Customer-Centric Marketing

Customer-Centric Marketing
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Anil K. Gupta, Vijay Govindarajan, and Haiyan Wang are among the most distinguished experts in the field of globalization. In The Quest for Global Dominance they present the lessons from their twenty-year study of over two hundred corporations. They argue that, in order for a company to create and maintain its position as a globally dominant player, executives must ensure that their company leads its industry in the following four essential tasks: Identifying market opportunities worldwide and pursuing them by establishing the necessary presence in all key markets Converting global presence into global competitive advantage by identifying and developing the opportunities for value creation that global presence offers Cultivating a global mindset by viewing cultural and geographic diversity as an opportunity, not just a challenge Leveraging the rise of emerging markets especially China and India to transform the company's growth prospects, global cost structure, and pace of innovation


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Customer-Centric Marketing
Build Relationships, Create Advocates, and Influence Your Customers
Aldo Cundari
Chairman & CEO, Cundari Group LTD
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Cover design: Wiley

Copyright © 2015 by Aldo Cundari. All rights reserved.

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Cundari, Aldo.

Customer-centric marketing: build relationships, create advocates, and influence your customers/Aldo Cundari.

pages cm

Includes index.

ISBN 978-1-119-09289-6 (cloth); ISBN 978-1-119-10261-8 (ePDF);

ISBN 978-1-119-10265-6 (ePub)

1. Relationship marketing. 2. Customer relations. 3. Marketing – Management. I. Title.

HF5415.55.C86 2015

658.8'12 – dc23



Dedicated to my darling wife, Livian, and five incredible children, Natalie, Christopher, Julia, Joseph, and Nicholas, who mean the world to me. I further dedicate this book to my Mom and Dad for taking that leap of faith to fulfill their dreams for a better life and settling in Canada. My heart will always belong to you.


Along with the overwork and hyper-speed environment that fills our day, the dedication and hard work involved in a project like this doesn't come along without the patience and support of some very talented individuals. It is their innovative spirit and creative talent for seeing what is just around the corner that makes our organization successful. So I thank all those who provided their input (thoughts and sweat) into making this book possible.

There are also people you meet in life who make a mark on you and, over time, they exit and reenter as though these encounters are destined and purposeful. Doug Moxon is one of those people. In the mid-1990s, Doug ran my U.S. regional office. After he left, we always stayed in touch, as if there were unfinished business. And this book is that unfinished business. Doug helped with the heavy lifting of research, editing, and being my debating partner for the ideas and concepts you will find in this book.

Let me also thank all those who have helped with their guidance and wisdom over the years and give a special shout-out to the many valued individuals who took the time to read the manuscript and provide their input. One in particular was Ronnie Cohen, who gave her time, energy, and love of writing to edit the book. I give my sincere thanks to the numerous employees, clients, and industry peers who have placed their trust in me and played important parts along this long journey. You make every day seem like it's a new beginning.



The starting point for this book came a couple of years ago, when after a 30-year absence, I reengaged with my love of fine art and sculpture. As a young man I had studied fine arts and intended to pursue a career as a sculptor. Since it was the late 1970s, I went off to the local library (definitely pre-Internet) to look for a school in Italy to explore my creative aspirations. I discovered the Istituto Europeo di Disegno in Rome, Italy. So off I flew to Rome to apply, gain acceptance, and become a fine artist.

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