
О книге

A brilliant portrait of the Spanish Civil War from our greatest historian of Spain. ‘Anyone interested in Spain will want this book.‘ Alan Massie, Daily TelegraphA bravura new interpretation of the course, causes and characters of the Spanish Civil War, still the twentieth century’s bloodiest internal conflict. Analysis of the Civil War has always focused on victors and vanquished, but what of those who eschewed the struggle, those who stood apart from the carnage and chaos? Was there a Third Way? Starting at the extreme right of the political spectrum and moving across it to the extreme left, using the emblematic lives of ten key individuals, Preston builds up an astonishingly vivid picture of how the War came to pass, and how those who started, suffered and stopped it were coloured by the experience. Here are brilliant psychological profiles of the communist firebrand La Pasionaria, of the canny falangist Primo de Rivera, of the aloof intellectual non-participant Salvador Madariaga, and of the enigma himself, Generalissimo Franco.‘Comrades presents us with fascinating portraits, case studies that illustrate variously nobility, arrogance, self-delusion and evil. It remains difficult to comprhend the passions that lead to civil war; but this book helps us to understand.’ Michael Portillo, Sunday Telegraph


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Portraits from

The Spanish Civil War

For Miguel Dols and Hilari Raguer

1870 21 September Birth of Julián Besteiro Fernández in Madrid
1879 5 July Birth of José Millán Astray in La Coruña
1880 17 January Birth of Manuel Azaña Díaz in Alcalá de Henares
1883 30 April Birth of Indalecio Prieto Tuero in Oviedo
1886 23 July Birth of Salvador de Madariaga Rojo in La Coruña
1892 4 December Birth of Francisco Franco Bahamonde in El Ferrol
1895 9 December Birth of Dolores Ibárruri Gómez in Gallarta
1898 Defeat of Spain by USA; loss of Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippines
1903 24 April Birth of José Antonio Primo de Rivera in Madrid
1907 4 November Birth of Pilar Primo de Rivera in Madrid
1917 August Socialist general strike – Besteiro arrested and sentenced to death
1923 13 September Military coup led by General Primo de Rivera
1930 30 January Primo de Rivera replaced by General Dámaso Berenguer
1931 14 March Foundation of fascist newspaper La Conquista del Estado by Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
14 April Departure of King Alfonso XIII and the foundation of the Second Republic
Provisional government under premiership of Niceto Alcalá Zamora with Manuel Azaña as Minister of War, Indalecio Prieto as Minister of Finance
26 April Foundation of Catholic authoritarian party Actión Popular
10 October Foundation of fascist party Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista by Onesimo Redondo and Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
14 October Alcalá Zamora resigns as prime minister, replaced by Azaña
11 December Alcalá Zamora elected President of the Republic
14 December Azaña forms new government, retaining Ministry of War; Prieto moves to Ministry of Public Works.
15 December Foundation of Alfonsine monarchist society and journal Acción Española
1932 10 August Failed military coup by General José Sanjurjo
1933 8 January Police and Civil Guard massacre anarchist villagers at Casas Viejas (Cádiz); Azaña is blamed
28 February Acción Popular unites with other legalist rightist groups to form the CEDA – Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas
1 March Acción Española creates political front organization, Renovación Española
29 October José Antonio Primo de Rivera launches Falange Española
19 November Election victory for coalition of Radicals and CEDA
12 December Alejandro Lerroux forms an exclusively Radical government with the parliamentary support of Gil Robles’s CEDA
1934 11 February Falange Española merges with the Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista to become FE de las JONS
4 October Lerroux forms a new cabinet including three CEDA ministers
6 October General strike, left-wing uprising in Asturias and brief declaration of Catalan independence, both crushed by army
1935 6 May Radical – CEDA coalition government under Lerroux with Gil Robles as Minister of War, Luis Lucia as Minister of Communications

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