Delphie and the Fairy Godmother

Delphie and the Fairy Godmother
О книге

Prima Ballerina Darcey Bussell takes you on a captivating journey to a faraway land of ballet and magic, the wonderful world of Enchantia! The sixth of sparkly new series for all young girls who dream of being a ballerina, or simply love to dance!Princess Aurelia has fallen under a wicked spell and just won’t wake up! Can Delphi and the Princess’s fairy godmother, Lila, find the prince can break the spell? Or will Aurelia remain asleep forever?


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Delphie and the Fairy Godmother

Darcey Bussell

To Phoebe and Zoe, as they are the inspiration behind Magic Ballerina.

Welcome to the world of Enchantia!

I have always loved to dance. The captivating music and wonderful stories of ballet are so inspiring. So come with me and let’s follow Delphie on her magical adventures in Enchantia, where the stories of dance will take you on a very special journey.

p.s. Turn to the back to learn a special dance step from me…

In the soft, pale light, the girl stood with her head bent and her hands held lightly in front of her. There was a moment’s silence and then the first notes of the music began. For as long as the girl could remember music had seemed to tell her of another world – a magical, exciting world – that lay far, far away. She always felt if she could just close her eyes and lose herself, then she would get there. Maybe this time. As the music swirled inside her, she swept her arms above her head, rose on to her toes and began to dance …

Delphie ran up the stone steps of the ballet school, excitement bubbling through her. It would soon be time for her ballet class. As she reached the big wooden door, she thought back to a time six months ago when she had walked past the building every day, wishing she could have lessons there. It had been like a dream come true when the teacher, Madame Za-Za, had seen her watching from outside the school one afternoon and offered to teach her for free. Delphie had learned so much since then – and had so much fun. She had performed on stage and, even better than that, she had been to Enchantia!

Delphie smiled to herself as she thought about the secret land. An old pair of red ballet shoes used magic to whisk her away there and whenever she went she ended up having an amazing adventure with her new friends.

I wonder when I’ll go to Enchantia again, Delphie thought, shutting the door behind her and running down the corridor to the changing rooms. She always liked to get to class early so she could practise before any of her classmates arrived.

As Delphie pushed back the door she saw a girl, just a bit younger than her, sitting on a bench in the changing rooms. She was pretty with big blue eyes and wavy blonde hair pulled back into a bun. Delphie’s heart sank. It was the new girl, Rosa.

She had started at Madame Za-Za’s ballet school a week ago. Delphie had tried talking to her a few times but Rosa just ignored her or answered questions with a brief “yes” or “no”.

As Delphie walked across the changing room, Rosa looked down, not saying anything.

“Hi,” Delphie said, trying to be friendly but Rosa didn’t reply.

Delphie started to take off her school uniform but it was strange getting changed in silence. Usually the girls all chatted together. “You’re here early,” she tried again.

Rosa nodded but just continued tying the ribbons on her ballet shoes without speaking.

There was a pause so Delphie tried again. “Did you dance a lot before you started classes here?”

“A bit,” Rosa said briefly.

At least it was a reply. Delphie felt encouraged. She usually got on with most people so she didn’t like feeling uncomfortable with Rosa. “You’re really good at petit jetés,” she said admiringly. “I was behind you in the last class. I wish I could do them as well as you.”

Delphie thought Rosa wasn’t going to say anything in return but then the new girl took a deep breath. “Yes. I’ve always found them easy. You find them hard, don’t you? I noticed in class. I… ”

Delphie was stung. “I don’t find them that difficult!”

Rosa suddenly jumped up and hurried out of the room.

Delphie stared after her crossly. The cheek of it! She’d been trying to be friendly! There’d been no need for Rosa to say she wasn’t good at something. Maybe she did find the small jumps springing from one foot to the other quite hard, but she could do lots of other dance steps OK. Rosa could have commented on those things instead!

Feeling fed up, Delphie finished getting changed. Once she was dressed she tied her long dark hair back and headed out to the ballet studio.

Rosa was in there practising a pas de chat. Delphie paused by the door. She loved the light sideways leap. You had to keep your knees out to the side, but Rosa was having problems and Delphie could immediately see why.

She’s springing off her front foot, she thought. Part of Delphie wanted to go straight in and help Rosa but at the back of her mind a small voice was saying, Why should you? She’s really unfriendly.

So Delphie decided not to help. The other dance studio was still empty; she’d go and warm up in there instead. As she turned away, she started in surprise. Madame Za-Za was watching her from the doorway of her office just down the corridor.

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