Cowboy in the Extreme

Cowboy in the Extreme
О книге

There's an intruder in my cabin!The moment he heard Kim Long's terrified voice on the phone, Brandon Woodstock knew he had to help her and her little girl. Once, he'd promised to love and protect Kim forever. Now, in spite of the secrets that had come between them, the Texas rancher intended to keep that promise. But rescuing Kim riled all the wrong people–and rekindled the attraction he'd thought ended with their broken relationship. Honoring his role as Kim's fiercest protector, he whisked her and her daughter to safety without considering the consequences. With a target on Kim's back and old wounds reopened, Brandon thought there'd be no more surprises. He'd never been more wrong.


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“There’s an intruder in my cabin!”

The moment he heard Kim Long’s terrified voice on the phone, Brandon Woodstock knew he had to help her and her little girl. Once, he’d promised to love and protect Kim forever. Now, in spite of the secrets that had come between them, the Texas rancher intended to keep that promise. But rescuing Kim riled all the wrong people—and rekindled the attraction he’d thought ended with their broken relationship. Honoring his role as Kim’s fiercest protector, he whisked her and her daughter to safety without considering the consequences. With a target on Kim’s back and old wounds reopened, Brandon thought there’d be no more surprises. He’d never been more wrong.

Kim knocked softly, then stepped into the doorway.

Brandon was pacing. A pair of well-worn jeans hung low on his lean hips, his broad chest shirtless, muscles bunching in his arms as he clenched the phone.

He pivoted as if he sensed she was there, then his gaze locked with hers. His eyes glittered with turmoil and other emotions she couldn’t define. But his hard, lean, muscular body robbed her breath and vaulted her back to a time when she would have run into his arms without a second’s hesitation.

So much had changed.

Cowboy in the Extreme

Rita Herron


Award-winning author Rita Herron wrote her first book when she was twelve, but didn’t think real people grew up to be writers. Now she writes so she doesn’t have to get a real job. A former kindergarten teacher and workshop leader, she traded her storytelling to kids for writing romance, and now she writes romantic comedies and romantic suspense. She lives in Georgia with her own romance hero and three kids. She loves to hear from readers, so please write her at P.O. Box 921225, Norcross, GA 30092-1225, or visit her website,


Brandon Woodstock—This rough-and-tumble cowboy had his reasons for leaving Kim five years ago. But now she and their daughter—a baby he never knew about—are in danger. He will give his life to protect them; but will he ever earn Kim’s trust and love again?

Kim Long—She needs Brandon to help her find her daughter, but she cannot lose her heart to him again.

Lucy Long—All this four-year-old wants is to come home to her mommy and daddy.

Carter Flagstone—Prison escapee, Brandon’s former best friend and Kim’s former lover. Has he come back to claim the little girl he believes is his and get revenge against Brandon for not giving him an alibi and keeping him out of jail?

Marty Canterberry Woodstock—Rumors claim Brandon’s ex is on the verge of marrying again. Are the rumors true, or is she still in love with Brandon?

Herbert Baxter—He owned the land where the kidnapper demanded Kim make the ransom drop. Is he behind the kidnapping?

Farley Wills—Brandon’s ranch hand recently came into a large sum of money. Was it a payment for the kidnapping?

Boyd Tombs—He hasn’t shown up for work since the kidnapping. Did he abduct the little girl for the money?

To my cousin Linda for being a great cousin, teacher and reader!

Chapter One

“Carter escaped from prison.”

“What?” Brandon Woodstock’s heart began to race as he heard the worry in his best friend’s voice. “How?”

“I don’t have all the details yet,” Johnny said, clearly agitated. “After the rodeo, I went to see him in prison and gave him the number of a P.I. I hired to investigate his case.”

“And he accepted your help?” Brandon asked. “I thought he hated both of us.” Brandon sank into the desk chair at the Bucking Bronc Lodge’s office wishing he was home on his own spread. He would be in a few hours. He couldn’t handle being on the ranch when Johnny’s sister, Kim, was here.

Kim, his first love, his only love.

The woman who’d betrayed him with Carter. The woman who’d had Carter’s child instead of his.

That hurt the worst....

“Not at first,” Johnny said. “But I convinced him to take the P.I.’s card and talk to him.”

“Now you believe he was innocent of murder?”

The three of them, Carter, Johnny and him, had been inseparable as kids. Kim had tagged along, the tomboy little sister, and aggravated the hell out of them.

Until she’d hit her teens and become a raging beauty. He’d fallen for her, then slept with her, much to Johnny’s consternation, although eventually Johnny had accepted them as a couple.

Then he’d made the worst mistake of his life by leaving her for another woman, one he’d thought would help him climb from the gutter of his trailer-park-trash past to success.

And it had worked initially. But then Brandon realized he’d crawled into bed with a snake and had been running from the venomous bite ever since.

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