Cultural DNA

Cultural DNA
О книге

A first-hand account of Ronald Reagan's leadership style, with personal insight and practical application. Lead Like Reagan is a guide to more effective leadership, inspired by the Great Communicator himself. Drawing upon his time serving Ronald Reagan, author Dan Quiggle relates lessons learned first-hand from his front row seat to history. Using Reagan and other prominent business leaders as examples, Quiggle illustrates what leadership looks like at the highest levels, why such leadership is effective, and how it can be successfully emulated. Readers will learn strategies to motivate, communicate, and inspire, forming a unique leadership template with personal application. Sitting at the feet of greatness and personally observing what Ronald Reagan did and said, made an indelible mark on Dan's own personal leadership style, shaping his thoughts about the key traits and actions of great leaders. In Lead Like Reagan, readers gain insight into both the personal attributes and leadership traits which are required to lead with vision, excellence, and impact. Practical advice and inspiring vision provide a template to: Assemble the right people to form a successful team Earn loyalty and commitment from others Lead by example to model excellence Manage crises by finding the opportunity in the midst of challenge Leave a lasting legacy of optimism and inspiration Leadership is a process of continual growth and Ronald Reagan provides an inspiring example. Lead Like Reagan is a meaningful and memorable guide to leadership, forging a framework for inspiring greatness and achieving success.


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title page

Cover design: C. Wallace

Cover image: Balloon Earth ©

Copyright © 2015 by Gurnek Bains. All rights reserved

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Bains, Gurnek.

Cultural DNA: the psychology of globalization / Gurnek Bains.

pages cm

Includes index.

ISBN 978-1-118-92891-2 (hardback: alk. paper) 1. Cultural intelligence. 2. Leadership – Psychological aspects. 3. Career development. 4. Culture and globalization. I. Title.

HM621.B343 2015

303.48'2 – dc23



From the start this project has been a family affair. My wife Kylie has provided much support in generating ideas. Her Australian cultural DNA has also ensured that the project actually happened, rather than staying a piece of “Indian reflective enquiry”. My two teenage children, Akal and Aman, have also helped. Akal's interest in economics and Aman's in psychology has meant that I have been able to give them significant sub-projects, in what we quickly discovered was a very ambitious undertaking.

I also want to thank everyone at YSC who has contributed and all of our global offices for their local insights. Our research department has also undertaken painstaking analysis of our database. I also want to thank Evgeniya Petrova, who did much of the literature research and Rosemary Burke-Kennedy who helped bring the manuscript to fruition.

Gurnek Bains

London 2015


We live in a world that is becoming flatter and flatter. Global business and trade, the ease of air travel and the unending flow of information and communication are all combining to create a kind of homogenized, cultural soup into which we are all being inexorably pulled. Whether you are in Beijing, Dubai, or Reykjavík, the ubiquity of global brands and the extent of cultural fusion can make everything around you look and feel comfortingly familiar, if somewhat blandly uniform. Backpackers know this and go to great lengths, admittedly sometimes in a self-defeating, cattle-like manner, to discover corners of the world that our global culture has not yet infiltrated or homogenized.

However, one theme emerges with surprising regularity when you talk to people who have moved to a different culture and lived there for some time – this surface similarity is something of an illusion only held by the transient tourist or business traveler. “You don't realize just how different this place really is once you have been here some time,” people who have deeper experience will often say. While things can appear familiar on the surface, over time a gradual realization sinks in that the deeper psychological and cultural instincts of different societies really are different in profound and nonsuperficial ways. You find that while it might have been easy to engage the culture initially, you eventually hit a permafrost layer through which an outsider cannot penetrate. Over time, you often become aware of just what you

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