Claiming The Cowgirl's Baby

Claiming The Cowgirl's Baby
О книге

The surprise heir gets a surprise heir! As the newly revealed secret son of Oklahoma's most notorious billionaire, ranch foreman Kaden Waite could lose everything if he doesn't kowtow to his late father's terms. In a desperate moment, he turns to heiress and friend Pippa Duncan for some very private comfort. But soon Pippa has a secret of her own—she's having his baby. Kaden is determined that history not repeat itself: the child will bear his name and Pippa will be his bride. But Pippa refuses to settle for marriage without love. Is it a stalemate or the start of something truly special?


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The surprise heir gets a surprise heir!

As the newly revealed secret son of Oklahoma’s most notorious billionaire, ranch foreman Kaden Waite could lose everything if he doesn’t kowtow to his late father’s terms. In a desperate moment, he turns to heiress and friend Pippa Duncan for some very private comfort. But soon Pippa has a secret of her own—she’s having his baby. Kaden is determined that history not repeat itself: the child will bear his name and Pippa will be his bride. But Pippa refuses to settle for marriage without love. Is it a stalemate or the start of something truly special?

Claiming the Cowgirl’s Baby is part of the Red Dirt Royalty series.

“Who knows when I might be in your bed again?”

Kaden stopped to consider Pippa’s words. Oh yeah, there were all sorts of buts and second thoughts. She didn’t seem like a one-night-stand kind of girl but maybe he’d read her wrong. It was just sex after all. A way to forget.

He studied her expression, thought about what he knew of her. Pippa Duncan was a sweet woman who wanted to make the world a better place. She wanted to help people. And this was her way of helping him. Somehow, in spilling his guts about the day’s revelations, he’d become one of her charity cases.

The more he thought about it, the more Kade understood what Pippa was trying to do. What would it hurt to accept what she was offering?

He gave in to the need.

His lips skimmed her jaw, seeking her mouth. Then he took their kiss deeper, yet kept it quiet and dreamy, hovering just on the edge of desire.

He eased back to look at her and asked, “Are you sure?”

* * *

Best Friend Bride is part of the Red Dirt Royalty series: These Oklahoma millionaires work hard and play harder.

Claiming The Cowgirl’s Baby

Silver James

SILVER JAMES likes walks on the wild side and coffee. Okay. She LOVES coffee. A cowgirl at heart, she’s been an army officer’s wife and mum and worked in the legal field, fire service and law enforcement. Now retired from the real world, she lives in Oklahoma, spending her days writing with the assistance of two Newfoundlands, the cat who rules them all and the characters living in her imagination.

To every person who has ever created a family of the heart.

And with special thanks to my great Harlequin team: Charles Greimsman, Stacy Boyd, Tahra Seplowin, Keyren Gerlach, Erin Crum and the magicians in the art department. Y’all keep me on the straight and narrow.

*looks shifty-eyed* Mostly.


Kaden Waite was a simple man. Standing on the street staring up at the massive glass-and-steel tower that housed the offices of Barron Enterprises, he wondered why he’d been summoned here. Kade managed the Crown B Ranch for the Barron family. He belonged in the country, not here in downtown Oklahoma City.

Two women, chattering like blue jays, brushed past him, then slowed to glance back over their shoulders. Their appraisal embarrassed him.

Other people, men and women in suits moving at a hectic pace, pushed in and out of the building’s entrance intent on their business. The city was full of rush and commotion. Kade liked to take his time. Especially today when he was out of his element. Bells from a church near the Oklahoma City National Memorial chimed, reminding him the hour for his appointment was rapidly approaching.

Removing his cowboy hat, he reached for the bandanna in his hip pocket, only to discover he didn’t have one. Instead, his fingers encountered the crumpled envelope containing a certified letter requesting his presence today. And he had no freaking idea why. Cyrus Barron had hired him straight out of Oklahoma State University to run the Crown B Ranch, putting him in charge rather than one of Mr. Barron’s five sons. Now that Mr. Barron was dead, was that about to change? Was that why Kade had been summoned?

He was dressed up—at least by his standards. Starched jeans with a knife-edged crease, buttoned-up shirt, polished boots. No bandanna to wipe the sweat from his forehead, no spurs jangling as he walked. Kade used an index finger to ease the pressure of his collar against his throat. Hat in hand, he entered the building.

Kade stayed pressed into a back corner of the elevator as it stopped on lower floors. People got on and off. A few women smiled. Several men did double takes before their expressions turned speculative. This wasn’t the first time his presence caused that reaction. He wondered what people saw in him that created this response. Was it his Chickasaw heritage? His mother was a full-blood. He knew nothing about his father.

By the time the elevator doors opened on the thirty-sixth floor, Kade was the sole occupant. He stepped into an impressive reception area defined by dark wood and leather. Both receptionists—one male, one female—glanced up. The young man frowned, the slightly older woman smiled.

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