Committed to the Baby: Claiming King's Baby / The Doctor's Secret Baby

Committed to the Baby: Claiming King's Baby / The Doctor's Secret Baby
О книге

Two beloved romance stories from USA Today bestselling author Maureen Child and Teresa Southwick.Claiming King's BabyTheir last meeting to sign divorce papers goes wrong when passion overtakes Maggie and Justice King. Still, she walks away with a legal decree–and a pregnancy. Justice had always refused to have children, so this is one fact she won't reveal to him. But when Maggie ends up back at the King ranch, her secret must come out!The Doctor's Secret BabyAfter their passionate affair, Emily Summers walked away from Cal Westen. Now she's telling him they have a baby? The sensual social worker burned him once, and this ER surgeon isn't making that mistake again. Then he meets his daughter. And the no-strings-attached doctor feels his heart expand…to make room for two females in his life.

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Two beloved romance stories from USA Today bestselling author Maureen Child and Teresa Southwick.

Claiming King’s Baby

Their last meeting to sign divorce papers goes wrong when passion overtakes Maggie and Justice King. Still, she walks away with a legal decree—and a pregnancy. Justice had always refused to have children, so this is one fact she won't reveal to him. But when Maggie ends up back at the King ranch, her secret must come out!

The Doctor’s Secret Baby

After their passionate affair, Emily Summers walked away from Cal Westen. Now she's telling him they have a baby? The sensual social worker burned him once, and this ER surgeon isn't making that mistake again. Then he meets his daughter. And the no-strings-attached doctor feels his heart expand…to make room for two females in his life.

Committed to the Baby

Claiming King's Baby

Maureen Child

The Doctor's Secret Baby

Teresa Southwick

Claiming King’s Baby

USA TODAY bestselling author Maureen Child is the author of more than 130 romance novels and novellas that routinely appear on bestseller lists and have won numerous awards, including the National Reader’s Choice Award. Maureen is a seven-time nominee for a prestigous RITA® Award from Romance Writers of America, and one of her books was made into a CBS-TV movie called The Soul Collecter. Maureen recently moved from California to the mountains of Utah and is trying to get used to snow. Visit her online at

Look for more books by Maureen Child in Harlequin Desire—the ultimate destination for powerful, passionate romance! There are six new Harlequin Desire titles every month. Check one out today!

To the Estrada Family:

Steve, Rose, Alicia, Lettie, Patti and Amanda.

Good friends. Great neighbors.

We love you guys.

Chapter One

Justice King opened the front door and faced his past.

She stood there staring at him out of pale blue eyes he’d tried desperately to forget. Her long, light red hair whipped around her head in a cold, fierce wind, and her delectable mouth curved into a cynical half smile.

“Hello, Justice,” said a voice that haunted his dreams. “Been a while.”

Eight months and twenty-five days, he thought but didn’t say. His gaze moved over her in a quick but thorough inspection. She was tall, with the same stubborn tilt to her chin that he remembered and the same pale sprinkle of freckles across her nose. Her full breasts rose and fell quickly with each of her rapid breaths, and that more than anything else told him she was nervous.

Well, then, she shouldn’t have come.

His gaze locked back on hers. “What’re you doing here, Maggie?”

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

“Nope,” he said flatly. One thing he didn’t need was to have her close enough to touch again.

“Is that any way to talk to your wife?” she asked and walked past him into the ranch house.

His wife.

Automatically, his left thumb moved to play with the gold wedding band he’d stopped wearing the day he had allowed her to walk away. Memories crashed into his mind, and he closed his eyes against the onslaught.

But nothing could stop the images crowding his brain. Maggie, naked, stretched out on his bed, welcoming him. Maggie, shouting at him through her tears. Maggie, leaving without a backward glance. And last, Justice saw himself, closing the door behind her and just as firmly shuttering away his heart.

Nothing had changed.

They were still the same people they’d been when they married and when they split.

So he pulled himself together, and closed the front door behind them. Then he turned to face her.

Watery winter sunlight poured from the skylight onto the gleaming wood floors and glanced off the mirror hanging on the closest wall. A pedestal table held an empty cobalt vase—there’d been no flowers in this hall since Maggie left—and the silence in the house slammed down on top of them both.

Seconds ticked past, marked only by the tapping of Maggie’s shoe against the floor. Justice waited her out, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to be quiet for long. She never had been comfortable with silence. Maggie was the most talkative woman he’d ever known. Damned if he hadn’t missed that.

Three feet of empty space separated them and still, Justice felt the pull of her. His body was heavy and aching and everything in him clawed at him to reach out for her. To ease the pain of doing without her for far too long.

Yet he called on his own reserves of strength to keep from taking what he’d missed so badly.

“Where’s Mrs. Carey?” Maggie asked suddenly, her voice shattering the quiet.

“She’s on vacation.” Justice cursed inwardly, wishing to hell his housekeeper had picked some other time to take a cruise to Jamaica.

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