Dark Flames

Dark Flames
О книге

Just as the vampire war escalates into a full-blown demon war, Zachary finds himself responsible for a beautiful necromancer who is connected to a dark moment in his past. He had watched her mother step across the thin line and straight into the arms of a demon. It was his job to make sure Tiara didn’t choose the same lustful path… unless it was with him. Now, with the demons closing in, the last thing he expected was for Tiara to be kin to them. As tempers soar and secrets are kept, jealously becomes a dangerous game. Someone should have warned her that when you play with fire you are bound to be burned.

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Dark Flames

Blood Bound Series Book 6

Amy Blankenship, RK Melton

Copyright © 2012 Amy Blankenship

Second Edition Published by TekTime

All rights reserved.

Chapter 1

Damon strode through the door of his penthouse and set Alicia on her feet. He hadn't said a word since they’d left Night Light, not quite trusting his voice or emotions.

The silence between them was deafening but Alicia didn’t have the courage to break it. When she felt his hand on her back, pushing her ahead of him into the living room, she got a clue as to how angry he truly was. Quickly turning around to keep him in sight, she silently watched as he jerked off his coat and tossed it clear across the room.

The trench coat landed on the back of the sofa but Damon had already forgotten about it, choosing instead to stalk his escape artist of a mate.

“Damon, wait,” Alicia felt the need to beg as she backed up.

“Wait for what?” Damon asked with a slight tilt of his head. He slowly chased her with a seemingly relaxed gait. “Wait for you to disappear the first moment I turn my back? You have no clue what’s lurking in the darkness out there. It’s not safe.”

“I’ve lived out there all my life. I’m not helpless anymore… you made sure of that when you turned me.” Alicia gave him a hard look but kept retreating, her self-confidence taking a beating as she felt his anger. “It’s not like I was running away from you.” She swallowed when he started unbuttoning his shirt with quick fingers.

Damon’s eyes narrowed, watching her as she slid behind the sofa… as if putting it between them would stop him. “Now where have I seen this before?” he asked with a tilt of his lips.

Alicia blanched at the frightening smile he gave her. “I asked you to take me to see him,” she pointed out.

“And I distinctly remember telling you no, not yet.” The muscles in Damon’s jaw jumped as he had a flash back of finding her hugging Micah. The way they had jerked away from each other was exactly why he hadn't wanted her anywhere near the other werecougar.

“Micah was worried… he loves me Damon,” Alicia tried the calm approach since he was allowing her to keep the sofa between them… for now. She blinked when he was suddenly beside her… on her side of the sofa, softly touching her cheek with his palm.

“And you think now is a good time to rub that in my face?” Damon asked in a deceptively light tone.

Alicia’s lips parted to retort but he was suddenly gone. She spun around when she heard the refrigerator door slam shut and saw Damon poring some of the blood into a glass. She frowned knowing he wasn’t injured… so why was he drinking blood?

Taking a couple tentative steps toward him but not brave enough to enter the kitchen she asked, “Why are you drinking that?”

They both flinched when the glass in his hand shattered.

Damon closed his eyes for a second then snapped them open, “I’m angry, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, and I was hoping this would give me the strength to hold it in.” He raised an eyebrow when Alicia used the speed he had given her to dart past him to the refrigerator. Within seconds she was putting a full glass of blood into the microwave.

Alicia felt a shiver when she turned around and Damon imprisoned her against the counter. He wasn’t saying anything… just trapping her there as he bent his head to her neck… not touching.

“What are you doing?” she whispered hoarsely.

“Testing myself,” Damon answered as he inhaled.

“What are you testing?” She leaned her head back due to the heat he was creating inside of her.

Damon pushed himself back so he could see her while he answered, “To see if I can keep my sanity while you smell like another man.”

He quickly caught the hand she aimed at his face and jerked her forward. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he warned. He released her wrist when the microwave beeped.

Alicia moved out of the way so he could get the glass himself. She frowned, “He’s my brother… it shouldn’t count.”

“And maybe it wouldn’t if you hadn't told him you were not true siblings.” The glass shattered in his hand again. “Damn it, I give up!” Damon growled in agitation looking down at the crimson liquid all over the tile. Tightening his fists at his sides, he brushed past her into the living room.

Alicia rubbed her temple now understanding, at least in his jealous mind, why he thought he had a right to be angry. She hadn't known he was listening when she’d told Micah they weren’t siblings. She was trying to make Micah feel better… not make Damon hold a grudge for life. Turning her head, she could see him standing in front of the wall-sized windows.

Damon watched her come toward him in the reflection in the glass. He couldn’t help the soft smirk that tugged at his lips when she wrapped her arms around him from behind. She was so small she was all but hidden from his view. Gripping one of her wrists, he pulled until she was in front of him with her back pressed against his chest.

“How long have you known that the two of you were not brother and sister?” he asked, locking eyes with hers in the reflection.

“Only a couple hours before I told Micah,” She snuggled backwards into the security his arms offered, “We talked about it tonight.” She felt those arms tighten and quickly elaborated, “The three of us are the only ones who know… besides Mrs. Tully because she delivered me. We both decided that we don’t want anyone else to know.”

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