese factory and back to a U.S. storefront before arriving at the used clothing market in Africa, the book uncovers the political and economic forces at work in the global economy. Along the way, this fascinating exploration addresses a wealth of compelling questions about politics, trade, economics, ethics, and the impact of history on today's business landscape. This new printing of the second edition includes a revised preface and a new epilogue with updates through 2014 on the people, industries, and policies related to the T-shirt's life story. Using a simple, everyday T-shirt as a lens through which to explore the business, economic, moral, and political complexities of globalization in a historical context, Travels encapsulates a number of complex issues into a single identifiable object that will strike a chord with readers as they: Investigate the sources of sustained competitive advantage in different industries Examine the global economic and political forces that explain trade patters between countries Analyze complex moral issues related to globalization and international business Discover the importance of cultural and human elements in international trade This story of a simple product illuminates the many complex issues which businesspeople, policymakers, and global citizens are touched by every day.


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Buy, Hold, and SELL!

The Investment Strategy That Could Save You from the Next Market Crash

Ken Moraif

title page

Cover design: Wiley

Copyright © 2015 by Ken Moraif. All rights reserved.

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Moraif, Ken.

Buy, hold, and sell!: the investment strategy that could save you from the next market crash / Ken Moraif.

pages cm

Includes index.

ISBN 978-1-118-95149-1 (hardback); ISBN 978-1-118-95151-4 (epdf);

ISBN 978-1-118-95150-7 (epub)

1. Investments. 2. Retirement income– Planning. 3. Investment analysis. I. Title.

HG4521.M837 2015

332.6– dc23


For my mom, who taught me how to save and invest, and made me who I am today.


I want to thank:

Money Matters' beloved and most valued clients.

The astute, inquisitive, and engaged listeners of my radio show.

The patient, long-suffering, and dedicated Cindy Brown, who put up with all of my quirks and calendar issues.

My three wonderful daughters, who never hesitate to criticize me and keep me on the straight and narrow.

And always, my beautiful, talented, and supportive wife Fay.


One Bear Market Can Change Your Life Forever

How would you feel if you lost over 78 percent of your retirement investments in one bad market?

I'd been doing a weekly radio show for four years when I was asked to speak at the “Managing Your Money” conference in Arlington, Texas. After my presentation to some 4,000 attendees, I walked offstage to find a man in his late fifties waiting for me. He said, “Ken, glad to meet you. I listen to your radio show every week.”

“Thanks,” I said, shaking his hand.

“Do you know how much money I had before this last bear market?”

This was 2002. The tech bubble had recently burst. I was afraid this was going to be a sad story. “No,” I said, “how much did you have?”

“Three million dollars.”

“Wow, that's great,” I said. “Congratulations.”

“Do you know much money I have now?”

I shook my head, bracing myself.

“I have $650,000.”

I remember looking at the man. I couldn't believe he was standing, let alone smiling. “But tell me,” I said, “To go from $3 million to $650,000, you had to see your investments drop to $2.5 million, then $2 million, then one and half…There were signposts along the way. Why didn't you get off the ride?”

And he said, “I had every intention. I planned to get out if my investments ever dropped down to two and a half million. But when they went down that far, I thought to myself, ‘I'm down $500,000. I can't sell now. That'd be ridiculous.’”

I had the feeling I knew where he was going.

He continued: “So I drew a line in the sand: If my investments went down to $2 million, I'd sell for sure. But when they sank to that point, I did the same thing. I said to myself, ‘Oh no, I'm down $1 million. I can't sell now, because the market will come back. I don't want to be the fool who sells at the bottom.’”

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