CompTIA Network+ Review Guide

CompTIA Network+ Review Guide
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Anil K. Gupta, Vijay Govindarajan, and Haiyan Wang are among the most distinguished experts in the field of globalization. In The Quest for Global Dominance they present the lessons from their twenty-year study of over two hundred corporations. They argue that, in order for a company to create and maintain its position as a globally dominant player, executives must ensure that their company leads its industry in the following four essential tasks: Identifying market opportunities worldwide and pursuing them by establishing the necessary presence in all key markets Converting global presence into global competitive advantage by identifying and developing the opportunities for value creation that global presence offers Cultivating a global mindset by viewing cultural and geographic diversity as an opportunity, not just a challenge Leveraging the rise of emerging markets especially China and India to transform the company's growth prospects, global cost structure, and pace of innovation


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CompTIA Network+
Review Guide
Exam: N10-006
Third Edition
Bill Ferguson
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Copyright © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

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ISBN: 978-1-119-02116-2

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ISBN: 978-1-119-09806-5 (ebk.)

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To my father, who in the 1980s told me to learn as much about computers as I could and to buy and hold Microsoft stock. Regrettably, I took only part of his good advice. Seriously, his purchase of an IBM PC XT computer in 1983 has made all the difference in my life and in my IT career. Unfortunately, Dad passed away on March 6, 2011, at the tender age of 73. I still think about him every time I use a computer. Thanks, Dad, and may you rest in peace!


First, I’d like to thank Kenyon Brown for giving me the opportunity to write this important book. Several people have assisted me in many ways, so I’d like to acknowledge their contributions and offer my sincere appreciation. Specifically, I’d like to thank John Davidson for his “spot on” technical editing and support throughout the process. My thanks also go to Kim Wimpsett for keeping me on track and helping me put all the final, professional touches on the book. To the many people involved in this effort with whom I never worked one-on-one, thanks! It takes a great team to put together a great book.

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