Covert Kisses

Covert Kisses
О книге

Sons of Stillwater: Jane Godman's heart-stopping new miniseries where no one is who they seem… Coincidence? The beauty who washes up on Mayor Cameron Delaney's private beach eerily resembles his dead girlfriend, Carla. But Laurie Carter, his wife’s cousin, is actually an undercover detective. She's on the job, investigating Cameron's connection to a human-trafficking ring. Laurie knows she must keep her cover – but she's struggling to deceive the man she finds irresistible…When Cameron discovers why Laurie is in town, he's furious to realize he's being framed – and stunned at his sudden feelings for the lovely agent. But as they uncover the traffickers, a savage serial killer targets Laurie. Can Cameron save the life of the woman he's come to care for…and unmask the threat haunting his family and Stillwater?


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Sons of Stillwater: Jane Godman’s heart-stopping new miniseries where no one is who they seem...

Coincidence? The beauty who washes up on Mayor Cameron Delaney’s private beach eerily resembles his dead girlfriend, Carla. But Laurie Carter, Carla’s lookalike cousin, is actually an undercover detective. She’s on the job, investigating Cameron’s connection to a human-trafficking ring. Laurie knows she must keep her cover—but she’s struggling to deceive the man she finds irresistible...

When Cameron discovers why Laurie is in town, he’s furious to realize he’s being framed—and stunned at his sudden feelings for the lovely agent. But as they uncover the traffickers, a savage serial killer targets Laurie. Can Cameron save the life of the woman he’s come to care for...and unmask the threat haunting his family and Stillwater?

“I’m not sure it’s safe for you to leave the cabin.”

Laurie’s eyes shifted again to the window. It was completely dark now. “Cameron, I’m a police officer. I’ve worked undercover many times. I’ve felt afraid before, but never like I did when I was here alone.” Her eyes seemed huge as they met his.

Cameron rose and went to the window, closing the drapes and shutting out the night. “Then we’ll just have to take care we don’t bump into our suspect.” He held out his hand. “Let’s get some sleep.”

She rose, coming to him and placing her hand in his. “Sleep?” There was a trace of disappointment in her voice.

“Among other things.”

She rose on the tips of her toes, fitting the contours of her body intimately to his. “It’s the other things that have me interested.”

* * *

Sons of Stillwater: Danger lurks in a small

Wyoming town

Covert Kisses

Jane Godman

JANE GODMAN writes in a variety of romance genres, including paranormal, gothic and romantic suspense. Jane lives in England and loves to travel to European cities that are steeped in history and romance—Venice, Dubrovnik and Vienna are among her favorites. Jane is married to a lovely man and is mum to two grown-up children.

This book is dedicated to Debbie, Dan and Luke.

And Gravy. Because, somewhere in the world, there should be a book dedicated to a dog called Gravy.

Chapter 1

Take his breath away.

That was her one and only aim for this first encounter, and Laurie Carter had three things working in her favor as she kept the target in her sights.

First, there was the understated designer swimsuit that molded itself to her curves, while also cleverly drawing attention to the length of her legs.

Then there was the fact that she was wading ashore onto his private lakeside property. As he sprang to his feet from the rock where he had been sitting gazing out across the water, no doubt he was about to point that fact out to her. Laurie did a rapid check, reconciling this man’s physical attributes with the photographs she had carefully memorized. Dark, wavy hair, swept back from a broad brow and worn slightly long so that it curled onto his neck. Deep-set eyes above high, Slavic cheekbones. A hawk-like nose and lips that were contrastingly full. She had the right man. There was no mistaking him. Tall and powerfully built, he moved toward her with the grace of an athlete, a frown line pulling his dark eyebrows together.

Judging the distance between them to perfection, Laurie waited until he was close enough. As she fell into a pretend faint, she saw shock and something more register in the hazel depths of Cameron Delaney’s eyes. Advantage number three was always going to be the one that clinched it. As his reflexes kicked in and he scooped her up into his arms, Laurie let her head flop back, allowing him a clear view of her face.

His exhalation was an audible hiss. Mission accomplished. The fact that she was trespassing on his land had been the thing that made him notice her. The swimsuit had drawn his attention to her curves and kept him looking. Neither of those things had succeeded in driving the breath from his lungs. That had been achieved for one reason only...because she was the mirror image of his dead girlfriend.

* * *

Pure adrenaline fired through Cameron Delaney’s nerve endings as he gazed down at the head resting against his arm. It’s not her. His head insisted on repeating that mantra, even as his heart tried to tell him a different story. Her eyes were closed, so he was free to drink in the features he thought he’d never see again.

Subtle differences began to imprint themselves into his brain. Her weight in his arms felt different. She was an inch or two taller, a few pounds lighter than Carla. Her hair was a tumbling mass. Even though this woman’s was wet, he could tell it was the same dark chestnut as Carla’s—although Carla’s had been longer and artfully streaked with lighter highlights. Carla’s skin tone had been a touch closer to gold than the pale porcelain he was studying so carefully now. This smattering of freckles would have been a cause for outrage if it had dared to spoil the perfection of Carla’s dainty nose and smooth cheeks. A corner of his mouth lifted in amusement as he imagined Carla’s horror at the prospect. My God, am I finally able to remember her with something other than guilt and sadness?

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