
О книге

Nya lives in a world of pain.A kidnapped sister, a war-crazy tyrant and the dangerous power she dreads to wield darken her dreams. But Nya must face her ultimate fear – she must unleash her blue fire…Nya makes an epic return to her ravaged city of Geveg in a desperate attempt to find her kidnapped sister, Tali, and to overthrow the evil Duke for ever.As she and her friends makes the perilous journey across occupied land, Nya begins to transcend her orphaned outsider state to embody the face of Gevegian resistance, and a cult of worshippers grows around her.But can Nya live up to the expectations of the Sainters’ cult, and will she cave in to the temptation of manipulating them with her new-found powers in her bid to oust the Duke from power?An almighty battle against the Duke and his armies of Undying, awaits her and Nya must face losing more than ever before…


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Those I was born to, and those I chose.

The missing are harder to accept than the lost. My parents had been dead five years, but my sister? She’d been missing only three months. I’d grieved those who’d died, but I didn’t know how to feel about Tali. Guilt, fear, anger, hope – they came and left as fast as water birds taking flight.

She was out there, somewhere. A prisoner of the Duke’s, stolen from me just as he’d stolen the city of Geveg, the pynvium from our mines, the food from our tables. His greed had turned to war, and he’d crushed all of us under his boot, racing to get even more power. No one was safe, certainly not Tali.

Late at night, safe at Jeatar’s farm, I wondered if it was time to stop looking for her. I hated myself for thinking it, but it wasn’t just my life I was risking by trying to find her. My friends put themselves in danger every time we left the farm, and some had even got hurt because of me.

But then my guilt would haunt me. How could I stop looking? I’d made so many promises. Others had sacrificed so much to help me. It wasn’t just about one lost sister any more, but thousands of families ruined by the Duke of Baseer and his desire to control everyone in the Three Territories.

If I gave up on Tali, was I also giving up on them? On any chance we had to be free of him? To just be free?

Someone knocked on the door to the room I shared with Aylin. I didn’t want to answer. I’d tossed and turned all night, worrying and planning, and was really hoping to grab a few hours of sleep this morning now that Aylin wasn’t hogging the bed.

“Nya?” Danello said through the door. “Are you awake?”

Yes, but I didn’t want to be. We’d argued again last night. One of those dumb fights that started over nothing and ended with both of us storming off. If I opened the door he’d smile at me, and then I’d want to forgive him, and I wasn’t ready to forgive him.

Trouble was, I couldn’t remember exactly why we’d argued. But it had been his fault. I was almost sure of that.

“Nya, come on.” Danello knocked again. “You can’t still be mad at me.”

It had been over scouting reports, hadn’t it? Troop movements outside Baseer. I’d said that gave us an opening to sneak into the city, but Danello said it could be the army moving around again to make way for more soldiers. I said I wanted to leave by the end of the week – he thought we should wait until we had more information. I said something stupid and he said something stupid back.

“I have food,” he sang.

My mutinous stomach grumbled and I sighed. That was cheating, plain and simple.

“I have good food.” His sweet voice was light and playful. Hard to stay mad at him when he sounded like that. I pictured him out there, leaning on the door, his hair a mess from the breeze coming off the fields.

OK, maybe it wasn’t completely his fault. Aylin said I’d been grumpy lately – probably from lack of sleep. It wasn’t like he was telling me I couldn’t go, just that I should be extra careful, think things through first. Without knowing why the Duke was moving those troops around, caution wasn’t a bad idea.

And Danello had brought food.

I slipped out of bed, walked across carpet thick as my thumb, and opened the door. Danello carried no plate in his hands, but he did have a picnic basket.

I sensed a trap.

“I packed this full.” He held up the basket. Handmade from the looks of it, blue-reed weaves, too. Those didn’t come cheap. “All you have to do is come with me to get it.”

I hesitated. He wasn’t out of the woods yet, but if he had sweetcakes in that basket, I could manage a little forgiveness.


“Just to the gardens. Sunshine, fresh air.” He grinned, wide and silly. “It’ll be fun, and we could use a little fun.”

Aylin had been telling me the same thing. I grinned back. It had been a dumb fight anyway. “Let me get dressed.”

I shut the door and threw on some clothes, then ran a comb through my still-black curls. The dye Aylin had used to colour our hair and disguise us was starting to grow out, but unless I cut it as short as Danello’s, it would be months before I looked normal again.

Have you ever been normal?

I pushed the thought away as I opened the door. Danello beamed, his short blonde hair ruffled just like I pictured, his smile just as sweet. He offered me his arm and I took it.

“Did you pack sweetcakes?” I asked.

“You’ll have to come with me to find out.”

I followed, actually looking forward to something for a change.

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